

Kirigaya_22 · Fantasie
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31 Chs


She tried talking to the flowers to share their nutrients but they wouldn't agree stating that the weeds were taking a larger portion of their nutrients. And when she tried talking to the weeds, they wouldn't agree stating that the flowers were weak and had to fight for their turf.

Frida came to a decision that the weeds were at fault so they should be uprooted. But, anytime she tried to uproot the weeds, they would increase their grasp on the soil making it hard for them to be uprooted.

She sat down thinking of a way to peacefully resolve the problem when a message appeared in front of her.

[Congratulations, new skill unlocked: Battle Weed]

When she saw this message, she thought of it as a solution to her problem.

[Battle Weed]

Activating the skill, the weeds uprooted themselves and walked behind Frida like normal humans. The flowers thanked her and she left the garden, she couldn't just leave the weeds to die so she looked for a place to plant the weeds which she found outside the school then she came back into the school feeling good about herself.


Meanwhile, Joe was thinking for a way that he could level up without using up his AH points. His searching led him to the bubble network.

It was an internet page were questions could be asked and answered by individuals. He typed in his user ID Joe and went on to the search option.

{How to train without using up AH points}

Immediately many suggestions came up from different people. Joe started scrolling through the suggestions and reading them until he saw one of them which he liked.

{Get a VR capsule, here, abilities can be used without wasting AH points}

He went to the online mall, typed in the VR capsule but only one result came up from a company known as ultimo. It was sold at 500,000 credits.

The amount for the capsule had more zero's than he had ever seen in his life. "I can't buy it" Joe said "even if I sold all the items in the portal store, it wouldn't even go half way" Joe said as his door was swung open.

He thought it was one of the boys so he didn't worry but when he turned his head, he was surprised to see Stacy standing in his room.

"Hey Stacy, what brings you here today?" He asked her "some time ago, you told me that you sold some cores your dad gave you right?" "Yeah, that's right" "pls, don't get angry but which cores did you sell?" "Um I sold some thundercon cores" "then I was right" "about what" "I was the one who bought one of the cores you sold" "I figured as much during the test yesterday" "so, can you please get me some thundercon cores?" "Yeah but what do you need them for" "I need to level up my falcon before the combat class" "alright, maybe I can get it for you by tomorrow" "thanks so much"