
Black Flare

Akuma Kabutsu i one day transported to another world along with several of his classmates. However his perfect "isekai" life doesn't last long as he is soon labeled as the Black Flare, a demon which once destroyed a large part of the continent. He is ostracized, hated and betrayed by the very people he thought of as friends. How will Akuma survive in this dangerous world? Will he make it through the gruesome trials that await him at every other step?

IGI · Fantasie
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17 Chs

[3.7] Hate

Akuma stared into the two cold, black marbles hidden behind a pair of glasses. Moments after, Akuma recieves a kick, clearly aimed at his left eye.

Akuma is laying on the ground as the irritated butler keeps on attacking. He doesn't even use his hands. Roland believes he shouldn't even touch something as filthy as a hybrid. All he does is kick Akuma.

Akuma can't even defend himself. Each kick leaves a spray of purple particles as it lands. Each kick has to be enhanced with Kriya.

Fighting a monster that fights by instinct rather than tactics is different than a human that can make use of their Kriya. He is ruthlessly thrown around the hallway. And not a single person to help.

[But why? Why does this happen to me? I didn't do anything to you. Yet you hurt me for no reason.] Questions race through Akuma's mind as he is mercilessy attacked.

And yet. Like before, no answers. [Am i really a devil? No, i can't be.]

Akuma finds himself on his knees and hands. His senses are becoming more dull by the second.

Roland spoke with a tone that wasn't loud, yet Akuma knew he was greatly irritated. "If you horned monsters could keep your own affairs to yourself no one in this kingdom would have to suffer. No parents without children and no children without parents. If your kind could have stopped the Black Flare none of that would have happened!" Roland finishes with a raised voice as he kicks Akuma in the stomach. The kick had enough force to send Akuma into the wall and bounce back, landing on his back.

A sharp pain runs through both Akuma's chest and left arm. His bones must be broken from the kick and later the impact.

Roland slowly approaches Akuma who is lying on his back. His vision is getting blurry and so does his hearing. As if someone put headphones to his ears and played nothing but white noise. The pain he feels begins to fade, no, it begins to be numbed by something. He can't even understand what Roland is saying anymore.

Yet, he hears a whisper. The whisper is clear, unlike anything coming from the outside. It's faint, but it's there. "Good. Give it up. Give it back to me. Give it back before he kills you." The whisper is quiet, yet Akuma knows perfectly what it said. [What does it mean by "give it back"? What does it mean by "killing me"?]

Akuma suddenly finds himself himself surrounded by darkness. His very memory of self begins to fade as a figure emerges from the darkness. The same figure that he saw in his nightmare. Yet this time, he doesn't feel afraid. The presence of the figure is...calming.

Roland passes through the dark as well. He looks down on Akuma. As if he was looking on a dirty animal. This time, however, Akuma doesn't have nearly enough strenght to at least try to dodge. [No. I don't need to dodge. I don't need to defend myself. I...don't need to do anything anymore.]

The dark figure, bearing crimson red eyes looks Akuma right in the eyes as it places its hands on his face. For a few moments it feels as if time slowed down. "Good. Give everything up and give it all back."

Staring into the crimson marbles, Akuma slowly begins to close his eyes, as Roland raises his foot to kick Akuma one last time. As Akuma's eyes close, Roland's foot starts making its way to Akuma's head.

An instant. Akuma's bones go back to their place and mend themselves by black fire, hidden by his skin and clothes. The muscles torn from Roland's precise use of Kriya reconnect. Akuma's body is healed in less than a split second.

Before Rolan's foot lands, Akuma's body will release a surge of Kriya that should stop him.

An instant before the kick lands and Akuma's body retaliates, a voice echoes through the hallway. "Stop this immediately!" The voice is mighty, yet gentle. It's a woman's voice.

The butler freezes only centimeters away from Akuma's face and contrary to his own belief, Roland's death as well.

Akuma doesn't realize what would have happened. No, the person that was about to kill Roland wasn't him. Luckily, the voice brought Akuma back.

The source of the voice quicky approaches and Akuma struggles to even move his head to look at who is coming. There is no pain, instead, Akuma's body simply refuses to listen to him. A few seconds later he is at least able to look at who is approaching him.

A young, beautiful woman. Wearing a pink-ish frilly dress. She has dark brown hair, reaching down to her waist and two blue eyes currently burning with frustration.

"Roland, what is the meaning of this?!" The woman asks with a frustrated tone. "Nothing of importance, your Highness." He responds, as if nothing happened, and gives a polite bow.

Akuma can't force himself back on his feet, insead he is forced to watch the events from the ground, as he slowly regains control of his body. [Wait, Highness? Is this woman some sort of princess?]

"How is this nothing of importance? You were beating around a defneseless child." The girl says as she quickly ran Akuma up and down, noticing his height, body type and other features. "It is truly nothing someone of the royal status should concern themselves wit-"

"Enough." The princess says in a rather calm voice. She is boiling with rage under everything she puts up front. Roland realizes this very well. "Roland, this is the first and last time this has happened. You shouldn't, no i will not allow you to project your hate on children. Do you understand?"

Roland replies through clenched teeth. "Yes, your Highness." The princess keeps up her serious expression. "Good, now leave." Without another word, Roland leaves like a toddler who just got scolded by its parents.

As soon as Roland passes by a corner, the princess turns to Akuma. She moves to his side. "How hurt are you?" She asks with a worried tone.

Akuma didn't know how to respond. Not because he was dazzled by her beauty. But because he didn't even know if he could trust her. Yet, there was a part of him that wanted to accept her help, to still cling to that last bit of faith Akuma had in the people around him.

And in the end, that small part of him won, once more. He knows it will hurt in the end. But isn't he allowed to have at least a few moments of happiness?

"I just feel a bit numb, that's all." Akuma says as he tries to get up, ignoring the extended helping hand. and contradicting his thoughts.

As he tries to get up, he falls back on the ground. Much to his own dismay.

The princess herself is pained at watching Akuma's clumsy attempts. Even though he always falls, he still tries to get back up.

He tries to get up again, yet now he is stopped by the princess. "Stay put for a moment." Akuma can tell how serious she is from her expression, and chooses to do as she asks.

For a few moments she stares into Akuma's differently colored eyes, before pulling out a handkerchief and using it to wipe the dirt off of his cheek. A few moments later she extends her hand to him. Though hesitantly, Akuma takes her hand, to which she smiles as she pulls him up.

As soon as Akuma is able to stand on his own two feet, the questioning begins, or so Akuma thinks. Instead, an apology comes along with a bow. "I'm terribly sorry for what Roland did to you. I'll make sure to properly lecture him later on. As compensation, state whatever you wish and i'll make sure you shall get it."

Akuma is taken by surprise. [Isn't this woman supposed to be some princess or something? Then why is she bowing her head.] Akuma wants to answer to get out of this situation. He isn't used to people treating him with respect. Of course, there are people like Haku who Akuma got comfortable around, but strangers treating him that way is something different.

Akuma struggles to get words out, as he sees the princess will not budge untill Akuma states what he wants. "T-Then, i was supposed to go back to some man named Simon. Could you show me the way?"

The princess lifts up her head with a surprised look on her face. "Is...that all?" Akuma nods, already wanting to leave. Her surprise is soon replaced by determination. "Then, i'll at least accompany you!"

Simply wanting it all to be over, Akuma accepts her help and the two set out. As they are walking through the palace, the princess can't help but ask why Akuma is in the palace in the first place.

She recieves a prompt answer. "I'm here with Brann, he said he had a friend to meet." The princess stops in her tracks, almost causing Akuma to bump into her. "You're travelling with uncle Brann? How did that happen?" She can't help but ask.

"And how did you join up with Brann then?" Akuma then proceeds to explain everything that happened since he met Brann. With only a single changed detail. He said he doesn't remember anything before meeting Brann.

This only causes the princess to pity even Akuma even more, yet it sparks up her curiosity as well. How is he able to even walk after getting beaten around by Roland? She has many questions, yet not a single answer.

The two remains silent for the rest of the way. The princess not wanting to pry into Akuma, and Akuma now wanting to talk anymore.

Akuma and the princess arrive at Simon's workshop, where they exchange names in front of the door. Akuma waits the remainder of the time at Simon's workshop, chatting with him.

Miraculously, Simon finishes Akuma's sword just a few minutes after he comes back, leaving Akuma in awe at his blacksmithing skills.

Just a few moments after recieving his very own sword, Brann busts the door open. "Akuma! we're leaving, now!"