
A girl named Dracel

1.A girl named Dracel

As she walked through the narrow passage, she narrowed her shoulders so as not to badge into anyone, eyes went on her body like crawling ants, little whispers drove pass her ears as she tried to maintain her path. It was normal for her to be judged as it has become a norm among the ladies, she minding her business and minding her self was one big self control the others couldn't maintain.

Look at her, looking all plain and dark.

I don't really know who she think she is, the palace queen?..... Prrrr, one spat in disgust.

Hasten your step perezoso a masculine like voice sounded from a corner, I don't know how long it would take you to get the sugar here. The supervisor spat in disgust as she irritatingly spoke to the pale girl.

I'm sorry, the boys had to get sugar from the store, the ones on ground were....all...

I'm sorry I don't have time for fancy stories, now get back to work! She shouted, Dracel or whatever is your name ... I just don't.....like you.....she visibly showed her dislike for Dracel anytime they came across each other.

Pfff! She sighed, not like it's the first time you're saying it, she said in her head.

The war on the outside was getting out of hand and everybody's hands were on the desk, men, children, women were all working together, making sure the warriors do not go short of supply and same with the town, the price of things got higher and higher and hunger was visible on the faces of low class citizens which forced alot of them in sending their sons on war in return for food supply while the rich prayed and held on to the priest for perfect days ahead.

Unlike the pale looking Dracel, she had no parent but the responsibility of two siblings, working in the baking kitchen was the only way to survive her and her young ones. Having lost her parent to death on their traveling trip, she made up her mind to be strong for herself and her younger ones so the damages done by the tongues of others never penetrated her, after all she has always been excluded from the kids when she went out to play.

Hey pale being go and get some garlic, the supervisor shouted again.

But I've just started kneading my dough, she said within her teeth.

Pardon me? The supervisor said furrowing her brows.

She ignored her and walked past her clashing her shoulders against hers. They always find a way to get on her nerves for no reason, she walked in anger to the store room, as she touched the walls she was drawn into a vision and she gasped in fear as the pictures flashed through her eyes and she let go of the wall.

Same dreams....same visions...these ppl think I'm crazy.....she said to herself.

With shaky hands she picked up the garlic into a nearby bucket, some fell on the ground and she tried to calm down.

What are you doing here? The cheif baker asked from the door.

I was asked to bring garlic to....

You're supposed to be busy by now but I see you walking about, is this an excuse or you're not telling me something.

Ma'am the supervisor asked me to bring garlic that's why I'm here.

And why are you fidgetting, what's wrong with you?

I'm...I'm ok...just been shaky from fever.

Then you shouldn't be here, we can't let you infect the foods do you get that.

I'm very sorry chief, I'm fine.....

Just do the needful, she said and left.

Ahhh!... She sighed, she looked at her shaking hands and tried to hold them still but they won't stop, she knew what it was, danger was smelling all over.

She squatted to pick up the fallen garlic's and got up when she was done.

Boom! She came crashing on the floor with fire and wood falling on her, then she fell into darkness out of self consciousness.

Slowly light penetrated into her eyes as they obediently opened, her sight became blurry and every where was mute, she caught blurry sights of running people and slowly her eyes and ears opened to peircing sounds from people.

It has happened, her instinct told her, she raised her head up to look properly and a liquid dropped on her left eye, she lifted her hand to touch her face then she realized she was covered in piles of wood.

A stinging pain hit her head from her left eye, she realized blood was dripping from her face, she looked at the scene before her and saw bodies lying still, children crying and ppl running for shelter, the smell of blood and smoke oozed in the air, the sky was no longer blue but dark, slowly her eyes failed her as she fell into slumber again.

I told you she's alive! A voice sounded as her eyes opened again but it faded slowly.

Don't be too hard on the princess hahaha!

I'll take her on my ride....these words came and faded away till she finally fell into the embrace of darkness.

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