
All for one, and One for All.


We cut to a flashback of a younger Isagi, a determined and ambitious boy who loves playing soccer. He is playing with a group of kids on a dirt field, trying his best to win the match.

One of the children, a skilled player, challenges him to a one-on-one duel.

They exchange moves, and Isagi tries his best to keep up, but ultimately, he loses the one on one, and falls to the ground, exhausted.

As he gasps for air, Isagi's eyes scan the field, trying to understand where he went wrong.

Suddenly, he notices something strange happening on the ground.

The dirt beneath him starts to glow, as if marking his position with a bright, white line. Then, another line appears, extending from the other player's feet and intersecting with Isagi's line.

Isagi watches in amazement as more lines and arrows materialize on the field, showing him the movements of the other players.

"What's happening? I can see everything!" he exclaims to himself. He sees everything so clearly now, as if he has gained a new perspective.

He notices how the other players move their feet, how they shift their weight, and how they position their bodies.

He analyzes their movements with a sense of wonder and excitement.

"What is this? How can I see everything so clearly?" Isagi wonders to himself.

He realizes that he has gained a unique ability to perceive the movements of the other players, something beyond the capabilities of ordinary players.

Isagi starts to move in sync with the lines and arrows, dodging other players effortlessly and making precise passes.

He feels a newfound confidence and sense of control over the game.

From that day on, Isagi was never the same. With his Supreme Perception, he knew he had the potential to become the best striker in the world.

"Becoming the best..." Isagi whispers to himself, lost in thought as he looks around the field.

For a moment, he seems to be in another world, lost in his own thoughts and ambitions.

\Scenery: The Match between Ichinan and Matsukaze\

A few years had passed since Isagi's encounter with the strange lines and arrows on the dirt field.

Now, he was playing for Ichinan High School against their opponent, Matsukaze Kokuō High.

The score was 1-0 in favor of the opposing team, and Isagi had the ball.

As he ran towards the goal, he dribbled past one of the enemy's defenders.

Just as he was about to score, his teammate called out to him, "Isagi, pass!" Isagi quickly scanned the field and noticed that there was no arrow pointing towards his teammate.

"So he'll miss... How pitiful." Isagi thought to himself. "I can't let that happen. I'll just have to take the shot myself."

An arrow appeared, pointing towards the goal.

Without hesitation, Isagi decides to charge towards the goal, the defenders hot on his heels.

With the ball at his feet, he unleashes a powerful shot, the ball flying past the goalkeeper and into the net.

The crowd erupts into cheers as Isagi's eyes glow white, a sign that he has used his Supreme Perception ability once again.

"Isagi, you're amazing!" his teammate exclaims. Isagi, with a calculating gaze, confidently and replies, "Of course I am."

Although Isagi's control over the field is clear to everyone, there's one defining issue: Isagi's teammates cannot keep up with Matsukaze Kokuō's attacks.

While Ichinan acts as an attacking unit, it is not effective if they cannot keep up with Isagi's demands as their striker.

Thus, when Matsukaze's Striker, Ryosuke Kira, gets the ball, he and his team, who act as one unit, begin to overwhelm Isagi and his team.

The ball is passed to Kira, who expertly dribbles past Ichinan's defenders with a series of quick one-twos with an unnamed player.

Isagi attempts to cut off their passes, but multiple defenders from Matsukaze's marks him, leaving him unable to stop their advance.

Isagi thinks to himself, "Dammit, I'm being suppressed, and my teammates are not doing well enough... I'm just being held back by my teams trash attempt at soccer."

Kira breaks through Ichinan's defenses and takes a shot, scoring another goal for Matsukaze Kokuō, making it 2-1.

The crowd erupts into cheers as Matsukaze's players celebrate their lead.

Meanwhile, Isagi looks around the field, his eyes scanning for weaknesses in Matsukaze's defense.

As Kira scored, Isagi's mind raced with the possibilities of how the game could turn around.

However, he couldn't shake off the feeling that his team was still not up to par with their opponents. Nevertheless, he remained determined to achieve victory.

With the clock ticking down and little time left, Isagi received the ball. Kira confronted him, and Isagi's expression was stone-cold, focused on the goal.

They clashed in a fierce struggle, neither willing to back down.

Isagi noticed the arrows pointing towards a rainbow movement, signifying he had to get the ball over Kira.

Following the arrows, he executed a perfect rainbow flick, passing Kira with ease.

But, his celebration was short-lived as two defenders closed in on him.

With no options, Isagi passed to his teammate, who attempted to dribble past Kira.

However, Kira was not to be fooled, stealing the ball and launching another attack.

Isagi had always relied on his teammates to help him win. But as the match progressed, he realized that he couldn't depend on them all the time, and that he is always being held back by others.

He had to take matters into his own hands and change himself to adapt to every situation. His eyes had taught him that.

Seemingly moving without control of his own body, With a fierce look in his eyes, Isagi makes one final push.

He manages to stop Kira's advance and steal the ball from him, but just as he's about to make a final shot, the whistle is blown and the match ends.

As the whistle rang and the match ended, Isagi stood there, his heart pounding in his chest.

He made a promise to himself that he would never lose hope again, even when things seemed impossible.

He would always keep fighting until the very end.

\Scenery: Isagi cycling home, and him at home\

As Isagi cycled home, he replayed every moment of the game in his head, analyzing his own performance and that of his teammates.

He couldn't help but feel frustrated at the missed opportunity to make it to Nationals.

His pride as a striker was hurt, but he also knew that he couldn't blame his team entirely.

He was at fault for not originally acting selfishly, though, he knew now that he can only rely on himself.

When he arrived home, his parents told him about the invitation to Blue Lock, a new training facility.

Isagi was intrigued, but also hesitant. "I don't know if I want to join some random training camp," he said, "But if it'll help me become a better striker, then maybe it's worth considering."

His parents smiled at his response. "We just want you to be happy and fulfilled, Isagi," his mother said kindly. "If this is what you want, then we support you."

Isagi nodded, grateful for his parents' support.

He knew that his pride was on the line, but he also recognized the importance of improving himself as a player. He made up his mind to give Blue Lock a chance.

"I'll think about it," he said, still calm and calculating. "But I need to do some research first and make sure it's worth my time."


(A/N I hope you enjoyed this little scenario. How will Yoichi Isagi progress in Blue Lock? Check out the next chapter, in order to find out!)


Shlawlucreators' thoughts
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