
Bittersweet Alignment

When her sister calls off the wedding at the last minute, Evelyn has no choice but to take her place - but marriage to Lucas Moore is nothing short of agony. The elusive billionaire media mogul is the man she's always loved... yet he's only ever had eyes for her sister. How will she survive under the same roof with a man devoid of her feelings. Will Lucas ever feel the same way? Or will Evelyn's love crush remain fruitless?

DaoistqcGyIF · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter One



I stepped into the boardroom with a man and woman in tow. The formal wear mixed with the serious attitude created an official feeling. The people who were already in the luxurious room stood up in greeting as a sign of acknowledging my presence. After taking a look at the bunch of people before me, he sat down signaling everyone to follow suit. No one dared to speak. I opened a file right away, and without looking up, I gave a cue to a young man to start the presentation.

"The goal of our new buildings will be to sell at a lower price so that our customers..." He started getting cut off by me.

"You mean to tell me you want to prune our profit?" I exclaimed going through the file.

"Um..... Sir, I'm not necessarily saying..." There's a bead of sweat forming on the forehead of the man sitting in front of me, despite the chilly temperature in the office. I should put him out of his misery, but instead, I continue to stare him down.

"This company is built with integrity and quality. I didn't establish this company for it to simply be mediocre, if there isn't a better pitch by tomorrow you are fired" I boomed, the room suddenly falling into ice cold. Hearing their silence tells me they have heeded my words. Pushing the file back to him, he rose making his way to the exit when his next word stopped me in my tracks.

"But, may I at least finish"

"That will not be necessary" I responded without turning around and in a second, I was out of the boardroom with his assistant trailing behind.

Being the sole owner of the largest and most successful enterprise in the country, there is no room for mistakes. I only hire the best of the best. If you go behind my back once, I will make sure you never work anywhere else in the globe.

Moore Inc. is the family's most cherished fortune and I worked on it for 4 years. Getting my bachelor's degree while in high school, I was ahead in all his classes. I had no time for friends or romantic relationships, nor did I want to be involved with any of it or so I thought, not until her.

I turned the doorknob of the office and settled my sore muscles into the shiny black office chair.

I breathed out a sigh leaning forward to get a hold of the marble toying with it.

Not shortly after, Nona's call came through. A smirk danced on my lips.

She couldn't go a day without checking up on me, she cared so much about me, only if I had much to spare.

After Mum and Dad died, she played both roles for me and my siblings.

They died when I was nineteen, Hudson was eleven and Emma was nine.

It was a rough phase for all of us. Having to step in and take responsibility at such an age was challenging but nothing I couldn't handle.

"Hello Son" She used one of the strict voices that she uses whenever a serious conversation is about to take over.

"Nona, good afternoon" I greeted. He waited for her to respond to my greetings instead she let out her main reason for calling.

"I want you to come home tomorrow," She said and ended the call without waiting for my answer. It means she was upset by the time I got away from home.

Last month I had promised to return before it ended but as usual, I cooked up excuses.

This time her patience had run thin. I could sense that by the tune she had used.

I summoned my Assistant to cancel all my meetings and schedule for the day and also get the private jet ready for tomorrow. I will have to fly back home early in the morning.

A call came through yet again. I groan taking a glance at the caller ID; Alice.

A mild smile stole its way to my lips, keeping the pen aside and attending to my fiancée.

"Hey, babe." The noise bustling from the background had my ear stinging lifting the phone slightly away.

"Hello Lucas, are you there?" She asks if her pants are audible to my hearing.

Alice Jones, my soon-to-be bride.

The Moore and Jones have been business acquaintances for years or more like a family as they'd like to be referred to.

One thing led to the other; they decided on merging their companies a year before the death of Mr and Mrs Moore. Mr Jones suggested that if they would converge their business then so should their ties.

I, Alice, Evelyn, and Hudson have always been childhood buddies. The bond between Alice and I was a special type of connection. We've always gotten along.

We had grown so fond of each other and had only stopped to notice our feelings back in college where they made things official.

He hums in response.

"I can't make it to the gala event next week"

I tighten my grip on the phone and take a calming breath. "Alice, you promised me we'd go together. This is the second time this month you're canceling on me at the very last second. Couldn't you at least have given me some adequate notice?"

The phone rustles and Alice sighs. "I'm sorry, Lucas, I really wanted to be there, you know that. I wanted to support Emma and be there with you, but I just can't get away. I need to retake some shots, and it just hasn't been going too well."

"It's always the same excuses, Alice. I'm trying to be as supportive as I can be, but you're making it difficult. I can't always be the one who makes compromises."

"I know," she says, her voice soft. "I'll make it up to you."

"Is this because you don't want to be seen or photographed with me? Alice, we're getting married in a month. Don't forget about our agreement. The moment we're married, we're taking our relationship public, so what's the harm in us being captured together tonight?"

"Lucas, it isn't that. I promise it isn't. I'm taking so much time off for the wedding"

I run a hand through my hair. "I get it," I tell her, defeated. I do understand it, but I'm starting to lose hope that things will ever change. I used to think I was the luckiest man but it just doesn't feel that way anymore.

Ever since she got the Louis Vuitton gig our relationship has been going flip flop. Everything feels mechanical and off, and the excitement we should feel regarding our upcoming wedding is missing.

Was this wedding worth it?

I hiss, chanting curses. I don't know what's happening to us but it's getting exasperating each time.

Don't get me wrong, I love Alice but loving her came with a lot of sacrifices which most times I had to make.

I heaved out a sigh flickering my wrist to check on the time. It's three hours to the gala event. I have no excuse to make up and cancel, which leaves me with no choice but to attend alone.

So much for having a fiance.

A hiss spilled as I assembled the necessities heading towards the door.

I'll leave for New York immediately after the event. The last thing I want is having Nona send guards to get me to her.

Yes! She's that audacious.

"Mr. Moore, where is your fiancée?"

"Sir, will your wedding be globalized?",

"When will your bride be known to the world?"

"Who is the mysterious bride?"

I walk past the paparazzi ignoring the tone of the questions they shot. My bodyguards assisted in making sure they had kept their distance.

The formal setting of the venue complimented the aloofness of the guest. I roam my stare around in search of the host.

"Lucas" that voice, I knew exactly who it belonged to, my least favorite person. Anything that had to do with him was irking, he and I are business rivals, and no matter how much he tried to be ahead of me, I was always a step ahead.

Jason Rodriguez.

My jaw hardened. I twirl to meet his odious self yet I was struck by the most beautiful eyes; Hazel. The lady reminds you of a wild animal with luxurious wavy chestnut hair and is worn in a style that reminds you of the ray of the sun. And slender yet hygienic and healthy, her skin is pale, and has a pointed chin that suits her sass her wad rope is complicated and risqué with a mostly white scheme.

My heart leaped at the sight, my stare devouring more of her, I didn't miss the slight move she made clutching a little too much on Jason's hands.

Giving her a lad look I tore my gaze off sneering.

"It's Mr. Moore for you" My tune was harsh and precise.

He laughed. "Apologize. So I heard your wedding is in a month" his lips twitching to a smicker.

The lady beside him is the one person stopping me from willing off that look on his face.

She seems too familiar as though I've seen her somewhere or was it just a striking resemblance?

"Oh, pardon me. Meet Evelyn my secretary" he introduced.

I extend my hand forward for a shake. She kept me hanging for a sec or so before she slipped her hands into mine. I froze, as though splendor wasn't enough she had to be oozy.

Our hands fit perfectly, I held dense never wanting to let go. Was I infatuated with her? I could feel her hands slipping away which urged me to hold on a little bit tighter, my dick hardened as I bore my eyes into her hazel ones.

I could stare into her eyes all day and never get tired. They are bewitching and fiery, they fit superbly to their spot.

"Pleasure" I speak as I let go to which she nods averting her gaze from mine. She excused herself leaving the floor.

Shit! I may have made her excruciate.

"She's gorgeous, isn't she?"

He cut through my train of thought, I share that look that had his face smudge. Jason has bad records with women, it's infuriating that she had to be in the middle of him. The urge to protect her brewed inside of me.

Whoever she is, didn't deserve him one bit.

"Excuse me" I brush past him walking to attend to the rest of my business associates.

I met with the host and exchanged two or a few words and then it was my queue to leave. I've already had enough of this party after all.

I followed through the back dismissing the guards so as not to draw any attention, It's been a long day.

A don by the side had my steps come to a halt, my stare roaming around in search of the source. I traced the direction of where the sound was coming from marching towards it and to my utmost surprise, it was hazel.

"Hazel?" The word slipped, urging a quiver from her as she hurriedly wiped off her tears turning to face me, her lips spreading into a tight-lipped smile.

"Mr. Moore"

Fuck! Was everything ideal about her, even her hoarse voice sends a wave of desire crawling to my system?

"Is everything okay?"

She nods, avoiding my eyes, "Y-yes." She stutters.

I moved an inch closer as she took a step back, I took another step and so did she till there was no more space to move. I level my face towards her getting a hold of her chin, wanting her eyes lost in mine.

Her emotions were haywire; sadness mixed with guilt and resentment, so much for what though?

Jason? My teeth gritted at the mere thought of him hurting her. I don't get it, why am I bothered? Indulging in other people's business wasn't my thing, but what was it about Hazel that had me intrigued?

"What did he do?"


"Jason. Did he hurt you?"

"-I, well-" She couldn't form a coherent sentence, definitely trying to cook up something.

"Don't lie to me" My tune is hard and intimidating.

I was consumed by her scent, lavender soft and soothing. I had to refrain from nuzzling into her neck and inhaling more of it.

Damn it! This woman is going to be the end of me.


She placed a hand on my chest trying to push me off as her lips trembled. Those eyes, I'm sure I've seen them somewhere, just where?

Who is this woman?

Her touch was misery knowing I couldn't erase the list I had towards her. I've learned to keep my package intact in every situation I find myself yet this woman was messing with that.

"Please" Visible tears accumulated at the brim of her eyes.

That got me back to my senses. I recline back, clearing my throat to fight back the edginess.

She steps away instantly making a move to leave yet I hold onto her wrist stopping her from waking any further, "Do I know you?" I couldn't help but ask.

She twisted her wrist out biting on her lips as she shared a look pondering whether to answer or not before her lips parted, "-No. I must leave now" With that, she strolled away my eyes glued to her till she left sight before I tore my gaze away heading for the car I had the driver park in for me.

I got into the car and the thought of the lady still rambling around my head as I ignited the engine scorching off.

Who was this mystery woman?
