

I arrived at the forest and decided to hide inside it, for now. It was my only option; I then heard a very shrill scream, it echoed through the air. I needed to find where it came from. I started to walk, trying to navigate my way, but with each step I became more cautious, I walked in a slower pace. Soon enough, I arrived at where I heard the scream, I hid in a bush, peaking through a small opening of the bush, I saw, lights. Bright, beaming, lights. It aimed down at the same girl from earlier. I was whispering "What in the actual f-." but I didn't finish my sentence, because the girl started to scream.

"Let me go! I want to go home! Please...Please." She had said it frantically. I saw her, bleeding. Blood ran down to the left side of her cheek.

I knew I had to help her, but what could I do? I didn't even know, what I would do or I could do. I was frustrated with myself for not helping. I ran off, that's right, I ran. Leaving the girl behind, full of regret, I managed to leave the scene unoticed.

I must escape the hunt, escaping is my number one goal, at the moment, I-. A frighten man's voice appearing out of no where. "We have four of the six subjects. We are missing, number's one and six: Leo Foxè and a girl, name not given yet."


I needed to hear what else he was talking about, I climbed a small tree so I could see better and hear, slightly finer. A minute or two later, I was at the top of the small tree and I had saw a man, in strange blue flashy armor, with a woman, holding a strange weapon. "I am sorry, General I-"

I just noticed that the woman slapped him hard, I could feel her furious rage from here. Just telling how hard that slap was. "Oh shit, that has to sting, damn." I thought to myself.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! We need that one! He is the most dangerous one! Leo Foxè! He has the power that can burn down a city by himself! Damn it!"

I saw her turn around about to leave, but she peeked over her right side of her shoulder giving a chilling glare at the man, "You better find Leo, or the other soldiers will have to find your body."

The man ran away in fear for his life.

I am assuming she is talking about murder; "Great. I'm to be, "the most dangerous one." Anyways I should leave now." I said it quietly to myself. I stopped listening to the conversation, because some of it was absolute. BULL-SHIT.

I quickly climbed down the tree, starting to walk now, finally reaching the exit of the forest, a man in green guarding the exit. Then I realized something. He was looking to be sleeping? No? Wait... he is asleep. I was disappointed, I was so... never-mind, doesn't matter now. Walking past him, being pre-cautious. Tiptoeing, that's a way to sneak around now. I continued to walk, finally exiting the forest, still the dead of night. I was now walking on an abandoned road.

[ One Hour Later ]

"Jesus, Fuck. Is there any towns around here?!" I could not see anything, then an idea just hit me and stuck to me.

"I wonder... if I shot fire from my hands one time. Can I do it again?" I rose up my hands, clenched. I made my hands into a palm, I relaxed myself. So I don't panic like last time with the two guards. My overwhelming heat from my body; I started to focus it into my palms. I closed my eyes and imagined, firefly's. Things that will help me, see through the dark night. I could feel the fire, swiftly moving as it created what I imagined.

Opening my eyes slowly, I saw the most beautiful thing ever. Firefly's, like little sparks of fire. It was, heartwarming; Noticing metal shining up ahead, "Hey, that must mean something is there. Promise land, here I come." As I began walking with a fast pace. Towards the shining metal. Hopefully I don't regret it.

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