
Billionaire's Irresistible Love

Ava Shetty, a girl with an enchanting aura, had the power to sprinkle happiness wherever she went. With her protective older brother and loving parents by her side, life seemed perfect. However, fate had a different plan for her. In a blink of an eye, everything she held dear was snatched away, leaving her stranded in this vast and unforgiving world. Fast forward five years, and Ava has transformed into a formidable businesswoman, the driving force behind Shetty's empire. People label her as rude, bossy, and arrogant, but little do they know that beneath that tough exterior lies a vulnerable child yearning for love and affection. On the other hand, we have Aditya Roy Kapoor, the indomitable Emperor of the business world. With his cold demeanor and striking handsomeness resembling a Greek God, he is the epitome of success. Women swoon over him, but he remains disinterested, consumed by his company and indifferent to romantic pursuits. But what happens when fate brings these two strong yet fragile individuals together on a project? Join us on this journey to witness how a resilient woman and a seemingly cold CEO find love in each other's arms. **** FIRST FEW CHAPTERS MAY SEEM BORING BUT TRUST ME, GIVE IT A TRY

Madhusmita_Dash_7336 · Urban
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12 Chs

His confession


OMG! What have I done?!' Ava thought . Saying she was embarrassed would be an understatement. She just wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole. 

Rumor has it that Aditya Roy Kapoor has a serious OCD. He didn't even spared his own sister when she accidentally touched him with dirty muddy hands. He kept scrubbing himself with soap for about 2 long hours. He also punished his sister by making her clean their whole house for a week . If he would find a single dust on house , he would again force her to clean the house.

Ava quickly started apologising "I'm really sorry. Extremely sorry. I didn't mean to spit out all my food on you"  Ava again slapped her mouth and scolded herself. And then



Ava was apologizing again and again.

"It wasn't entirely my fault okay? You said something hilarious all of a sudden and I was really shocked okay?" Ava tried to act tough on the surface but she knew that she was panicking alot inside. As she was predicting him to lash out on her but unexpectedly something completely different scene happened.

Aditya silently took out his napkin from his pocket and wiped his face. "It's okay" Aditya said with a calm expression.

Ava was a bit bewildered. I mean if someone else had done something like this to her -OCD or not!- she would have surely given them a peace of mind.

"So as I was saying, Be my girlfriend?" Aditya again asked seeing Ava lost in her thoughts.

"What the heck? Are you serious?!" Ava exclaimed looking at Aditya .

For the first time in her life someone proposed her in the middle of having lunch. Where there was literally no connection with their conversation to this proposal topic.

Ava suddenly remembered the rumours about Aditya being gay. She  sighed in relief as she has grasped the main point

"Ohh so you want me to become your girlfriend because of the rumours of you being gay? "

Ava asked with eagerness as if she was patting herself with an imaginary hand for guessing correct.

After hearing Ava's words Aditya's face turned ashen. "What the hell are you even talking about?" He asked with greeted teeth.

Ava was looking at Aditya with confusion. As if a big red question mark has appeared on her face .

"Wait! If that's not the case , why would you propose to me to become your girlfriend?"

Although Ava has an high IQ and very smart in the field of business. But when it comes to the matter between men and women, she is utterly dense. Ever since she was a kid , she was well protected by her brother in her primary school and during her highschool she was highly bullied as she was younger and smarter than the rest and she was also homeschooled during her University.

After joining business, she did get quite a bit of proposals but she knew they weren't actually after her heart instead they were after her wealth or her body.

As confusion clouded her mind, she found herself lost in a sea of uncertainty. She was well aware that she did not possess the allure of a model, the kind that would make men weak at the knees. Nor did she consider herself to be exceptionally beautiful. Thus, the question lingered in her thoughts, why would Aditya desire her as his beloved?

With unwavering sincerity, Aditya responded to her inquiry, his gaze fixed upon her with tender affection. "Because I like you," he uttered, his words flowing forth like a gentle stream.

In that very moment, Ava's breath hitched, leaving her momentarily breathless. The world around them seemed to fade into silence, as her heart began to race, its rhythm echoing in her ears. *Thump thump* *thump thump* The sound of her own heartbeat filled her senses.

Despite the multitude of proposals that had come Ava's way since she ventured into the realm of business, she had never encountered such a formidable challenge in declining them. However, when it came to Aditya, even the most basic of words seemed to elude her grasp. The perplexing question of why he held such a profound sway over her thoughts remained an enigma. Summoning her inner poise, she finally uttered, "I extend my sincerest apologies, but I am not inclined to assume the role of anyone's girlfriend at this juncture. I am confident that you shall discover women of surpassing elegance and exceptional talent far superior to myself. I implore your forgiveness. Nevertheless, if there is anything else I can offer in return, I beseech you not to hesitate in making your request known."

Aditya, despite being prepared for her response, experienced a sharp pang of hurt as her rejection pierced his heart. It was a sting that resonated deeply within him. With utmost tenderness, he gently clasped her delicate hands, his voice brimming with sincerity and earnestness. "Please, do not dismiss me so hastily. I comprehend that it may seem premature, considering we only crossed paths yesterday, but... my heart knows its desires. Never before in my existence have I encountered such an overpowering attraction towards another soul. And deep within, I believe you can sense it too. Love at first sight was a concept I once scoffed at, but after laying my eyes upon you, I have become an unwavering believer. Whenever you grace my presence, my heart races as if participating in a grand marathon. And when I gaze into the depths of your mesmerizing eyes, oh, how I yearn to be forever lost within them, never to resurface. I understand if you find it arduous to believe, but I implore you to trust that every word that escapes my lips is nothing but the purest truth."


Hey sweeties ! How are you doing? I hope you must be doing well..I am kind of sad my story is not getting any views..Do you guys not like it?? If you want any changes or have any plot ideas you can very well come and tell me..


