
The Truth

Hello. My name is Elise Woods, I am 26 years old, and I have died. It all happened so quick that I was barely able to feel any pain at all before blacking out. What seemed odd about this is that after closing my eyes, I seemed to have been lifted by what I could feel like ropes, and then I was looking at my own corpse for a while.

I tried looking down to my hands, but I couldn't feel them at all. No wonder, since my body is very much splattered all over the asphalt, hopefully no one was around to see it happen, but the truck driver seems to be running away in panic. Certainly, I would've done the same if I was behind the wheel so I don't blame him for it.

For some reason this experience feels familiar, and that puts my mind at ease. Still, the sight that was in front of me was quite the gore. I tried moving around, and it felt like I was gently hovering above ground. I tried to pick up the pieces of my body but my hand phased through the flesh and I was left with no say in the matter.

After a few moments, someone noticed my remainings and called an ambulance, or the police. I am not quite sure since I blinked and before I noticed I was floating in a very different place. I was hovering on top of a massive green field of rolling hills and plains, it was beautiful. I enjoyed the sight before noticing that there was someone approaching me, he seemed far away, but suddenly he was in front of me before I knew it.

[Greetings, Elise. I hope you like the views.]

[Hello. I quite like them, but...Where am I?]

[Well, neither in Heaven nor Hell if that is what you mean. You are in a special placed located here.]

The man extended his right hand and tapped my forehead, or at least what I thought was my forehead, with his index and middle finger. It was an odd feeling, I think it would be similar to that of phantom limbs. You know, where people feel their hands even if they aren't there and all that.

[Then...Did I die?]

[Yes, you did.]

[Oh....I see.]

[You are taking this more calmly than I expected.]

[Well, it's not like I have fantasized about this moment, but certainly I was curious about what comes after someone dies.]

He looked at me for a few moments, before chuckling a little. His voice was erratic, but what I could notice in him was the classical laughter of an old man. I chuckled with him for a little before we both calmed down.

[Well, you are a very interesting person. Most of you that come here have their minds broken or something like that, since the shock is too much for them.]

[Oh, if it is about that, then I am pretty shocked, but I feel somewhat...Calm for some reason.]

[Ah! It's that then! You should've said so earlier. Well, sit down, let me explain you something.]

He pointed to the ground, and we both sat down. His form seemed to shift between many, but for some reason I was starting to feel like I was sitting down with someone a lot bigger than myself, both in appearance and age.

[You do know about Religion and stuff right?]


[Well, I am what you would call God. I am but one amongst many, but I am the one that created Earth. The many religions humans have created about me are but interpretations of me that can exist within their minds, since my existence would break their brains if they try to process it.]

[Then why am I still sane?]

[Well, because you are one of my race. You are a God as well.]

[Hum? But I am pretty sure I was a human a minute ago.]

I was pretty confused. Being told about this was really weird, but I had seen my own body being splattered and broken and yet here I was, so I decided to hear his explanation until the end.

[That is but an illussion. You are still an infant amongst our race, but I created this world just for you to gain experiences and wisdom through life. Alas, just creating the world and the complexities of sentient life drained my energy, and I was driven into a deep sleep.]

[Then you were asleep this whole time? You don't wake up easily, do you?]

[Hohohohoho! It's not that I usually create a whole race of unique beings with so much potential, you know? Well, the fact of the matter is that I wasn't there to guide their evolution, and in recent centuries your race have gone towards the wrong path, making this planet unfit for you anymore.]

[I see...Well, certainly it has been quite gruesome and all through recent history. Then, what will happen with me?]

[Now that I have recovered energy, and gained experience in sentient life creation, I have decided to create a new world for you to reside in. Don't worry, I will make sure to watch over it propperly this time, but I can't intervene too much or the purpouse of it will go away. After all, You just need to accumulate experience and grow in wisdom over your many lives.]

[Many lives? Then, how many times have I lived before?]

[Oh, thousands of times. Your memories block themselves so that you can continue learning new things, and you have been all throughout history. Sometimes in good conditions, and sometimes in bad ones. I have checked your personal history, and I think you have gained some reputation in the sea. Some of your best lives have been dedicated to many kinds of Naval institutions, includig many pirates.]

[I see, no wonder I love ships then. Will I be able to choose what I become when this new world is created?]

[Well, I have been a bad guardian, and I think I could make an exception this time to pay you back for the mistakes I have made. Sure, name what you want and I will make it so. However, this will only apply for your first life, are you sure you want to waste the opportunity on something so small?]

[Oh, I was about to ask to be immortal so I can just live the same life all over history.]

[Ah, I see! That's certainly an interesting concept. Unfortunately, if I do so, you will never lose your memories, and that will cause a lot more suffering than good for your mind. I can give you something similar though, so I will work on it. Would you like something else?]

[Not really, I think what you thought about works just fine for me...Oh, there is something! Could you make it like a fantasy one this time? I want to at least try and use magic.]

[Of course little one. That's actually something pretty easily done. Now, you have to go to sleep. When you wake up, most of your previous life memories will be gone, but I will be there to guide you so don't worry.]

[Okay. See you later then.]

[Good night Elise.]

I closed my eyes and I felt as if I was drifting in some kind of current of water. I let myself be driven by the current, and my mind felt at ease once more. I started to lose consciousness, and I felt as if a heavy burden was lifted from my shoulders. The next time I would open my eyes, would be somewhere wonderful for sure.