
Chapter 1: The Smell and The Creature

There was a breeze that swept through my room which woke me up, my head instantly had this pulsating headache and I dont know where it came from. I gotten up slowly while rubbing my face but I soon stood still as I didn't hear any type of foot movement down below on the street. No type of car engines turning on or anything it was just plain quiet. All I can hear was a dripping noise of water falling from the faucet and splashing on the metal bottom. The wind picked up and came from under my door which brought a strong disgusting smell with it. It had a metallic taste to it and a copper smell which greatly corresponds to the smell of blood. The dripping noise came to a stop and the wind slowed down and I had an eerie feeling something was wrong. So I decided to head towards the window and examine the street below but as I did, I noticed an object fall right passed the window and down towards the street. A large thud was heard and I looked down...my face changed from curious to horrid as I saw a body lay straight down below. I looked at the sky and saw the bloodiest moon that boiled my blood under my skin, I felt dizzy and quickly looked away back towards the body.

Horror hit my eyes as the body started to twist and contract into a small ball with the bones piercing through its skin and falling out. Then it began to bubble up and finally exploded, blood was everywhere. It was dripping off cars that were parked and off of Windows into a single puddle in the middle of the street. The puddle began to bubble and started to gain some type of mass and transformed in to a creature out of a horror movie. It was first a blob of red mass in which gained some legs and wings out its back, has no types of eyes or ears. It's mouth had rows of teeth in which moved back and forth causing a grinding noise that I could hear from the 5th story window. It then looked or I thought looked right at me and gave out a large screech that was ear piercing in which it spread outs its wings and blasted off the ground towards my window.

I quickly moved away and shut the window in attempt to stop it from getting in but my efforts were in vain. The crashing sounds of the glass fell towards the floor and the screeching noise of pain can be heard from the monster. I was paralyzed for at least 10 seconds staring at the creature, I almost forgot that I needed to get away as soon as possible. I tripped on my way to the door and my hand landed on a sharp piece of glass that pierced my hand and blood shot everywhere. I clutched my hand and pulled the shard out causing pain to shoot up my arm. I looked back towards the creature and noticed it acting weird since no noise came from it but it's face is looking towards me with a slight glimpse of curiosity. A puddle of my blood went towards the creature and was absorbed by its bloody mass. At the same time the pieces of glass in its skin fell out and the holes it caused were disappearing.

I got up quickly but pain shot through me in intervals causing a headache to happen. I grabbed the doorknob and bolted out the door and closed it behind myself. The flickering light in the hallway gave the apartment building even a creepier look, besides the creature scratching the door behind me. I ran down the hall and ran past the first flight of steps and I seen about five of the same monster eating a body of a child, tearing the flesh and the intestine off of him. They gave no attention to me as I ran past and got to the end of the hall and entered those steps to proceed up to the roof. I have a feeling that if I get on top then I could see what's going on since out my window all I see are the other buildings and the street. I reached the top and went out the door and onto the roof the moon loomed over the city and the wound on my hand started to burn. I screamed so loud that I heard a loud roar in the distance, I turned over my hand and inspected what was going on. The blood was going back into the cut and the skin was being put back in place, finally it sealed up.

I instantly felt light headed like the world around me was spinning at a speed that was outrageously incomprehensible to human beings. I felted the liquid in my stomach run right up my throat and onto the roof floor splattering everywhere around my feet. A ringing sound started which caused my nose and ears to bleed also, the last thing I heard were footsteps behind me in the building. I thought I was a goner but I heard the yells from a man ordering people to get me.

"Hey!! Kid are you stupid or something!....Stay with me come on!!"

"Go get him and bring him in, before he mutates!!........Hurry! We are on limited time to get to the plane by sun fall later tonight!"

I mumbled a few words as I felt my body be lifted up and brought into the building, a young woman about my age looked at me and said something but couldn't figure out anything. My eyes began to get heavy and eventually the toll that my body withstood had an effect on me, I passed out being carried away....