

My name is ANDREAN and today I'm going to tell you my story including my mom and twin sister.

In 1745 , Emily our heroine was a very pretty woman, she was working in the castle's kitchen to help her family because they were poor. ALI it was his name the handsome king was so attractive and gentle for that reason every girl in this town wanted to marry him.

So one day our big day it was the king's birthday so they were preparing a huge party to celebrate him.That day Emily and her team were preparing the food and suddenly the king get into the kitchen to see how it goes and it happens he saw that beautiful simple woman with those shinny green . He took his first step and he told her .Emily doesn't think about it for the first time in her life and she said YES just to save her family from poverty.

After 2 years of that big and forbidden love Ali start forcing her to give birth because of his throne.

But the sad thing was that Emily cannot have babies she was sterile

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