
Chapter 2


"I refuse to let you send my son to his death." The Luna Queen of the Hellhounds fumed in all his 5feet glory, his straight blonde hair streaming out behind him as he paced from one end of the glamorous bedroom to the other.

"Crescent, babe, could you possibly let this matter rest for a couple of minutes and let me get my damned sleep."

"Don't babe me, Tempest." He fired back testily, his short, sheer robe whirling around his slender body. "You're the bloody Hell-hound King, your word is law. Now give me one bloody reason why my only son is going into that cursed place."

Tempest breathed out through his mouth, he loved his Queen, he really did. But the angelic looking Hound could try a saint.

"I've explained this so many times pumpkin," he said with aggravated patience that he wasn't feeling.

"Azure broke a treaty and should have paid with his life and the only request Nirvana asked for was that he be married to her daughter for a century. I still wonder how we were able to get away with that light penalty." He mused, more to himself than his steaming wife.

"And I as I've said every time you explain it to me. I. Don't. Bloody. Care." Crescent bit out.

Tempest massaged the oncoming storm, brewing in his head.

This was exactly why he didn't tell him years ago, his Queen would flip. Lose his shit. Then try something crazy, like knock his son out with some strange concoction for a century, or storm into the Cubi palace and threaten the Queen.

"Crescent we're fucking immortal, it's like asking Azure to go on a date with the Cubi Princess. Technically that's what's happening right now, so I see no reason why you are so worked up about it." He concluded, throwing a massive arm over his face. His mahogany braid twinkling under the discreetly placed lights.

Tempest could hear his wife try to reign in his anger and he knew he was rapidly losing.

"Don't fucking act like I'm bonkers and irrational like some hormone monster." Crescent snarled out and Tempest was starting to worry if the Luna was pregnant.

"And why for hell's sake am I restricted from seeing my son?" He blazed out, glaring daggers at his obstinate husband.

How couldn't Tempest see the icing covered trap, was way beyond him.

Tempest took his arm away from his face to look his beautiful Queen in the face, "Because, pumpkin you aren't thinking quite clearly just now. You are allowed to see your son in the Cubi Kingdom and of course he'll visit, he's not a prisoner." He said logically.

Crescent felt like hurling a flame ball at the smug Hound lying on the larger than life sized bed but Unfortunately, said Hound was immune to fire and he would just end up scorching his bed at least and turning it to red ashes at most.

He would have taken the risk anyway but they couldn't keep setting fire to their beds everytime they had an argument.

"You want to toss me a flame ball, don't you?" The King observed dryly.

"More than you could possibly imagine." He bit out tightly.

"Azure will be fine, he thinks of this as an adventure of sorts."

"Of course, he's just going on a century long date with our arch enemy's daughter. What could possibly go wrong?" Crescent chirped with faux glee.

"Even though I can't feel the burn from your white, hot, flame balls. Your sarcasm is more deadly, now come over here."

Crescent felt the fight leave his fragile body, this was a very lenient penalty but he couldn't help feeling that there was more to it.

He crawled across the wide expanse of satin sheets and crawled into his husband's warm arms. His golden head buried in Tempest's neck.

"Will you let me see him off?" He asked quietly, his voice muffled against Tempest's skin.

Tempest hesitated for a minute too long.

Crescent shot up in indignation, "Hades! You don't trust me?"

"It's not a matter of trust pumpkin, I know you well my love." He pushed a hand through his golden locks. "Fine." He acquiesced after a particularly adorable pout from Crescent.

"But, promise me you won't try anything funny." He insisted, pulling his stubborn wife back into the safety of his arms.

"I promise darling." He agreed quickly, too quickly.

"You promise not to try and make Azure fall asleep for a hundred years?"

"I promise."

"Also not to try and stop time?"

He rolled his thickly lashed eyes but agreed.

"And you promise not to clone someone to take his place?"

Crescent's sky blue eyes darkened but he nodded his cute head. "Fine."

"You promise not to feed him a love potion so he won't be attracted to the princess?"

"Who's side are you on anyway? You bloody bastard. Fine I won't do that either. Are you done yet?"

"Not quite, you won't also make him fall in love with you?" Tempest pressed, looking straight into his Queen's eyes.

"What is this? The blasted inquisition?" He bit out with barely suppressed fury.

"Promise me babe." He insisted calmly.

"What's so wrong with it being me anyway." Crescent pouted childishly, his arms crossed.

"Because you're his fucking mother! You can't make your son bloody fall in love with you."

"Fine, fine, no need to get your panties in a twist." He said dismissively.

"Also don't do anything that might jeopardize this transaction." He added.

"Then what the fuck have we been talking about all along?" Crescent demanded, straddling him.

"You have a way of bending rules to suit you." He shrugged.

"Shut up and fuck me."

"As his Majesty wishes."

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