
Bleach: Achievement (rewrite)

Regaining all his memories from a past life... Blessing or Curse? It's about What he Seeks and What he Needs. A Multiverse fanfic Update schedule: twice the week

AllBullshit · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

It's Just a matter of time

"You are sure, you don't want to go on a date with me?"

Asked Daiki as he titled his head on the side, avoiding a punch coming from his hand-to-hand combat teacher.

"I told you, boy, you are far too young"

Yoruichi said, quickly crossing her arms while retreating to take the incoming hit from Daiki. But contrary to her prediction he swiftly changed his course of action by instead taking hold of her clothes and throwing her away.

"Age is just a number anyway... at least until it's inconvenient"

Daiki was not discouraged, this was not the first time they were having this conversation.

Yoruichi didn't lack fighting experience, she was able to reposition herself in the air, before taking footing on the ground, then using her masterful shunpo, she appeared behind the younger man.

"How many times did we have this conversation already?"

She asked but still didn't pause her attack. she kicked him from behind. Just to feel like she hit nothing.

'An after image' She didn't panic and kept her calm, analyzing the surrounding. She suddenly marked something and looked up in the air.

What she saw was an incoming Daiki with a downward kick. Her reaction time was on point as she was able to avoid the blow. But the force of the attack was such, that it ruptured the ground, creating a crater while the shockwaves reduced the surroundings to bits, producing a cloud of dust.

"This is the fourth time, and I won't stop asking until you accept"

Said the young man with a smile, walking out of the cloud of dust without a single scratch nor trace of dust on his cloth.

"And you think that would be enough?"

The woman asked in a slightly teasing tone. She was not particularly against him trying, if anything it was amusing.

"hum... It seems like I am abording the situation the wrong way"

Daiki said, to no one in particular.

"Then what about this?... If I beat you fair and square in a fight, you will accompany me for a date."

he proposed, he was not one to be easily discouraged.

"Ho? Now that is interesting... Okay, if you can do that, I will not only go on a date with you, I will even be your girlfriend if you want"

She laughed, She didn't think that a boy that just quite drinking his mother's milk would be able to beat her in a square fight.

While it's true that he was really talented and learned quickly, he still lacked practical experience and that could not be simulated.

"You are really careless aren't you? You know that I can make you uphold your words right?"

Daiki's smile got wider as he reminded her of the power he holds in this instance.

Hearing his words, Youruichi's laugh gradually subdued as she seemed to notice that she made a mistake. Well not really, although she met him only months ago, she knew him enough to know he wouldn't do that.

"Quite the bullshit, I know that you won't do it"

"Wanna, try me?"

"Ha just fuck off!"

"Make me!"

Once again their training session ended in bicker.



"Daiki-san, I got what you asked for"

Urahara approached after confirming that we were done with our training session.

"You were able to get it? color me impressed"

He was really impressed, this is really good new.

"to be honest, although I told you to see if you could obtain one, I was not expecting you to be able to do it"

Daiki gave the man a thumb up.

"It was not easy to obtain it, but I am more resourceful than you might think. You own me big one this time."

Urahara didn't humble down at all. He smiled as he passed the wooden case to Daiki.

"That I do"

Holding the case in his hand, Daiki didn't waste any time as he opened it, revealing what, in all look and form reassembled a typical Japanese katana.

"An Asauchi!"

This was what he needed to avoid all the drama Ichigo faced with his powers.

An Asauchi is a virgin blade, meaning that its shape form, and power will be determined by it's user. It's first nourished by the spiritual power of its user, then it will adapt to the unique signature and characteristics of its user's soul and spiritual power and assume a unique form which is the zanpakuto.

'The ultimate zanpakuto, Nimaiya called them'

They have the potential to become just about anything he said.

The reason Ichigo had so many problems with his powers was not just because of Zangetsu messing with them but also the way his power manifested. Daiki is hoping to skip all of that by going through the normal procedure and thus awakening directly all of his powers, water Quincy, Shinigami, or anything in between.

'While I was able to get one for myself, getting another one for Ichigo will be difficult as of now.'

Speaking of Ichigo, he was still recovering, so his training will have to wait for now.

'I myself will have to be patient till the Asuchi absorb enough of my spiritual power to manifest as my zanpakuto, after that, I will have a talk with my zanpakuto spirit.'

'No way I am going to let what happened to Ichigo, happen to me, but since the spirit is part of me it should also know that by now'

Daiki stopped thinking about it as he took the Asuchi in his hand, testing the sword, Honestly, this was the first time in his two lives that he touched a true sword but he didn't hate the feeling.

"Thank you for your Effort Urahara-san"

"It cost me a kidney, you better take care of it"

The eccentric man advised.


The next, Daiki got to school and was soon confronted by Orihime and Tatsumaki who heard that Ichigo had an accident and was injured, the reason why he didn't go to school recently.

They wanted to visit the Orange head, so they decided to accompany Daiki at home, he didn't want to pass as insensible, so he passed the message that he would not go to the shop today.

Arriving at home, in the living room they were met with the scene of the supposedly injured Ichigo, drop-kicking the family head away.

"Wasn't he supposed to be in a bad state?" Tatsumake looked at the Daiki, speechless.

"Well, that certainly is the case" Daiki affirmed, he was way too used to this scene by now.

"Kurosaki-san, you should be careful or your injuries risk getting worse" A worried Orihime voiced her mind.

"Yo Orihimr, Tatsumaki" Ichigo greeted "Also, Orihime, I am fine" he casually said to the Other Orange head.

He should have just shut up, as he merely poked to the CHest by Daiki, and the pain resurfaced.

His expression crumbled for a second as he gently held his chest.

"Yeah, like hell you are, just sit down already" Said his brother with an indifferent face.

"Ichigo, Where is Yuzu? She was the one taking care of you, no?" He inquired about their sister.

"She said that she was going to take a bath"

"And Karin?"

"Probably in their room"

"I see, thank you anyway"

"I will also go take a shower then"

Daiki was in his quarters, he unclothed himself and got into the toilet, he first got rid of the trash in his body before going under the shower. As he habitually does, he took a look at his template.

'6% it grew but it's slow, it took more than 3 months to take it here, I have to find a way to make it grow faster'

'Perhaps it's because the percentage is low but although sometimes I got to see Ashborn's memories in my sleep, I still didn't get his unique skills, just some of his physical powers and magical energy'

'hm... I should not be hurried, I still didn't even exploit all my own hidden potential, if I do it right, I can easily become one of the strongest in this world without problem'

'But I also know that raw power is not all, the ones at the top are too op, it's just hax upon hax, so having the authority of death as my own hax is only fair'

'I also thought of a way, to speed up my zanpakuto manifestation, if I can call it like that'


Really I just realized how much time I spend writing, a minimum of 3 hours, putting my imagination to words is kinda hard, even more since English is not my main.

And with all of that is m still writing new fiction here and there... Poor me.

Enough with my rambling, next will be, Naruto: The Misfit

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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