The obsessive love of a tycoon's son plunged a handsome young man into trouble and he had to choose a path that he did not want for himself…
After long summer holidays returning to high school Eliot started to notice how often girls began to surround him, wanting a friendship with him.
His restrained temper, slender elegant figure and gentle handsome face with expressive gray eyes made him an ideal boyfriend for girls.
He quickly gained popularity even outside of school and had to hide his face behind large dark glasses and a hooded oversized windbreaker when returning home from school, otherwise someone would stalking him in order to make acquaintances.
People clung to him like flies to honey, fascinated by his model appearance. Of course, he responded with attention to a couple of pretty lively girls, letting them hang out like ponytails after him in the corridors of the school.
He needed them to scare away not only girls, but also guys who began to throw eyes of lust at him. One of them, a tan skin black-haired athlete with languid blue eyes, Dani once made it clear that he wanted a close friendship with him, coming to his house under the pretext of helping him study.
"Why do you need good marks in literature, Dani? - Eliot chuckled, reluctantly letting him into the cosy home of his parents. - Your career is sport, why waste time on this?"
"Hmm… Do you think that I should remain a tongue-tied wrestler who doesn't know how to express himself beautifully?"
The adoring look of the visitor, imposingly located on the sofa in the living room, said that he had quite warm feelings for his classmate.
"Well! - Eliot drawled, embarrassed, pushing back the long graphite colour hair. - "I don't know… Are you really interested in learning how to recite poems to girls with expression? They already stick to you because of your appearance."
"Do you find me attractive?"
"Do I!? - Eliot raised his eyebrows in bewilderment. - I don't look at guys! I also have countless fans among the girls."
"But I really like you, El, - Daniel said dreamily, half closing his eyes. - In all senses…"
"Are you a gay? Never would have thought. You have ... so many connections with girls, I heard stories from my friends about your adventures."
"So… I'm bisexual! I recently realized that guys are also attracted to me. Although in truth, I never slept with a boy. But don't worry! I will not require physical intimacy from you. Friendship is more important to me, and sex is always freely available. There's something about you that I can't explain. I have the strongest deja vu about you, as if I knew you before ..."
"Really … why?" — Eliot was embarrassed.
"I don't know why… - Deni grinned but I have a strong desire to communicate with you, I want to become your close friend"
"A-aah! So the poems don't interest you after all? Decided to just roll on this soil?"
"I'm willing to do anything with you as long as I'm by your side."
"Do we have different hobbies? I like to draw, meditate, fashionable clothes, walks in picturesque places, flowers, and you do martial arts ... Different fields of activity, isn't it?"
"I will gladly share with you all your hobbies."
"Huh! And they won't annoy you in the slightest?"
"No ... probably never tried! - Dani laughed. - So… I can protect you from all the morons who dare to harass you."
"Ah… Ok… " - Eliot suddenly realized the benefits of such a friendship and agreed to give him his time on weekends to study literature and drawing.
They spent their evenings pleasantly after dinner, learning the classics by ear and drawing each other.
"Oh you are good on it!" - Eliot exclaimed enthusiastically, looking into his drawing, on which the outlines of eyes appeared in thin, uneven strokes.
"Don't flatter me, - Dani laughed. - I still have a long way to go to get to your level. Could you draw me naked?"
"A-ha-ha! And you won't be shy?"
The mate hastily undressed, tossing his shorts and T-shirt to the side, and sat down in a chair with his legs crossed and his arms over his head, which caused Eliot to blush deeply and without a word set to work on the sketch. The thin reliefs of a developed figure gleamed volumetrically under the dancing lights of the fireplace and embarrassed the draftsman with their magnificence.
He showed the creation an hour later and handed the clothes to Dani.
"And you are so talented, El! - the schoolmate was sincerely surprised. - You are a true artist! Invite me to an exhibition of your work someday, right?"
"Thank you for the compliment. Your body is so pumped, impressive!"
"Well, in just a year of training, muscles have grown so much. If you engage in wrestling, it will be the same with your body, although ... it is not necessary. You are naturally handsome."
"Don't say that, you haven't seen me without clothes."
"I'd love to see..."
"Hey, don't get carried away!" - A sofa cushion flew into him.
"Oh-oh! I'm joking!"
Daniel stayed with him till late with a dreamy look and then left, taking the drawing with him.