
Chapter 1: Introduction

The crowds cheers rung through her head like church bells in an empty church. They swallowed her whole and fueled each punch, each kick and each scream. She lowered the unconscious body onto the ground, only to see her opponents blood on her hands. She wiped the sweat off of her brow but dared not to take the mask on her face off, kids at her school had seen the fight and she would be ruined if they found out what she was. No one had ever dared to speak to her because they all knew what happened to the guy who tried to do so. Lets say that he left that place with a few broken ribs, crooked nose and some new scarlet red patches all over his body. No one knew her name so they gave her the name of the Devil. When ever she fought she acted like one, ruthless, merciless, and yet with elegance and structure. Fighting isn't just about how hard a person punches, it's about the finesse, the execution, the balance. All of which the Devil had. Now the Devil isn't really a devil, we all know Lucifer was once a angel. He just fell too far and lost his balance, and that exactly what this devil has done. It wasn't her fault that she started to fall, it wasn't her fault that she lost her balance, it wasn't her fault that she was pushed off of the edge by everyone in her life. Slowly she was becoming like her mother. Who knows, maybe fighting was in her genes.

Hey everyone!

This is my first story so I hope you like it. This novel will contain mentions of abuse, depression, bullying, suicidal thoughts and other stuffs like that. Don't worry I'll put a warning at the start of the chapter and when the scene will begin. I'm hoping to upload every Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays but who knows. For all those wondering the Devils real name will be revealed in chapter 2 so stay tuned.

P.s chapter 2 will come sooner than expected so stay tuned. Feel free to tell me where I have any errors/improvements so I can fix them.

Sit back, relax and enjoy my first ever series :) <3

Rievelyncreators' thoughts