
Beyond Death: a love defying fate

In a world where fate intertwines, Hikaru Kojima finds solace as he was suffering from unique phenomena making him fed up from his life. However, his perspective on existence takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Ayumi Kaneko, a girl who was also suffering from a unique but dangerous phenomena, because of that she was trapped in her own house by her own parents As their eyes meet, Ayumi's yearning for adventure and to see outside world a sparks connection that transcends the boundaries of their individual struggles. Together, they embark on an extraordinary journey, facing unforeseen challenges and discovering the resilience that lies within them. In this tale of intertwined destinies, follow Hikaru and Ayumi as they navigate the mysteries of life, each seeking something profound beyond the constraints of their own realities.

MythBeast · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter "Unspoken Feelings"

Hikaru quickly opens his eyes and sees Ayumi standing in front of him, holding a knife. She says, "Im seeing hope in you. If it works, then my life will be changed, forever. If it doesn't, then I will be freed from this cursed life." Hikaru glances at her, and she added saying, "And one more thing—" Hikaru interrupts her, saying, "You have the same mark on your left thigh." Ayumi's eyes widen, The knife fell from her hands. Hikaru kept glancing at her, and she slowly said, "I was about to tell you that." Hikaru replies saying "In future you already did." She asks, "Did it really work?" Hikaru nods yes, and she gets excited, hugging him. Hikaru smiles, and she looks at him, saying, "That's destiny." Hikaru gets confused. Suddenly, they hear noises from her house, and both of their attention turns towards the noise. Ayumi quickly says, "Hikaru, my parents are up. Quick, you need to go now." Hikaru quickly stands up and uses the sheet rope to descend. Ayumi looks at him, and Hikaru quickly reaches the ground. Ayumi pulls the sheet rope up and hides it under her bed, also concealing the knife. Hikaru hides under her window with his back against the wall. Ayumi opens a book and sits on her bed, pretending to read. Her room door opens, and her mother sees her, smiling. Ayumi also smiles. Her mother says, "You should sleep now." Ayumi responded saying "I'm about to finish it, then I will." Her mother nods and says, "Your father and I have decided that the day after tomorrow, we will shift to a different house." Ayumi gets a bit sad but smiles and nods. Her mother smiles and closes the door. Ayumi looks at the door for a few minutes, takes a sigh of relief, and slowly walks to the window. Hikaru notices her shadow, looks up, and they glance at each other. Ayumi smiles, waves her hand, and Hikaru smiles and waves back. She keeps glancing at Hikaru, who walks towards his house, stands at his gate, looks at her again, smiles, and then enters his house. Ayumi is still standing there, smiling.

The next morning, Hikaru sits at the breakfast table with his family, not paying much attention to eating. He thinks, "She will shift her house in a week. How can I help her? I really want to make her happy, but I also can't stop her." He feels a bit sad. His father says, "Hikaru, what happened?" Hikaru looks at him and says, "Nothing," then starts eating breakfast. His mother says, "Hikaru, I wonder if that girl will visit us again." Hikaru looks at his mother and says, "Mom, first of all, she's not my girlfriend and if she visits again, tell her that I'm not at home." Mizuhara says, "Geez! Why are you always so rude?" Hikaru ignores her, takes a few more bites, and stands up, saying, "I'm leaving for school now." His mother insists saying, "Hikaru, at least finish your breakfast." Hikaru replies, "I'm full" and leaves his house.

Hikaru entered his class and sat on his bench, looking at Yuta who seemed a bit sad. He then turned his focus back on studying.

At lunch break, Hikaru walked in the school's park, eating a sandwich. He then noticed Yuta sitting alone on a park bench, Hikaru finished his sandwich, walked towards him, and stood in front of him. Yuta looked at him while smiling. Hikaru asked, "What's your problem now?" Yuta smiled and said, "Ayame broke up with me." Hikaru stared at him, and Yuta continued saying, "I lost both Ayame and Chiaki." Hikaru said, "It wouldn't have happened if you were loyal to Chiaki." Yuta admitted saying, "Yes, I know it's my fault." He smile and added saying, "They both love you." Hikaru sighed and said, "What happened between you and Ayame?" Yuta explained saying, "I don't know. After last night, when we were walking towards her house, she suddenly apologized and said she didn't want to continue the relationship. She told me to end things. I tried to ask her the reason, but she didn't tell me anything." Hikaru listened, and Yuta added saying, "She didn't tell me, but it's clear she broke up with me because she still likes you." Hikaru asks, "So? Are you going to blame me for this?" Yuta smiled and said, "Of course not. It's not your fault. It wouldn't have happened if I were sensible enough. It's all my fault." Hikaru said, "Alright then, you should focus on your studies now." Yuta smiled, stood up, and said, "Yeah, I will. Let's go; lunchtime is almost over." Hikaru nodded, and they walked together.

At the end of classes, Hikaru came out from his school and started walking. He took out his bicycle and sat on it. As he was about to ride it, someone interrupted him, saying, "Heyy." Hikaru looked back and saw Ayame standing, appearing nervous and looking down. Hikaru asked, "What is it?" She responded saying, "Can we talk somewhere else?" Hikaru asked, "Is it urgent?" She nodded. Hikaru said, "Come, sit." She quickly looked up, and Hikaru added saying "Sit; we will talk somewhere else." She looked down, walked, and sat behind Hikaru, and he rode the bicycle away.

After some time, both were sitting on a bench. Ayame said, "Hikaru." He looked at her, and she added saying, "I'm sure Yuta must have told you about what happened between me and him." Hikaru nodded and said, "Yeah, he did." She said, "I never loved him." Hikaru asked, "Then why did you date him?" She said, "Because of you." Hikaru asked, "And why's that?" She said, "I wanted to make you jealous." Hikaru sighed and said, "That was a foolish move." She apologized saying, "I know, and I'm sorry." Hikaru said, "So, you brought me here just to tell me this?" She asked, "What's going on between you and Chiaki?" Hikaru said, "What do you mean by that?" She asked, "I mean, are you both dating or something?" Hikaru responded saying, "No, we aren't dating." She smiled and said, "That's a relief." Hikaru looked at her and said, "What?" She then looked at Hikaru nervously and said, "I-I-I love you." Both were gazing at each other.