
Episode 12

There was a battle going on in his head between his feelings and his responsibilities. Sun hee didn't know what exactly happened but she could guess a little. There was something already on her mind that she was wanted to say and she thought she should just say it right now. She breathed a deep sigh and went over to him.

"Seok hoon " she spoke softly to which he slowly turned around. "I know you care about me and it really makes me feel so special." A smile grew on her face. "But your father loves you and everyone here too since you're a prince. These are your people. Don't become a villain in their eyes just because of me." Her eyes turned red as she carried on.

"Look, I already got a lot from you. You've made me feel really special. I will never forget it. The time I spent with you repented for all the past mistakes of my life." She let out a chuckle, tears stinging up in her eyes. "So, just take me to them." Hearing that, Seok hoon smiled.

He was rattled but now everything was clear. There shouldn't even be a second thought. The only thing he had to do was save her.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked, perplexed. Seok hoon cupped her cheeks gently. He held and placed both her hands on his shoulders and pulled her closer to him. While she was still staring at him in perplexity.

"This time, hold tighter" he said with a smile. With that, he opened his huge wings and flew far away in the sky.

"Seok hoon, what are you doing?!"

"I'll send you back, safely." He stopped and stared at Sun hee.

"Sun hee, my father told me to do what is right. So, I'm doing what I think is right" 

"I won't give up till the end."

After a few hours, when they reached closer to the forest, Seok hoon had to stop. The look on his face changed. He was bewildered to see in the front. Looking at his face, Sun hee looked in front too only to see a number of vampires were in the air in a row to stop them.

Looking down, there were even more. Looking around, she got astonished seeing how they were surrounded by them. A gasp left her lips. Seok hoon slowly moved down and landed on the ground still they surrounded him and moved closer.

Seok hoon put up an audacious look, glaring at them fiercely as he hid Sun hee behind him, holding her hand tightly. He kept glancing behind too so someone wouldn't touch her or hurt her. Though, he, himself didn't know how to get away with this.

Few moments later, Joo Dan tar appeared and the guards broke the row, making him go closer to Seok hoon.

Joo Dan Tae looked Sun hee who was standing behind Seok hoon. He had gripped on her tightly. Then, he moved his gaze to his son.

"I was not expecting this from you, Seok hoon."

"Father, you have to let her go"

"She will be killed" he said, straight away leaving Seokhoon outraged.

Seokhoon recalled everything his father told him which lead his father to hate humans.

"Brother" he said, grabbing Seung gi's attention.

"Look at her" he pulled Sun hee gently in front to let him see her face. "Was she the one who killed my mother?" Seung gi looked at Joo Dan Tae. Of course, she wasn't the one. 

"Tell me, brother." Seok hoon insisted. Hearing that, Seung gi shook his head and denied.

"Exactly. She is not the one." He stared at Joo Dan Tae.

"What are you talking about? She is one of them. They're all the same!!" said Joo Dan tae as if he wasn't ready to listen or understand anything.

"If they're the same. We're no less, are we?" Seok hoon spoke loudly, making him frown.

"If they killed many of us then we killed many of them too. If they see us as monsters and their enemies, we also look at them the same way! It has always been from both sides. None is a saint or a victim. We killed their families too! You're no less than them father!" He shouted.

Joo Dan Tae kept standing like a statue. Those standing in rows looked at each other. It wasn't wrong. The damage they had done to humans wasn't any less either. In fact, it was more and many of them who still used to live between humans who used to survive on human blood. They'd still be killing them in many parts of the world.

"You can keep your enmity with humans. You can hate them as much as you want but her..." He pulled Sun hee more closer to him. She was staring at him all dazed. "I love her." Listening to that , Sun hee's eyes widened, she felt overwhelmed. "To protect her, I'm ready to fight the whole damn world!" Sun hee's heartbeat began rising up and tears welled up in her eyes.

Joo Dan tae's gaze drew down. Deeply, he didn't doubt Sun hee's love nor did he mean what he said about she was fooling him. But his hatred for humans made him do that. He wanted his son away from them. However,know he was seeing himself in Sun hee from when he fell in love with his wife and he could see Seok hoon loved her too, a lot.

He didn't want to be a bad person in front of his son. He had to keep his word to the people of Blissvile but he could make Sun hee and exception. He could let her go.

He internally chuckled and a little smile appeared on his face thinking Seok hoon really was Luke his mother as at last, he fell in love with a human. Just like her, he decided to take risks and save the one he loved.

"Give me the ring." He said to Seok hoon. Seok hoon frowned in confusion.

Joo Dan Tae grinned and took Seok hoon's hand in his. A platinum ring with blue stone was shining on his thumb. Joo Dan Tae removed it,

"Wearing this, you wouldn't be able to cross through the middle of the forest" he said, leaving Seok hoon surprised. So that was the ring with the magic.

"Go and protect the one you love" he patted him on shoulder. Seok hoon returned in a bright smile. Everyone cleared their way and let them go. Many of them weren't happy with that but they didn't have the power to do anything at that point. Min joo gave Seok hoon a big smile as he walked forward.

Seok hoon was finally relieved and succeeded.