1 1.BORN


Victor heavenclaw ran to the top speed, dashing through the woods trying to escape what ever was chasing him

Victor kept running and running without even knowing it he had reached the end of the woods up ahead was a cliff. He turned around to see if he was still safe but to know avail. Whatever was chasing him still found him. He looked at the red eyes shooting back at him.....but he wasnt afraid he was never afraid he looked straight back at it....smiling, he thoght "maybe jumping off the cliff isn't that bad"

Without a second thought he ran straight towards a cliff and dived deep into the ocean with only one thing I its mind...."I will get you one day Hance"


"Have you heard the announcement the heavenclaw family will have another noble birth" a beutiful maiden spoke with smiles in her face

"The heavenclaw family have quite a treasure pot within that can give them noble births..ever since victor died the heavenclaw family members havent come out yet and within 50 years we hear a new babyborn and yet a noble birth,...I cant believe it" the maiden continued telling the people around her.

"The heavenclaw family was a descendant of a beast God Terefest who was known to be able to call on and use the spirit of every kind of beast even humans themselves...I wonder if this new born will be exactly like its ancestor" and old man in white thought about this. This was within expectations thought since ever since Terefest twohadthis kind of ability.One was the second generation family patriarch John heavenclaw and The current family patriarch Byto heavenclaw. But little did they know that this newborn baby will have more than just one strength

At the evening people gathered around the heavenclaw grounds to await the newborn baby with laughter and happiness.....

At close to midnight a baby was born but under the expense of her mother's death....

The baby had a mark on his forehead it was a circle inscribed in a box with a ♋ in middle

"He is a god" Byto exclaimed..."Dont let anyone know of this all those present should seal there mouths shut , understood"....many nodded

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