
Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring

Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring is about childhood friends Amiver and Denmark who were forcibly married by their parents. Denmark secretly made a deal that they would divorce when he reached his 25th year old. Amiver agreed to the arrangement and promised to do everything to make Denmark fall in love with her and break the contract. However, Amiver waited for a long time, but Denmark still didn't love her as he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Cathee. Amiver's heart gave up, and she distanced herself, completely cutting ties with Denmark and his family.But fate played its games, and after 7 years, Denmark and Amiver crossed paths again. Will Denmark discovers the hidden secret that Amiver has been keeping since her long departure.

Kathm16 · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 6;The Amiver Chronicles

Seven years have passed since Amiver left the Marquez family behind, and she never imagined that she would end up living the life she has now, surrounded by the people she loves and who are there to help her get back on her feet during times when she stumbled.

Nanay Che returned to the Philippines after her two-year stay in the US because she couldn't handle the cold weather there and also to take care of the land Amiver bought for her.

That's why the three of them ,were left in the US after Nanay Che returned to the Philippines. Messie couldn't work either since she needed to take care of Marcus, and they were hesitant to entrust him to someone else.

Amiver was able to reclaim her Nanay Che's land in Cebu, had the house repaired, and even set up a business for her. Now, she also owns property in the US and has managed to save up some money.

Despite her boss Justine's frequent visits and his expressed interest in courting her, Amiver's heart remained closed to the idea of opening up to other men. For her, her son Marcus was enough, and she cherished him deeply.

"I understand I might come across as persistent, Amiver, but the truth is, I've liked you for a long time, even back when we were still in Cebu," Justin confessed one evening while escorting Amiver to her condo after work. "Your dedication, your strength – those are qualities I've always been drawn to."

Amiver stared at Justine, feeling pity for him after repeatedly rejecting him. Despite his efforts, she couldn't find any affection for Justine in her heart and she didn't want to accept him out of mere pity.

It's not that simple, Justine, You're an incredible person, and I appreciate your feelings. But you know, my past... It's not easy for me to just let go.

Amiver offered a soft smile. "You're a great friend, and I appreciate your kindness. But right now, my focus is on Marcus. He's my top priority."

Justin nodded, respecting her decision. "I understand, Amiver. Marcus is lucky to have a mother like you ."But I want you to know that I'm still willing to be patient."

Despite their complicated relationship status, Amiver and Justine managed to maintain professionalism at work. Justine continued to treat her as an employee, and she respected him as her boss. In the workplace, Justine displayed fairness in his treatment of everyone. When she made mistakes, she accepted criticism gracefully, as if their personal issues were set aside, focusing solely on work matters, and she appreciated that.

Amiver invited Justine to come in and have some coffee, but he declined. However, they agreed to meet again the next night.

Justine had also formed a close bond with her son, Marcus, and witnessing their relationship filled Amiver with immense joy. However, despite her best efforts, she couldn't fathom why she couldn't develop romantic feelings for Justine, especially when he possessed all the qualities typically sought in a man.

She started to think about Denmark. How was he doing? Did he ever look for her? These questions swirled in her mind. They had never officially divorced, so it was possible that he had been searching for her to finalize their separation. She recalled their agreement to part ways once he turned 25, but now he was 28, and she had torn up that agreement.

Amiver's frustration and anger at the thought of Denmark still having a place in her life boiled over. She couldn't believe she was letting him affect her this way after all these years. She needed to find a way to move forward and put her past behind her. With a deep sigh, she reminded herself that she was strong and had built a new life for herself and her son.

Determined to focus on her future, she got up, picked up the pieces of the pillow she had thrown against the wall, and decided to spend quality time with Marcus. After all, he was the one who truly mattered in her life now, and she would do whatever it took to give him a happy and secure future.

When Amiver found Messie still awake, she inquired about how her day out with her son, Marcus, went.

Messie smiled and replied, "You know, Ami, your son is incredibly handsome. Just recently, when we were at the mall, someone approached us and expressed interest in having him model for an event. I wanted to let you know first."

Amiver nodded and said, "I appreciate you informing me. As for Marcus, I have no concerns about that. I'll support him as long as he's happy with what he's doing. So, what did Marcus tell you about it?"

Actually, he declined in a surprisingly mature manner," Messie replied, a hint of pride in her voice. "He said that while he really appreciates the offer and finds modeling exciting, he wants to focus on his studies and other activities for now. He mentioned that he doesn't want to take on too much and risk spreading himself too thin."

Amiver nodded, a mixture of understanding and admiration evident on his face.

"I'm proud of him for thinking that way at his age. It's important for him to prioritize his education and not rush into things. We'll always be here to support whatever he decides."

Amiver is delighted with her child; he's remarkably mature for his age. Sometimes, she brings him to her workplace so that Messie can have a break and some time to herself. Marcus stays quiet by her side, seemingly attentive and perceptive of his surroundings. Amiver also notices his interest in designs, which makes her confident that he will follow in her footsteps and become an architect someday.

Amiver, could you please come with me to the office?" Justine asked her the next morning as she entered the office. He had a serious expression.

Nervousness crept over her. Could it be that Justine was going to fire her since she had rejected his romantic advances several times before?

I have a proposal for you. I would like you to take over one of our branches in Manila.

You will become the Vice President there. Your salary will be higher. And just like here, everything you, Messie, and Marcus need will be provided.

Amiver was left in awe by what Justine said. She, becoming a vice president? I mean, even in her wildest dreams, she never thought of becoming a vice president in the largest firm.

Justine, I... I appreciate your offer to make me the Vice President, but it's a bit overwhelming for me.

I understand your perspective, Amiver. It's a significant step indeed. However, I see great potential in you. You've shown exceptional leadership and dedication, which is why I thought of you for this position.

Amiver remained silent, keeping her gaze fixed. She knew that Justine had feelings for her, but she didn't want to take advantage of his feelings for the sake of the position.

"Is this not about your feelings for me, is it?" Amiver asked Justine.

"No, it's not about my feelings for you. This is about your capability. There's no one else I've considered for that position except you, and the company needs you," Justine replied in a serious tone.