
Between blood and ice: A love between Damon Salvatore and Kate Denali

After Elena rejects Damon in Mystic Falls, Damon Salvatore decides to take a break from everyone and everything. So he decides to go on a trip to Europe. During his trip he meets Kate Denali, a beautiful vampire who belongs to the Denali clan in Alaska. Although Damon has no interest in becoming romantically involved with anyone, Kate seems to have a strange effect on him. As they spend more time together, they both begin to discover that they have more in common than they realize. However, not everything is easy in their romance: Kate has a dark past and a reserved personality, which makes Damon have to fight to earn his trust. As their relationship deepens, they begin to discover that they are not the only vampires in Europe. There is a group of hunters who are chasing down the vampires and eliminating them. Damon and Kate will have to fight together to protect themselves and keep their romance safe. Between blood and ice is an action, romance and suspense story that will keep readers glued to the page until the end.

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12 Chs

Chapter 7 - The Arrival of the Volturi

Damon and Kate had been together for weeks, deepening their love and relationship. They had overcome obstacles and had gotten used to the cultural differences between them.

But their happiness was interrupted when they received news of the Volturi's arrival in the region. The Volturi were the most powerful royal vampire family in the world and were known for their ruthless nature and intolerance towards any violation of vampire laws.

Kate was worried about the Volturi's arrival, as her clan had a tense history with them in the past. Damon was determined to protect Kate and her clan, and offered to meet the Volturi.

Accompanied by some of the local vampires, Damon met the Volturi in a clearing in the forest. There, he met Aro, the leader of the Volturi, and his two sub-leaders, Caius and Marcus.

"Greetings, Damon Salvatore," said Aro with a fake smile. "We have heard of you and your actions in this region. What brings you here?"

Damon remained calm, maintaining his firm posture. "I came to represent the local vampires and let you know that we will not tolerate any interference in our lives."

Aro laughed. "Interference? Oh, Damon, always so dramatic. We are not here to interfere. We are here to investigate certain rumors that have come to our attention."

Damon frowned. "What rumors?"

Aro smiled maliciously. "Rumors that a vampire in this region is in a relationship with a member of the Denali family. As you know, Damon, relationships between clans are strictly forbidden."

Damon maintained his firm posture, not allowing Aro to intimidate him. "Yes, I know. But I also know that Kate and I are not violating any law. We are adults and can make our own decisions."

Aro laughed. "Oh, Damon, always so stubborn. But laws are laws, and we cannot allow any violation."

Damon knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with Aro, so he decided to change tactics. "Alright, Aro. If we can't convince you that we're not violating any law, then let me ask you something. What do you gain by coming here and pursuing us?"

Aro smiled shrewdly. "There's always something to be gained in this world, Damon. Power."

Damon frowned, knowing that Aro wasn't telling the truth. But he knew he couldn't do anything at that moment. So he bid farewell to the Volturi and returned to the Denali clan to inform them of what had happened.

Kate greeted him with a warm hug, feeling relieved that Damon was safe.