
1. Bad day to be me

Hi to everyone, this is my first time writing here so I realy hope you like it, any recomendation or suggestions are more than greatful.


¨Adams, lets fucking go from here, they are pushing us to the canyon, if this continue all of us will get killed¨ I said exalted without seing my partner at all.

Nobody answer, I quickly turned and looked all around, a thick fog did not let me see more than 1 meter away.


That was the sound of a bullet , with that in the mind, I ran into the fog in direction of the noise.


"Another time" I whisper, runing even faster.

"Adaaaams....., Adaaaams" I roar to the air.

Close to the shooting, in the distance two enemy soldiers, were finishing off the dead bodies on the ground, I crawled to the ground and hid behind a tree, while watching from afar could hear a conversation between them.

"That was fucking easy men" Soldier 1 say, in a playful tone, while finishing off one of my colleagues .

My blood was boiling, I clenched my fists and teeth. Tired of listening, took my gun and aimed at the head of one of them, since I was still agitated, tried to calm my breathing .

"For sure" say the another soldier in a calm tone while shooting the last dead body, "Well that was disappointing" continued, "lets go its time for the second part of the plan" he said as he turned to leave.

Pum! The sound of a single bullet echoed throughout the forest.

The body of the first soldier fell to the ground, without a sound. The other quickly became alert, took out the gun that was strapped to his waist, looking everywhere in search of his target, from his back I approached him stealthily, once I was right behind him, applied a key to knock him out.

////// 1 hour later /////

As soon as my hostage woke up, I set out to interrogate him.

"Motherfucker, were is the rest of my squad?" I asked, punching him in the stomach.

When I hit him, he spilled some blood, but kept his mouth shut.

"I will ask you this just one more time, WHERE IS MY FAMILYYY?" I shouted as I put my knife right on his neck, pressing it and pulling out blood.

"This is bigger than you Markus, don't even try it old man." as he looking up to the sky he told me.

Why he now my name? This is turning too suspicious, while thinking I press more the knife.

"Goodbye Asshole" he said, as swallowing something.

"NO, NO, NO!" Trying to get whatever he swallowed out, I shout

Despite my attempts, the body began to convulse and quickly became lifeless, apparently it had swallowed a cyanide pill and there was nothing to be done. I examined his body, I picked up from his suit several things,like a radio or a map but one of them was a small photo of me, with my name and military identity, on the back it had my name in code and some weak physical aspects.

This soldier had classified information in his hands, if all the enemies had something like this, the most probable is that the my whole squad was exterminated.

All of them... could be dead... A small tear ran down my face and finally fell. I quickly removed that thought from my mind, there is still a chance that they are still alive and have managed to escape, I have to find them, but first get out of here.

While thinking about what to do, I could hear a small noise from the enemy's radio, took it and brought it close to my ear.

"Yo..fdsds.u Ard.e.sfs surro...unded Marckus!"

It was someone talking. "Markus" I could hear that despite the interference, It could be some of my fellows which may have an enemy radio.

"Its me Markus" I speak to the radio

"Yo..fdsds.u Ard.e.sfs surro...unded Marckus!"

Another time the same message

"surrounded" I whisper for me

Wait a moment, I became alert at once, looked around me, from the background of the trees and the thick fog emerged more than 20 soldiers on all sides around me. Shit, I think I'm in trouble.

"Clap,Clap" from behind I could hear

"Markusss, long time without seeing you b.r.o.t.h.e.r" the person says in a playfull tones

It can't be, it can't be the person I think it is, I turned around and there he was, Deputy Commander Adams looking at me haughtily as if I were a cockroach.

"What.... ttt-he fuck is This Adams" I said in a low tone of voice and almost trembling.

"Hahahah what do you think it is? my dear captain"

I was completely surrounded, while we were talking I thought of several ways to escape, but in all of them will end up dead. I am really devastated, how is it possible that this is happening, a few days ago everything was fine. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, FUUUCK

"I can't believe you're doing this to me" I looked at him disappointed, " I consider you as a brother, fucking asshole, what do you plan to make me?"

"Welllll you are an obstacle in my goals so you will have to die... HAHHAHAHA" he said with a laugh, "Okey, no more conversation it's time to say goodbye" getting serious

He approached me, being face to face and with a smile,he took out the knife and stabbed it mercilessly in my heart, without time to react my eyes began to close, slowly my body fall until touch the floor, the last thing I coul see was him, my brother, turning around to leave without looking back.


So this is the final of the first chapter, I hope you enjoy it, as I enjoyed writing it.

Any recomendation or suggestion in the comments, I will be reading them

See you soon!! :)
