
Chapter 129 Deal

"Is this the terrifying soul sword of soul cultivators?" as a fan of knowledge, he has read through more than a third of the entire information contained in the library of his Kingdom during his free time in the last forty seven day since he established the Yun Kingdom.

Withdrawing his focus on the transparent sword in front of him, a huge gold metallic door appeared in his view.

"The palace imprisoning Pride and his siblings," Shung Yun muttered as he spotted several familiarities between the door in front of him and the one in the palace hall of the six siblings.

"It must be the reason why the soul sword had no effect on me. The palace is acting as a protection for my soul against attacks targeting the soul," he muttered as he connected the dots relating from the floating soul sword right next to the gold metallic door and the tug he felt in his consciousness.

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