
Betrayal of a wife

Nayla is 23 years old, her life is quite simple, at first she worked at a luxury restaurant. But had been fired by his boss, just because he had caused trouble at the restaurant. do not know where else to apply for a job, while he has several times applied here to the nearest company. He has also applied for a job at a restaurant, but still doesn't accept it. It made him even more tired, he didn't know what else to do. This morning he was outside the house, walking on the side of the road. Looking for work with enthusiasm, he should not just give up. How can he be hopeless, if at home there are parents who he must bear to meet the needs of his family. Why is his life so hard, it feels like giving up. But he became because of his own mother, never tired of supporting his family.

Ina_Alviana · Teenager
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

Nayla is 23 years old. Her life is quite simple. At first, she worked at a luxury restaurant. but had been fired by her boss just because she had caused trouble at the restaurant.

She does not know where else to apply for a job, while she has several times applied here to the nearest company. She has also applied for a job at a restaurant but still hasn't accepted it.

She was even more tired. She didn't know what else to do. This morning she was outside the house, walking on the side of the road. Looking for work with enthusiasm, she should not just give up.

How can you be depressed if you have elderly parents at home who you must care for in order to meet your family's needs? Why is her life so hard that it feels like giving up? But she was because of her mother, who never tired of providing for her family.

"Damn it! How do I get another job?" Nayla muttered. She ruffled her hair while kicking a can everywhere. I'm exhausted, but I can't give up. There is a family at home to make happy.

On the other hand, there is a man who is busy fighting with his wife. He is Aris, the CEO of his company. Again, he always fights, but only because of the man's problem.

In the past, Aris and Maira were married in an arranged marriage by their parents. Aris did reject the matchmaking. He had considered trying to settle down with the girl.

Then why, when we got married, did Aris just find out that his wife had a past with her best friend? From there, Aris's feelings were hurt so much. Why did his wife have the heart to keep everything a secret?

Why did Maira not tell herself, if she had been close to his best friend? He and his best friend, Arga, first met at a vocational school.

Arga is a really cool person. He always irritates Aris. Even if he is like that. But Aris is happy to have a friend like him.

A few days ago, Aris found out that Arga was his wife's ex-lover. He couldn't imagine how the two of them had never told him.

Aris is currently in his room. He doesn't mind his wife. Just because of his best friend's problem, Aris doesn't care if they both have a past. He just wanted them both to answer honestly: do they still have the same feelings as before? "We'd better get a divorce." The words that came out of Aris's mouth, he never thought of divorcing his wife. However, he was fed up with his wife's behavior. He never imagined how his wife could have an affair with her husband's best friend.

"You just misunderstood, Mas. I have absolutely no relationship whatsoever with Adam," said Maira. She still wants to persuade her husband so he can believe in her again. She didn't know what else to say. How could Aris believe her? Meanwhile, Aris doesn't easily trust other people, and neither does his own wife.

"Then what's in the photo?" said Aris, continuing to accuse his wife, slamming all the objects in his room. He can't be rude with his wife; it's just that he slams everything to vent his emotions.

"Adam is sad. I just want to calm him down." Maira is indeed lying. She is doing all of this so that her husband doesn't trust her anymore.

Maira wanted to touch her husband's arm, but Aris avoided the touch. How many times has Aris told his wife not to approach his best friend again? Then why does the terinya still approach the man?

Aris revealed, while sharply clenching both his hands. You think I don't believe what you're saying? I don't believe it at all. " If necessary, he must avoid his wife first so that his emotions will decrease. Aris immediately walked out of his room, but his wife wanted to prevent him from leaving this room.

"Man, where are you going?" Maira scolded, holding her husband's arm, causing Aris to push her hand away.

"I need calm. Don't hold me back. I'll be rough with you." Aris just needs to be calm, so he won't be rude to his wife. But Maira kept her husband from leaving the room.

"Sir, please don't go. We're going to settle things just fine." When Maira held her husband's hand, Aris immediately brushed it off.

"There's no need to solve the problem anymore. I already want to decide to divorce you," said Aris, who didn't want to hear his wife's words anymore, because it was clear that she was cheating behind his back. Why else would he keep this marriage going if his wife has turned on him?

"But, Mas. I still love you." It is the same if she is divorced as if she has not yet received her husband's inheritance.

"Haha, love, you're only in love with Adam, not me. You'd better marry him. I'll go first." Aris laughed sarcastically, thinking it was impossible for his wife to love him. He knew very well that his wife only loved his best friend.

He immediately came out of the rush out of his room. He no longer cared about his wife. His heart was broken. Why was his wife so heartless?

"Why doesn't Mas Aris believe me? My plan failed." Maira muttered, still surprised by her own husband, why he didn't believe in himself anymore. Could there be someone who has ruined their marriage?

"Damn, why did Maira lie to me? Doesn't she hurt my feelings? My heart is Mai " One hand hit the steering wheel, but he still couldn't understand it. How many times has he given his wife a chance? Then why did Maira break her confidence again?

At that time, Aris was told by one of his individuals that his wife had come to a restaurant. Then his personal driver deliberately took a photo of the two of them being cool making out.

More than three times, his private driver caught his wife with the man. At that time, Aris still didn't know who the man was. Then, a few days later, Aris accidentally met the two of them at a mall.

Aris approached the two of them who were alone together, until the two of you were without an object in the place of a mall.

Aris is really very dizzy, which is very surprising for only his wife. Maybe the way he divorced his wife was better than the marriage he had to maintain.

There was a woman who wanted to cross the street but suddenly wanted to cross. There was a car going fast. I don't know whose car it was. He was only hit by a car, falling to the ground.

When Aris was not focused on driving his car, suddenly there was a woman who wanted to cross. But Aris accidentally hit a woman. It made him very shocked.

"Gosh, why did you hit everyone anyway?" Aris rubbed his face roughly. Why did things turn out like this? His household affairs are still not finished, and now he has caused another problem.

"Ouch, it hurts..." A woman was already sitting on the floor with her legs crossed. Aris immediately got out of his car and walked over to the woman.

"Um, sorry sis. I accidentally bumped into her." Aris apologized to the girl, because he accidentally bumped into this woman in front of him.

"He's so handsome, he looks like he's a rich man. Better take advantage of him." The woman had thought that the man in front of her was from the richest family. Considering this, he should take advantage of this condition.

"Hello, miss. Why are you daydreaming? " The woman lost in thought, saw the hand in front of her fface made her wake up from her daydream.

"You've hit me. I don't know. You have to compensate. " That woman is Nayla, a girl who is very naughty. She doesn't want to know that the man has to be responsible for her actions.

She has a way of making the man want to help her. Perhaps in this way, the man could give himself a decent job to occupy. She was tired of looking for work here and there; he'd better take advantage of the man.