
Arc 1 - Chapter 1: Previous Before The Start

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"


[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to A+ - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to 40000

Description: Info on item

[Title] - Info

Arc 1 - Chapter 1: Previous Before The Start


So very cold.

Staring at the snowy night.

I'm so hungry...

"Huh? What's going on here?" I hear a voice.

Yet, I didn't bother to find this voice. I always hear voices and nothing would change for me.

"Now, who in the right mind would leave such a small child out in the middle of the cold night and while it's snowing at that."

A face moves into my line of vision, where I can see a boy around my age. Short spiky black hairs and black eyes. However, what scared me deeply is how it felt like staring into the abyss. A smile that's fake, for even someone like me could tell.

Also, I kinda feel a bit offended, that this boy would call me a small child when he is a child himself.

"Well, I can just leave you out here in the cold." The boy said to me, but I got the feeling he speaking mostly to himself instead. "Come on, let's get you somewhere warm."

Then, I felt myself being picked up and I couldn't do anything but allow myself to be kidnaped by another kid. Ironically, I know I'm a kid myself, but yet I felt I wasn't truly one for some odd reasons. Nor do I have any memory of who I am and just find myself here. Out in the middle of the cold night and being unable to move at all. Cold and very hungry.

I may as well see how this turns out while being taken away without being able to do a thing about it. Better than waiting for my death, something I knew I won't survive through the night and won't be seeing the morning.

Slowly, my eyes became heavy. No longer could I keep them open. Truly, this is funny since I could easily hold them open a few seconds ago. Yet, now it became too much for me. Against my will. My eyes shut and along with this. I have fallen asleep, where I'm deeply afraid if I ever open my eyes again.

An unknown amount of time later*

Opening my eyes, I see a white ceiling and I can feel the soft bed underneath me. The sound of laughter outside made me wonder where am I.

"I see you're awake now." I didn't have to turn my head to know this voice belongs to the same boy that kidnapped me, even if it means helping me survive through the night. Kidnapping is still kidnapping. Since I didn't go with him willingly. "You've been asleep for about three days now."

I look at the boy in surprise, that I been unconscious for that long. It felt like I just closed my eyes and opening it again with no time passed. In just a blink of an eye and I discovered it has been three days.

Hopefully, nothing bad had done to my body. Sure, I would have died a few days ago on a cold night, and wouldn't have mattered if something was done to my body. However, right now, I'm alive and not dead. So, I'm a little curious about during the time I was in a small coma. Something was done to me while I couldn't do anything to defend myself, not that I could in the first place, with this small body of mine.

"Hello? Can you speak?" The boy asked me.

Of course, I can speak. It's just that. I rather not speak at all if possible and I have no idea who this boy is. Furthermore, I still have no idea where I am.

"Hey, I know you're awake." The boy continues speaking.

I wonder if death is better than having to deal with this boy?

"What's your name? I'm Ragna! Ragna D. Mercer, it's nice to meet you!" Ragna introduces himself.

What kind of name was that? And what with the initial D? Was it stands for destroying one's hopes or something? Because the only thing I could think about why someone would name their child's first name being Ragna is related to Ragnarok. While Mercer is just plain weird due to it being completely out of place with the first two parts of the name.

"I take it that you can't speak yet." Ragna said to me. "Anyway, I hope you get better. Kinda hoping you would be my friend for helping you out."

Now, that just sad. Trying to save someone that's dying to make them as your friend is a bit much. Okay, this just made me pity Ragna now. Hopefully, he just very lonely and not messed in the head. The latter would make things difficult for me.

"By the way, since you won't be able to tell me your name for the time. Mind if I give you one? Of course, you can ignore the name I call you by for the time being, but at least it's better than just calling you, her, them, etc." Ragna didn't stop for a moment to talk.

I would say no, but I honestly can't even remember my own name. That's kinda sad as well. Wow, I wonder who in the world was I become finding myself looking at the cold night sky.

"Anyway, I think your temporary name until you tell me yours. Will be Setsuna. How about it?" Ragna look at me, eager to see if I'm happy with the name he gave me or not.


You've been named by one of the future True Gamers and given partial access to the Gamer's System that goes together with this specific future True Gamer.



You've obtained the specialized Sword Cultivation Feature!

Name: Setsuna Mercer

Sword Level Realm: 0 - 0/100%

Tier 1 - Entity: Mortal

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Reaction: 1

Endurance: 1

Flexibility: 1

SYSTEM NOTE: Tier 1 - Entity: Mortal

People placed under this category are mainly those that even mortal humans can defeat and for those with a limited lifespan. However, this doesn't mean one's strength is limited.


Strength, agility, reaction, endurance, flexibility are known as the [Five Major Attributes].

The strength attribute represented the ability to fight against resistance, in motion.

The agility attribute represented the muscles' actions: The contractions of one's muscles as well as their explosive strength.

The reaction attribute represented the level of efficiency with which the brain processed information input. The combination of the agility and reaction attributes represent the speed of each movement one could make in battle.

The endurance attribute represented the muscles' and the heart blood-vessels' endurance. The higher the stats, the more times one could execute one's techniques.

The flexibility attribute represented the degree of ease with which one could perform actions. The higher the stats were for the flexibility attribute, the steadier one's strength and speed, and the closer one would be to the maximum value of damage range. The attack's explosiveness would also be stronger, and the chance of injury reduced.

The five major attributes' effects did not grow in direct proportion to the number of stat points. 10 stat points in the strength attribute would give you more than a few times' increase in strength, compared to having only 5 stat points. It did not simply mean a two-fold increase in strength

SYSTEM NOTE: Leveling Tip

Leveling up the required experience, and there were three ways to gain experience. Firstly, to kill ferocious monsters or humans; secondly, to study and learn; and lastly, to train one's skills or physique.

Skills List:

[Gamer's Body] - Passive -

Description: Grant the user a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game. Pain from damaged would last for a few seconds. Sleeping heals all temporary status effects.

[Nurturing Techniques] - Passive/Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0/100%

Description: Focused on improving the user's body while in the process of training.

Passive Effect: Increase the [Five Major Attributes] by (level).

Active Effect: Gain EXP by (level)% per hour.

I look at this in disbelief and wonder if I've gone insane now. Yet, this floating blue screen continues to stay in front of my face.

Then, I became silent, not wanting to react to this since I noticed Ragna doesn't seem to see it or pay attention to the blue screen. Even then, I rather not bother getting close to Ragna. For one thing, I still have no idea where I am and what kind of person Ragna is, other than maybe a lonely kid, who seems to be this future True Gamer, whatever that is, and somehow gave me this weird blue screen.

And I wonder how long until it disappear-and it disappear the moment I think about it. Good to know.

I do wonder when are the parents or the adults of Ragna's family would show up.

"I guess I could come up with other names, but I feel like you're a Setsuna to me. Hope you don't mind." Ragna nods his head as if he came up with the best name he could ever think of.

At this point, I get what I can get. Better than some other bad names I can think of. So, Setsuna will do for now. Plus, I got this weird Sword Cultivation Feature.

"Anyway, I have to go. My family wants to teach me how to wield a sword! How cool is that?!" Ragna begins to brag about how his family is people who continue to learn about martial arts and among other things, that nearly the public doesn't bother to learn anymore unless it required in certain organizations. "So, get well soon!" Ragna rushes out of the bedroom without a second thought.

And now, I'm alone. Great.

I wonder how long will until I find a way to leave this room on my own. Seeing how my body isn't responding to me at all. Hopefully, it just my muscles that are very weak and I can gain back the ability to move again. Actually, going by the 1s on those stats. I shouldn't be surprised I can't move.

Now that I think about it. How old am I? I can't even recall that either. All I know is I have a child's body, that is small enough that even a child, like Ragna, can carry me away; well, I think he the one that carried me. Since I don't feel any bodyache like being dragged around.

I breathe deeply, wondering what I should even do with my life. It's not like I have any goals or anything, besides maybe surviving to adulthood. But even then, I might not want to.

Dang, it's pretty sad that as a child. I'm already having suicidal thoughts. This is just depressing and confusing. What is wrong with me? I'm pretty sure this isn't a healthy thing for me to have all these types of thoughts.

Well, I got all the time for me to think. I can't even move, let alone thinking about some ways to have a painless death.

I just hope I won't end up with a painful death of being annoyed by Ragna in some way.

Author Note:

So, here it is. I know it's short, like very short! Compare to the usual length of chapters I make.

However, I came up with some problems while planning this book 2 of the gamer series out, which will take a bit more time than I honestly thought it would take me. I kinda bit more than I could chew and end up with a few more problems than I realized at the time. Anyway, I've at least fulfill my promise to release book 2 before 2021.


As for when I'll upload more chapters for this book 2 of the Gamer series? Uh...

P.S. For those that are wondering about my progress in my project of finishing a story? HOLY SHIT! My brain is dying! I keep trying a different approach and discovered it will take me way longer than a month or two, but at the same time, I'm making lots of progress in more than one thing. So, for those that are waiting for me to complete this in a month or two. Sorry, it might take a bit longer than I thought and it much more helpful doing this than I thought. On the bright side, I think I may make this a permanent thing. The whole finish a story first before publishing it. Forget about making this into a part-time job or whatever. I realized that this will just push me into going further away from writing; well, typing I guess. It's a reason why I got into fanfic writing in the first place. Anyway, I'm still going to use my to-do my polls. I'm going to make one and let you guys pick out my next main focus. Including, the previous one I have done. This includes this book 2 of the gamer series.

Please have mercy and not pick this one!