
Bleach: Achievement (rewrite)

Regaining all his memories from a past life... Blessing or Curse? It's about What he Seeks and What he Needs. A Multiverse fanfic Update schedule: twice the week

AllBullshit · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

It's my turn

"Zangetsu!" Ichigo shouted as his spiritual energy was absorbed by his Zanpakuto, compressed, sublimated then released at the tip of his sword; producing a relatively big sword Slash.

Urahara seeing the attack coming toward him, simply side-stepped it without much effort, the attack shot past him, creating a sword mark on the ground.

"I have it mastered it yet"

Ichigo wasn't done, he got on his feet from his crouching position and dashed toward Urahara, sword in the air, above his head he intended for a vertical strike.

Urahara hurriedly used his sword to parry the incoming attack, and it was successful but his hat was damaged in the process.

"ho boy, stage three cleared" Urahara said as he picked up his fallen clearly damaged hat and put it back on his head.

"Now that you're done, It's my turn to take care of him" Daiki said as he approached the Duo.

"Take care then" Urahara responded.

"Hey, don't talk like I am some dead weight!" Ichigo complained.

""Are you not"" Daiki and Urahara asked at the same time.

"Motherfuckers!" Ichigo was getting annoyed.

"Okay, okay, now let's get serious, I will you training in the category you're the most lacking, useless even" Daiki talked about getting serious but he still choose the words he knows will annoy his brother.

"Useless? Lacking? That is not me" Ichigo confidently said.

"Ho really?" The question was rhetorical.

"So, tell me, how would you describe your capability to handle and control spiritual power? " I asked with a teasing smile.

"Hm, heu, I... Okay, fine you are right" It took an incredible amount of effort from Ichigo to admit it.

"In one word: abysmally" Urahara interjected.

"Thank you for your assistance" Daiki humbly thanked Urahara for his assistance.

"Ichigo, from what I saw, your control over your spiritual pressure is pathetic, almost nonexistent, the only things you can do with it, like walking on the air, water, or the attack you did earlier, you do them subconsciously. This weakness, you have to get rid of it, or you won't even qualify as a shinigami" I told him.

"Hey, you're going too far"

"Please, no blood on my precious sands" Urahara voiced his concern

""Shut up"" This time it was the Kurosaki brothers against Urahara. Truly one should not interfere when siblings are bickering.

"Fine, I will take my leave then" Urahara gave them his back while waiving his hand, signaling his departure.

"Now let's get to work" Daiki told the now calm Ichigo.


"And that's enough for now"

"Although you're nowhere near good, what you are currently capable of now should help you in some way, and that you will notice later" Daiki gave him a tap on the back.

"Finally" Ichigo was happy of getting done with this. It was too damn tiring, he never felt so tired, all he wanted right now was to get back home to take a long bath before lying on his bed.

It was not really physically tiring, it was more mental. The high amount of spiritual energy he possesses gives him an equally high amount of stamina, but it was this very same spiritual energy that was making trouble for him. Due to the quantity of energy, it was hard for him to get a hand around it. That and the conditions in which he first lacquered his shinigami powers.

It was really a pain in the ass, he even started to believe that this kind of training was not for him. It was so much easier to brute-force his way through everything. The sole reason he was even enduring such torture was all in the hope of saving Rukia from her fate. Since he was the one to put her in trouble, it was his responsibility to help her.

"Since we are done, I am going back "

"You can go ahead, I still have something to take care of"

"Now that I think about it, you said something similar 3 months ago... I think?" Ichigo said but he wasn't sure about the accuracy of his memory.

"Hm... Yes, it seems like you are right, it did indeed happen" Thinking about it for a moment Daiki confirmed Ichigo's words.

Is this a coincidence, or? No way, there's nothing wrong here, it's just a coincidence. Well, what he was gonna do today was similar to the last time but it was also different.

"Anyway, I am off, later." Ichigo gave his farewell before departing.

Seeing that Ichigo was already gone, Daiki took hold of his Asauchi and unsheathed it. He took a deep breath and did something that would certainly surprise many. He stabbed himself with it.

"Now it's my turn to get my shinigami powers... and Quincy too"

Since It would take a considerably long time for it to turn into my zanpakuto, this is the only thing I could think of to accelerate the process, and that's also why he didn't want his brother to see this scene.

The asauchi was supposed to feed itself with Daiki's spiritual energy over time in order to become his zanpakuto, but now he is directly taking the sword to the source. Daiki planned to feed it his own blood and spiritual energy.

And it worked, the blade shone and disappeared, but that was not all as his shadow became active and expended, absorbing him within. Ichigo seemed to lose his bearing for a while. When he came back to himself, he found himself sitting on a chair, a table before him, and someone sitting on the other side, facing him but... "huh?" He unconsciously muttered.

"It seems like you are finally back" A voice that sounded like his own but more mature said.

"It looks like you're confused, very well I shall clear your doubts"

"I am your zanpakuto spirit, well it's a little more complicated than that, but everything in due time"

"What you're surprised about must be my appearance but-" the zanpakuto spirit's words were cut off.

"How is that even possible? Never did I hear that such a thing was possible" Daiki asked, his head was in a mess, nonetheless he soon calmed down. While he wondered, a thought suddenly came to him.

"Don't tell me that...?"

"It seems like you realized it on your own" As he or more like "it" realized that Daiki calmed down he followed "Now we can have a proper discussion"

The zanpakuto spirit, that looked like a much older version of himself clothed in fantasy-like clothes that would make many wonders if he was cosplaying said as a teapot and two cups appeared on the table, he served one to Daiki and another to himself.

"But before that, I would like to hear you say my name" he looked at Daiki who seemed to think about it for a moment.

"Now tell me everything, Zangetsuha" Daiki finally said, the now called Zangetsuha proceeded to take a sip of tea from his cup before smiling "As you wish, master"


Truly, I am so unlucky. The same happened thing happened to me while I was writing the tensura chapter earlier but that time I didn't write much so while it was annoying it was alright but this time... sorry for not giving you a longer chapter... I am just in a bad mood, so I preferred stopping here.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AllBullshitcreators' thoughts