
A Peculiar Grimoire

'So it has already been fifteen years since I reincarnated... truly time fly by'

The young man with long black hair and purple eyes contemplated. he has sharp facial features, tempered eyes, and broad shoulders for someone of his age, even his clothes did nothing to hide his chiseled musculature. His posture and very gest were calculated and filled with mannerisms similar to that of a noble.

But what really stood out about him was the tattoo on his forehead, an intricate magic circle, it seemed. It was something he was seemingly born with.

Arthur Calmreich was his name, he was the younger brother of Finesse Calmreich and sole successor to the head of the Calmreich royal family. That wasn't all though, he also was a reincarnated person.

This was his second life, and he still remembered his past life, although most of it was blurry by now, he still remembers some of it, like some anime he watched, some manga, light novels, or even fanfic he read. His first love, his former family member, and true friends.

"But that does not matter anymore anyway" he shook his head.

He was not talking about the works he read but rather family and friends since he didn't plan to go back there or anything. He lived his life and died, that's all.

"Art, what are you even saying? Are you alright? Moreover shouldn't you be more excited? Today is the day you will receive your grimoire after all" Finesse, his older sister asked, she was worried about her younger brother, who developed a habit of talking to himself.

"Ho sister, you need not worry, I am perfectly fine, and also, about the grimoire, I am, of course, excited to obtain mine" Art, as she call him answered back with a kind smile.

'My case is a very special one after, I seemingly have no magic affinity, but at the same time, I can analyze and copy the spell of others' Art believed he had copy magic, so although he was excited to obtain his grimoire, he didn't overly show it.

"My magic has already been determined anyway" he spoke with certitude.

"You really are a case, what am I even supposed to do with you?" Finesse's question was rhetorical.

Looking at the clock, Arthur realizes that it was almost time for him to get on his way, lest he is arrive late, creating more complications.

"Sis, it's time for me to take off" He announced, to which she nodded, but didn't budge, instead she opened her arms wide.

Art knew what he had to do, so he gave her what she wanted... a hug. It was not like he don't like hugging her or anything, but the girl was just too much of a bro-con.

Due to her fragile health, accompanying him was not something she could do, since the Grimoire Library was a little far from the capital.

"Have a nice trip" The Black haired woman with similar purple-colored pupils kissed her dear little brother on the cheek.


"Ganyu, I am ready to go" Arthur told the beautiful young woman clothed in a black and white maid uniform... which absolutely talked about his... preferences.

She had long pale blue hair, fading into a darker shade at the ends but the most remarkable feature of hers was her eyes. She has purple multicolored heterochromatic eyes that fade into pink then gold.

"Yes Arthur-sama" she says as a three-leafed blue grimoire with cristal patern floated beside her, the pages turned as she cast a spell.

"Ice creation magic: Ice chariot"

Ice materialized as the result, then took the shape of a chariot. Without wasting much time, Art got in followed by the maid as the chariot took off into the sky.

The cold didn't bother Arthur at all, he was already used to it, and his physical and magical resistance due to his training, this cold was nothing to him.

"Also I remember having already told you to drop the honorific when we are alone or with my sister" Arthur inquired.

Ganyu blushed a little from embarrassment, she added the honorific out of habitude.

"Sorry, I will be more careful next time" she apologized, trying to hide her growing red cheeks.

"Why are you even acting like that?" Arthur was surprised as to why she was acting somewhat distant today.

"I am sorry, it's just that... no nothing" She once again apologized, intending to explain what was going on. But she soon changed her mind.

Ganyu was lost, she didn't know what to do about her feeling, a servant trying to engage in a relationship with a noble... Not the best course of action.

She was really grateful to Arthur's father for saving her life when she was younger, as a result she she decided to serve the family, and was appointed as the personal maid of the young master.

Since she is seven years older than the young master, she was here practically all of his life, in fact, she has expressly been trained to be able to handle all tasks given to her by the young master and support him in all of his endeavors.

So how could... she explain that she has feelings for the younger man? her master, thinking about she just felt lost.

Ganyu has never been one to be able to hide her feelings, so Arthur for a fact knew that something was wrong, just not what for now and since she still didn't want to talk, he decided to wait and see.

From here it didn't take them long to arrive at their destination. They listened to his/her speech... they didn't know if that being was a man or woman.

'Better not think about it' Arthur thought.

Soon Grimoire started flying around, rejoining their destined holders, they came in all forms and shapes. Big, small, thin...

Most here to receive their grimoire received theirs, there even was one particular existence that acquired a legendary four-leafed grimoire.

'Yuno, huh" Daiki didn't think much about it, since the event was canonical.

But what was a surprise was that two persons didn't receive any grimoire.

They were first, a young man of short stature with an exceptionally muscular build. He has green eyes and messy, ash blond hair with bangs in front of his forehead and a single strand protruding upwards from the center of his head named Asta.

The second one was surprisingly Arthur... if anything that happened till now didn't surprise him, this one did for sure.

"Art" Ganyu go worried and unconsciously called him by his diminutive, temporarily forgetting her situation.

'Keep calm, being agitated won't fix anything" He was worried yes but didn't panic.

He ignored the shouting Dwarf as he tried to figure out what was going on. But he didn't have to wait for long.

A grimoire suddenly appeared before him, seemingly coming from nowhere, although he was thinking, his senses were in no way inactive.

'Where the fuck does it come from? it's just like it popped into existence' For the first since age, Arthur inwardly cursed. He was usually very careful with his words even in his head as he thought that cursing was Indigne for someone of his stature.

Not letting him the time to think further, the grimoire, well if it could be called like that, started glowing like a mini sun, and in response, the magic circle on Arthur's forehead also started shining.

Soon their light faded as the

Arthur thinking as much, touched it, taking it in his hand. The grimoire true for was revealed.

It looks nothing like a grimoire. It was just a single page, that was seemingly ripped from a book. On the page was a magic circle looking in all points semblable to the magic circle on his forehead.

The magic circle encompassed almost all of the page, letting no place for any future spell.

'What am I supposed to do with that?' He wondered, clearly lost in what he should or even could do.

But, it seemed like there was more, he suddenly got a feeling coming from his forehead, the magic circle... it wanted to... absorb the page?

'Let's try this'

Finding nothing better to do, he gave in to the feeling as the page was swiftly shot toward his forehead before being absorbed by the magic circle.

Following this event, new knowledge started flowing into his head as he started understanding the true nature of his magic.

"I understand, my magic doesn't just allow me to copy the spells of others" he muttered

"In fact, my magic is one of creation!"

Arthur was ecstatic. He didn't even remarque that all eyes were on him, nor the worried maid at his side. He was currently in his own world.

"Woahh!!!! SO crappy! he ate his grimoire! If you didn't want it! You should have just given it to me!"

But all things must come to an end, and so did Arthur's delusions when he heard a shout full of Emotions, ranging from fear, anger, and finally indignation. The voice was obviously that of Asta who almost had tears in his eyes.

He felt like it was unjust, he didn't even receive a grimoire while the other weird guy, tattoo ate his. He felt like crying right now!


I just had an idea and felt like putting the work, don't expect much from this story tho... my naruto and Bleach fic are my priorities... for now at least.

I will see and drop one or two chapters from time to time, so you can add it to your library if you want.

I am just too compulsive, if I have an idea I can't help but write.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

AllBullshitcreators' thoughts