
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantasie
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23 Chs

I Have A Mission For You

"Heey!! How're you guys doing? Have you missed us yet? Because we sure did miss you…"

Sitting next to Kai with his usual energetic aura, Conor instantly turned on his annoying natural character as he tried to start a conversation. 

"No… Absolutely no one missed you guys…" 

"Kai! Don't be a meanie!!… And speak for yourself, I missed you guys… I was so worried about you, where have you been?!?" 

Ellen appeared to have forgotten the entire conversation she was having with Kai after Conor and Ken's arrival as she began chattering with them… 

"Oh… Nothing much, we just got caught flirting with one of the other female recruits so they gave us a little punishment to discipline us… Like I said, nothing much…" 

Ken was the one to reply this time with his harsh manly voice, but soon when he was in the middle of his sentence, he seemed to have remembered something very important as he turned his head towards Kai's direction. 

"Oh… We almost forgot… The commander asked for the four of us' presence… " 

Confused by the unexpected news, Ellen didn't hold back her confusion as she questioned the two… 

"He asked for our presence?!? Why would the commander want to talk to some unknown recruits like us…?!?" 

"Who knows…?  For the two of us, he probably wants to scold us for our behavior, as for you two… Only he and god knows that…" 

"Trying to guess what he wants will only waste our time… So let's finish up our food before we get going and see what he needs…" 

Kai suggested after a moment of silence… 

The three couldn't argue with his logic and so they went on eating their meals quickly before they got going to the commander's office. 


After a while, 

Entering the commander's office one by one, Ellen, Conor, and Ken were all so nervous and anxious about whatever the commander ordered them for, sweat was dripping down their foreheads and while both Ellen and Ken were holding their hands in a closed fists so tight that it wasn't that far away from bleeding, Conor was biting down his nails like some kids-cartoon character. 

They were all so worried about this meeting, who wouldn't be knowing they were about to meet their boss or leader for the first time?!? 

The only one who seemed to not be disturbed by everything happening at all as his expression never changed a bit since he got into this room… But of course, nobody knew his true feelings as for all they know, it could all be merely an act to hide his fear and anxiety. 

Despite all that, Kai was the first to move forward as he unlocked the door entering the room slowly while the others were following his lead. 

Getting inside the office Kai and the other three scanned the room with their eyes as they noticed many things one of which, surprisingly being the tidiness of the place as well as the very humble, cheap furniture… The ones could bring here of course… After all, this was his workspace, not his house. 

It was still pretty surprising that the guy didn't get himself anything expensive or fancy… This was the way people with the same job used to show off their wealth and fortune after all. 

Curious to see who this humble commander is, Kai's eyes sprinted across the room searching for this commander before finally landing on the middle-aged man with brown hair and red bloody eyes which seemed to be full of regrets and had seen a lot of things… His eyes were clearly the eyes of a warrior who has been through a lot of battles and seen a lot of blood. 

The man had a big scar going through his face destroying the noble charm the man obviously once had… But it didn't take it away at all, instead, it was just replaced with another type of charm that was more brutal and cruel making it the opposite of his previous noble one. 

Though he wasn't that big and didn't have the same large build as Conor and Ken, the man was still pretty muscular to some degree as the tight military jacket was holding onto him so much that his wide shoulders and his nice chest were very visible and could be seen through the jacket. 

"Kai, Ellen, Conor and Ken… Do you kids know why I summoned you here??"

"Isn't that what you're here for?!?... To tell us???" 

Everyone's eyes in the room widened as they turned towards Kai in shock and disbelief at how informal he was in his response to the commander… 

The three foreseen the commander already going to rage mode and punishing Kai for his rudeness… But to their surprise, he only let out a small laugh before speaking in a very calm, eased tone with a smile on his face like Kai didn't even disrespect his authority just a second ago. 

"heh… You're a funny kid, and you're not wrong… First of all, let me introduce myself… My name is John Jones, I'm the commander of the White Fang troop and the one in charge of this year's new recruits…" 

After declaring his identity his smile didn't last for long as it got replaced with a big frown while his calm tone -though didn't become less or more calm- changed to something much more serious and deep making the room's tension rise heavy after it was lightened a bit.

John took a few seconds in silence to catch his breath before he said something that made everyone's heartbeats start racing as their eyes broadened to an absurd point where it was questionable if it was even possible for humans to open their eyes that wide. 

"As for why I requested you to come here… It's because I have a mission for you… '