

A sea of flames, that seemingly stretch towards the horizon. Ruins of once a great kingdom threatening to crumble into nothing but dust. Countless bodies litter the entire area, filling it with the rotting stench of death and decay.

A distant sound of cackling haunts and pervades my ears. It sent shivers down my spine as I glare at its general direction.

From a distance a tall and lanky humanoid was walking towards me with giddy steps. Pale grey skin, Twin horns that protrude where it's eyes should be. A large gaping maw morphed into a twisted grin.

I try to force my self back up but my hands slipped from the blood on the ground. I struggle to stand as more blood seeped out of my open wounds. I was helpless to stand against the unstoppable force infront of me.

It wasn't a demon it was nothing like them. It wasn't an angel of death either. It was far more ancient akin to a calamity. No one... Not a single dweller of this realm could stand against its might. Everyone except me has been felled by this monstrosity.

My enemies burned into nothingness, my loved ones beaten and slain into oblivion. Both flora and fauna have already decayed. It was the end of life itself. The cold undaunted ruthless menace of unlife.

It stood infront of me as he held my long black hair. His face neared me as a strong feeling of fear gripped my entire being. My yellow eyes narrowed as I channeled Ki into my hands to form a glowing crimson blade and sent a slash towards him.

A pathetic attempt to struggle one last time on my part. It laughed as it swatted away my arm lightly, immediately breaking it. I winced in pain as I held my screams in. I wan't to maintain my dignity as a Warrior atleast. Call it stubborness I call it a Man's Pride... or atleast what's left of it.

After it noticed my struggles stopped, it finally spoke.

"I hope you're aware that you're the only one left alive in this realm. All of the Minor Gods, Angels, Demons, Immortals, Mortals... I've culled them all. Why do you struggle? Nothing more than a wisp of a dying ember." It said taunting me.

It chuckled as it clutched me at the back of my neck as it raised me into the air with its long arm.

"Look around you, the prevalent stench of rustic iron and brimstone. Wonderful isn't it? Only few are graced with the beauty of the apocalypse. Only the chosen ones are granted this mercy, burn it into your retinas as you watch your world crumble." It said as it cackled madly.

I stared at the setting sun, whislt waiting for the end. This beast taunts me endlessly, seemingly going out of his way to break me. But, no... Not yet.

I bit my lips as I glared at the horizon, my dried up tearducts moisten in frustration. Am I truly powerless to stop this thing? Is it even worth it to fight when I've no one left to fight for? My eyes slowly drift downwards at the barren ground.

I close my eyes as I await the end. I often wonder if all the decisions that I made throughout my journey have led to this moment. Have I truly done what I can to stop it the calamity. Was it really worth it losing everything so I could try and win this meaningless war? It was akin to stubbornly banging my head agaist a steel wall to solve a problem. Refusing to give an inch only for me to watch my world slowly fall into ruins.

My eyes grew heavier by the minute. I could feel the end coming for me. My body is slowly getting colder by the moment. Then suddenly as my eyes grew dim a hot sensation wrapped my around body. My breathing became stable as light slowly came back to my eyes.

I could feel my body telling me to get the fuck back up, it's not over yet. It felt like was being shaken from the core. Like I was rocking back and forth. I could feel the energy filling me back up giving me the means to fight back.

I gathered strengh on my leg as I stomped on the ground embedding my feet on the ground. I manifested a blade light on my hand as I cut my long hair to free myself from the this things grasp. Then I spun as I used my free leg to kick myself away from him.

I tumbled and rolled on the ground as I glared at the creature seemingly bemused by my struggles. "OH!!! That's what I like to see... The stubborness of your kind. It's endearing." It said as it held its stomach from laughter. It lowered its stace as it raised its hand as it slowly morphed into something sharp. The creature bolted towards me as it swiped just as fast. I dodged slightly as I felt my entire body shaking, not from fear but from something else. It was like something was shaking me from beyond.

I grit my teeth and glared at the mostrosity infront of my. However as I prepare to counter attack I heard a voice distracting me from the fight.


I clutched my head from the loud voice invading my head, howeer that lapse of judgement proved to be my downfall. I felt a cold object enter my stomach. As I look down as the voice got louder and louder, I saw my insides spilling out of me as the creature pulls out its hand clutching my guts.

I stopped the urge to vomit as I glared at it's menacing grin. It shook it's head, "A damn shame, pathetic till the end..."

Then suddenly as the life slowly drains out of me, my eyes gradually losing clarity. A loud and resounding voice boomed beside my ear.

"Wake the fuck up newbie!"

After that loud voice I felt a stinging sensation on my cheeks as I open my eyes followed by a loud slap. I opened my eyes and saw a different scene. A farcry from the rubble and ruin from earlier.

I held my face as I looked around. It looked like I was trapped in a metal box. It was shaky and it felt like it was moving. As I slowly gathered my wits I realized I was inside a truck. Wait... A truck? What the fuck? Where am I?

I looked towards the man beside me. He was a tall and gruff man wearing some sort of black sweater. He was riddled in scars and was wearing a really mean glare. He looked like he could bench press a goddamn truck. It's like a bear wearing a skin. I wanted to ask that's going on, but before I could even open my mouth he sighed and spoke. "For a fucking newbie you sure have the guts to sleep on your first fucking day! I like your moxxie kid!" He said loudly earning a chuckle from everyone inside the moving truck.

None of what he sade made any sense to me however I just nodded along. My head felt muddled as various thoughts memories and knowledge flowed inside my head. It ws painful, like my head was being split apart.

The man beside me raised his eyebrows as he looked around. "Alright fess up you fucks! Which one of you dickheads gave the newbie some Red?" As he asked everyone looked away and whistled. "Sonuva... You idiots really like to push my buttons." He said as veins slowly popped out of his head.

He patted my back as he slowly soothed me. Apologies bear man I judged you too early. You're alright... I tried to stop myself from spillin my guts. "Christ, You dont give Red to the newbies! Didn't you louts learn anything!?" He shouted towards the men wearing the same outfit as him. Come to think of it, fuckin A... I'm wearing the same fucking thing...

The man on the furthest seat coughed. He was a tall and lanky man. Baggy eyes and a nasty grin. "He was quakin in his boots before we went wheels up. Gotta give him something before he fucked anything up." As I felt my entire body cooling down and the headache slowly disappearing I still can't piece together why I'm here. My head's a fucking mess...

The man spoke to me, "Ignore his words newbie. Everyone fumbles on their first day. Just follow my lead and everything will be fine and dandy.

Then suddenly I felt the entire truck stop on it's tracks with a loud screech. The man beside me stopped patting my back as the expression on his face grew colder. "Enough playin around. you fuckers better not screw things up. Newbie, you're with me." He said as he stretched and took out a black cloth like object from the duffel bag on his feet. He handed me the other one while he wore the one on his hand, on his head. He then proceeded to hand me a gun.

"Eyes up newbie. They'll never see us coming." He said as he grinned beneath his ski mask. It suddenly clicked inside my head. Suddenly I felt like puking again.

I couldn't help but say outloud.

"Wait... What the fuck?"

Prologue done. I always want to rewrite the trailblazing harem god. As it was parody/satire this aint gon stray from it's roots. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the prologue.

I always imagine the end of this chapter is a freeze frame. While that iconic music plays in the background as the screen slowly fades to black. With the MC wearing this dumb expression on their face.

FrostByte47creators' thoughts