
Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring

Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring is about childhood friends Amiver and Denmark who were forcibly married by their parents. Denmark secretly made a deal that they would divorce when he reached his 25th year old. Amiver agreed to the arrangement and promised to do everything to make Denmark fall in love with her and break the contract. However, Amiver waited for a long time, but Denmark still didn't love her as he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Cathee. Amiver's heart gave up, and she distanced herself, completely cutting ties with Denmark and his family.But fate played its games, and after 7 years, Denmark and Amiver crossed paths again. Will Denmark discovers the hidden secret that Amiver has been keeping since her long departure.

Kathm16 · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 25; Insecurity

The next morning, Amiver woke up in Denmark's room, her heart still racing from the repeated intimate moment they shared the night before. She carefully untangled herself from Denmark embrace, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. As she got dressed, she looked at the sleeping figure of Denmark and couldn't help but smile. She left a soft kiss on his forehead before quietly leaving the room.

Making her way to her own room, Amiver's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She knew that the path ahead wouldn't be without challenges, but for the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope and happiness. She changed into fresh clothes and checked on Marcus, who was still sound asleep.

Later in the morning, as Amiver found Denmark in the kitchen, preparing their breakfast.

Good morning," Denmark greeted with a warm smile.

Good morning.

You vanished beside me earlier," he mentioned.

Amiver blushed, smiling shyly. "I moved to my room, in case Marcus comes looking and doesn't find me," she softly explained

Is he awake?" Denmark asked.

"Yeah, he's getting dressed. He'll be out in a moment," she replied.

Denmark placed the food on the table and planted a kiss on her lips.

"I love you. Last night was so special.

Amiver's heart fluttered at his words, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. She smiled up at him, her eyes filled with affection.

"I love you too, Denmark. Last night was truly special," she replied softly, her voice tinged with warmth.

Denmark grinned, his eyes locked onto hers. "I'm glad we're on the same page now."

Mom, Dad!" Marcus interrupted their cuddling, and they quickly let go of each other and turned towards their son.

"Good morning, champ," Denmark greeted with a smile, and then they exchanged a playful fist bump.

Amiver embraced their child and smiled. "How was your sleep, sweetheart?"

Marcus nodded, delighted to be with his parents again. They all went to the kitchen to have breakfast.

So, champ, do you have any adventure plans for today?" Denmark asked Marcus.

The young boy nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I want to go swimming at the beach.

They both chuckled in unison at Marcus' words, knowing well that he never seemed to get tired of swimming in the sea.

After eating, they decided to take a leisurely walk along the shoreline. The sun was shining brightly, and the sound of the waves provided a soothing backdrop to their conversation.

I love you and Marcus, and I want to be the best partner and father I can be."

Amiver looked at him, her heart warmed by his words. "I believe you, Denmark. Let's take things one step at a time and build a future together."

Denmark grinned and planted a quick kiss on Amiver's forehead

As Amiver tidied up the toys during the evening, she noticed that Denmark was nowhere to be found. Curious, she decided to look for him. She found him standing at the back of the villa, engrossed in a phone conversation. She hesitated, but then she overheard the name "Cathee" in his conversation. She discreetly moved closer to listen.

Okay, Kevin. I apologize for not getting back for a few days. I had some business matters to attend here in Batanes. I'll be heading back tomorrow. Can you let Cathee know that she doesn't need to be upset anymore?" Denmark said with a chuckle as he spoke into the phone.

Amiver's heart sank as she listened. Cathee's name had stirred up memories and insecurities within her. She felt a mixture of emotions, unsure of how to react to this unexpected conversation. She silently backed away, feeling conflicted and uncertain about what to do next.

Ami, we're going back to Manila," Denmark said cheerfully when he returned inside the villa.

Amiver nodded in response.

"Um, is there a problem? You've been unusually quiet since earlier. Well, if you want, we can delay going back," he suggested.

She hesitated before speaking, "No, I don't want to delay. My phone, I need to call Justine."

"Oh right, sorry, I forgot to give it back to you."

Once she retrieved her phone, she immediately called Justine and explained her situation. She also called Messi, feeling a heavy heart, but she held back from sharing too much with her best friend to prevent her from worrying about her.

I've been noticing your voice sounds shaky. Are you okay? Is Denmark hurting you or Marcus? Messi asked with concern.

Amiver took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "Messi, it's complicated. I can't really explain everything right now, but I promise I'm okay."

Messie sensed the hesitation in Amiver's response. "Ami, you know you can talk to me about anything, right? I'm here for you, no matter what."

Tears welled up in Amiver's eyes as she felt the weight of her friend's concern. "Thank you, Messi. I really appreciate that. I promise I'll explain everything soon, but for now, I just need some time to figure things out."

As she ended the call, Amiver felt a mix of emotion

She couldn't say anything about Cathee yet, as she didn't have any evidence to support her suspicions.

"Ami," Denmark called out as he was about to enter his room.

"I'll sleep beside Marcus for now. He's upset with me because I wasn't with him last night," she explained.

Denmark smiled and nodded in agreement.

"We're okay, right?" he asked, his hand holding hers.

She smiled back and nodded. "Yes, we're okay."

He smiled sweetly and gently kissed her forehead. "Good night, Ami. I love you."

"Good night, Denmark. she replied.

Amiver lay in bed, unable to shake off the name "Cathee" that Denmark had mentioned while talking on the phone with someone.

Her mind drifted back to how Denmark had once ignored her when they were dating in high school, and how Cathee and denmark meet again without her knowledge even though they already married. Even during their first intimate moments, the name "Cathee" slipped from Denmark's lips, leaving Amiver with lingering questions about their past.

She resented Cathee, not because she was beautiful and she felt insecure, but because Cathee was the first woman Denmark had truly loved since the very beginning.