
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
23 Chs


Conor's body slowly started to slip away from the tree revealing his blood and even small parts of brain tissue stuck on it… 

His skull was visible from behind yet the others thankfully were unable to see that or else they might have already let all their breakfast go to waste… 

Even though his head was in a terrible state, his chest area was much worse as it was the exact place where the gorilla's punch landed… 

Some of his ribs were even standing out of his body making it visible how painful it'd be if he was awake right now… 

Kai's pale face, which was even paler than usual right now, went dark as he tried his best to lead his team to safety somehow… 

He had already given up on Conor as he was very sure that he was dead at the moment, after all, no human no matter how strong they are, could survive such a powerful, direct strike, even normal F-rank superhumans won't be strong enough to deal with such a hit… 

"H… He's still alive…" 

To his surprise, Ellen shouted something pretty unexpected in this situation, her voice didn't seem to hold any uncertainty or disbelief which made Kai hesitant about how correct his first assumption which was that she was simply refusing to believe the situation was… 

Unfortunately, he wasn't given any time to check Conor's actual condition as the gorilla monster was already jumping back towards them with a voracious, filled with bloody killing intent stare that sent shivers down the three's necks merely to slip away down to their spines… 

Kai got out of the gorilla's way as Ellen and Ken did the same, making the monster's hand as well as its claws cut through the tree smoothly just like butter… 

This didn't hold back the gorilla for more than a few seconds, but that was all of which Kai needed to check on Conor's actual state… 

"Ellen, help Conor… He's alive, Ken… Help me bring down this big F*cker!!!" 

With a relieved sigh, Kai gave his orders as he immediately grabbed the bag of supplies Conor had just a while ago… 

Moving away from another slow, yet very strong punch the gorilla threw at him, Kai grabbed a gun from the bag handing it instantly to his friend Ken, he also got one for himself as they both began to shoot the gorilla without any type of hesitation… 

The loud sounds of gunshots raining down on the ugly-faced gorilla could be heard from the other side of the forest as Kai and Ken didn't hold back a single bullet inside their guns… 

But even after raining it down with hundreds of bullets, the gorilla didn't even flinch as it merely got a few bruises and surface-level injuries, nothing serious nor dangerous… 

This, though made Kai a bit disappointed, but it did not make him give up as he continued to pull the trigger again and again and again…

Of course, their loads had to eventually run out forcing them both to use their super-weapons…

Though they were mere F-rank sword and F-rank dagger… They were still better than any normal gun and had a lot more force inside of them…

Kai unlocked his sword out of its sheath with a sharp look on his face as he timed his attack perfectly with Ken's attack… 

The monster was unable to Dodge both strikes and so with its simple mind, it decided to take the most logical option it saw… 

The gorilla dodged Kai's attack while taking Ken's smaller weapon thinking it'd simply break after touching its reinforced skin… 


But to the monster's surprise, the small dagger which was barely the size of its fingers had sliced right through its steel flesh after finding a bit of a hard time on cutting the outer skin of the gorilla's… 

The gorilla let out a small nag as it moved away looking at the two with anger and bitterness… 

It couldn't believe that these two ants which it'd be able to take out so easily in her prime state were able to hurt her more than she already was… 

The gorilla had already learned its lesson after fighting that female human and getting badly injured because of her ignorance and letting her guard down so much…

The gorilla stared at the two with both her anger and an uncontrollable feeling of the need to be as cautious as possible… 

Kai and Ken didn't want to let the small chance they got slip away nor give the monster a second of rest as they had a full understanding of the danger they were in and how they were walking on the edgy line separating between their life and death… 

Giving each other a quick glance, they both nodded in understanding as they began to launch a numerous number of attacks on the gorilla from all sides… 

Wound after wound started to appear on the gorilla's body and it seemed like the two were getting the upper hand and that it was only a matter of time before they could finally take the monster out… 

Of course that was only to the untrained eye and to those who weren't paying enough attention to the battle, the longer this fight goes on, the lower their chances of survival got… 

Knowing this fact, Kai felt the great need to find a way out of this situation… But no matter how hard he thought he was unable to find anything to get them out of here alive… 

They were getting more and more exhausted with each and every passing second and their strikes were getting weaker and weaker… 

The monster noticed this and was waiting for the perfect moment to strike its target and after a few minutes of exchanging blows with the two…

It found it… 

The moment… An opening in Kai's defense allowed the monster to finally end this useless dance they were having… 

 With a determined look on its ugly, terrifying face, the gorilla used its big… No, it used its huge hand to strike Kai's liver with the strongest punch it had ever given which contained enough force to destroy a full truck launching Kai flying towards the nearest tree… 

The tree couldn't even hold Kai with that much force behind as they both broke to the next tree taking a few bushes along with them… 

Ken stared at Kai's crashing spot with a terrified expression on his face… 

He tried to focus and see if Kai's chest was going up and down to determine if he was breathing… But opposing to his hopes… Kai stayed still and had no sign of breathing well nor getting up anytime soon… 

'Kai… Kai is dead… "

I'd like to apologize for the low updating rate, I'm having some trouble in finding time to write currently due to my job and other things... But anyways, It'll be back to normal after a month or so...

That doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing or anything of such sort... Just gonna take me more time to finish chapters for now...

Thank you for your patience and have fun reading! <3

Zied_younis8creators' thoughts