
Blessed Villains

In his first life, he was a servant of the most powerful beings in the universe. As one of the Primordial Servants, he had the power of a god. Yet he was at the mercy of five individuals said to predate the universe. In a failed attempt at escaping his shackles, he was caught and killed by the beings he had once served. However, he used his ultimate move to that he had been saving for this day! Isekai! He now found himself on a planet where 10% of the population had superpowers. On the surface, it looked to him like another cliché superhero planet. But in reality, it was a monster wrapped up in a pink dress. A world that could shock a man who had seen galaxies destroyed. And now he had to learn how to live in such a world. To do the things he couldn't before. To grow up and meet people, to laugh and cry, to love and hate, to live and die. If there was anyone with the strength to kill him that is. ... Disclaimer This is the story of a god-level being experiencing life as a human on a planet of heroes and villains with many layers of shadows. He won't go out of his way to save people and doesn't care about collateral damage either. After all, what is human life to a god? *Cover art is not mine.

m1le · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 11 - Coward

A massacre.

That was the only way Regan could describe the scene he found.

Robed bodies littered the ground, pools of blood beneath them, flowing down the slope in a river of red.

In the centre of it all stood Warrior, spotless. Not a drop of blood had touched him. Even the boots on his feet were stained by nothing but dirt as if the red river had parted for him.

Warrior glanced at him, frowning, "good, you're alive. We're leaving."

"What in the flying fuck do you mean we're leaving!?" Regan was so stunned, that he couldn't help but shout at Warrior.

"I mean we're leaving," said Warrior in a chilly tone, "we're in far over our heads and this is none of our business anyways."

"We've hunted these childnapping bastards for years, now they've cut off my goddamn arm and for what? So you can give up at the first hurdle?"

"You don't survive this long by recklessly picking fights kid. The world needs me, if I die here everything will fall apart quicker than a theme park filled with dinosaurs."

Regan thought for a second, partly stunned by that goofy-ass analogy and partly stunned by the rest of Warrior's words.

"So is this all the Sixth Stand is? The oldest hero, who's trained generations of saviours, nothing but a coward?"

Regan heard the handle of Warrior's sword creak, as he clenched his grip, staring Regan down. Gulping nervously, Regan looked him in the eye.

"You don't understand, this moon is one giant balancing act, one small push away from collapsing. Everyone has their role to play in preventing that, and those roles do not include being here and fighting this fight.

This right here is on the other side of the wall to us. Fighting here is like breaking into your neighbour's house, where there's already a fight happening, and beating up one of the fighters.

Sure, the immediate results might be good, but if you try to leave, you'll undoubtedly bring the fight back to your own house.

Right now we're standing in the neighbour's garden and we need to leave before they stop us."

Warrior stretched his hand to Regan, offering his safety and his peace.

But Regan had already steeled his resolve.


"What?" Warrior blurted out.

"I don't know what you've experienced I'm your long-life Warrior. But I do know that it's just a bunch of excuses you tell yourself so you can look the other way, so you can avoid the hard fights. With this attitude, you'll never be able to change anything.

You may have survived for millennia, but you certainly haven't lived for that long."

Regan turned around and walked away, not even glancing back.

Warrior watched him go, stunned by his resolve. Sighing, he whispered into a tiny microphone.

At the edge of the clearing, Regan shouted in shock as he felt the floor disappear from under him.

A second later he landed on his back on a cold, hard floor. He quickly tried to sit up but the motion was too much. He fell back down, his vision darkening and his ears ringing.

'Shit!' he thought, 'the blood loss combined with the fall is going to knock me out!'

He desperately tried to focus, but Regan's body refused to respond as unconsciousness swiftly claimed him.


Warrior found himself underground in a large complex, walking down a long white hallway which reminded him of a hospital. He was heading towards the powerful aura he felt at the end of the hallway.

It was an aura he had felt once before, the aura of gods.

'What the hell am I doing?' Warrior thought to himself, 'I could actually die down here!

I'm not some sort of elder who's already seen all that life has for him, I have things to live for! I have a family!

I've got a loving wife! A four-year-old son! I can't die here. I should just turn back.'

But Warrior knew he wouldn't turn back. He could usually dismiss the kids' thoughts as naive, but not what he said about change.

It was... it was true!

Looking back at the past millennia, ever since the end of the chaos era, nothing had changed! Sure the people had come and gone, but everything else had stagnated.

Reaching a metal blast door, Warrior kicked it open with his full strength, sending it flying across the room behind it.

Inside the room was the source of the aura, a statue of a man Warrior didn't know, along with the bodies of six children.

But Warrior quickly discarded those from his mind, focusing on the man standing next to the statue.

The man was wearing a matte black outfit that covered him from head to toe, without a signal inch of skin showing. From the head down, it was made of a soft, cotton-like material, however, it appeared to be skin tight, with absolutely no loose material.

His face was covered by a solid mask, with no hole for his mouth or nose. There were eye holes on the mask, however, they were filled with glowing white light, that seemed to stare Warrior down with a cold glare.

"Step away from the statue," Warrior commanded.

The masked man didn't move. He hadn't moved an inch since warrior got here, no fidgeting or twitching. His chest didn't even rise and fall with his breathing!

'I don't know what this guy's deal is, but if I turn back now I really am a coward.

I'll kill this guy, destroy the statue then be home in time for tea.'


*This is a replacement for the previous chapter 11 which has now been deleted*

Finally got another chapter out! And it only took me like 3 months.

I deleted the previous chapter 11 since I didn't like what I did with Warrior in it. I want to make him more human as I plan to give him a bigger role in the story.

Thanks for reading!

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