
25. Chapter 25

A/N: This chapter got away from me a bit. Enjoy!

Kate found Anthony sitting against a tree in what had become their spot the next morning. He had discarded his jacket and was just in his shirtsleeves. Instead of standing to greet her as she jumped off her horse, he silently held out his hand. She made her way over to him and let him wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her down until she was settled comfortably in his lap with her head resting in the crook of his neck.

"How is Miss Edwina?" he asked, the rumble in his chest comforting her.

"She has a slight cold, but no fever." Kate reported. "Mary is forcing her to stay abed for the next day."

"That is not the worst idea." Anthony agreed.

They were quiet for a few moments, Anthony's thumb absentmindedly caressing her arm.

"You said we needed to speak alone." Kate finally prompted.

"Yes." He replied with a sigh. "I have two pieces of information I need to impart to you, neither is easy. One pertains to your sister and the other to us."

"Tell me of the news that affects Edwina." She said instantly. "I trust we can weather any storm around us, but my sister must be protected."

"I wish I had your faith, but as you wish." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter, handing it to her. "I finally received a report on Morrison from my man. It seems he has been grossly misrepresenting the state of his affairs. His estate is practically bankrupt. He is mortgaged to the hilt and if he doesn't find a source of capital quickly, he will lose everything."

"Then why is he courting my sister?" Kate asked, scanning the report. "Everyone knows we have no dowries."

"That is not exactly true." Anthony flipped the page over and pointed to a certain paragraph. "It seems Morrison is friendly with the Sheffields. If I were a betting man, I would wager he was who they had in mind when they laid out the conditions for your sister's husband. He gets money to save his estate and they get a chance at an heir in the form of your sister's second son."

Kate stared at the page until the words began to blur together.

"These were the people I entrusted Edwina's happiness to?" she asked in a small voice. "Mary's safety? How could I have been so blind?"

"You couldn't have known." He told her, tightening his arms around her waist. "You were only trying to secure your sister's future. You are not to blame for their actions."

"Edwina is determined to see their scheme through." Kate bemoaned. "I fear even this information will not deter her."

"I found nothing that would make him an unfit husband." Anthony comforted her. "Even the money problems seem to from several generations of mismanagement rather than his failings. Perhaps he does care for her, or at least he might. Do not lose hope, darling. This could still work."

Kate nodded, burrowing back into his embrace.

"What was the other thing?" she asked finally, her voice muffled by his shirt.

Anthony was quiet for a moment making her pull back to look at his face.


"Siena came to my apartments the other night, after the opera." He told her quietly.

He felt Kate stiffen in his arms and he held her tighter.

"What did she want?"

Anthony hated the insecurity in her voice. He wished he could protect her, but there was always the chance someone saw, and he owed it to her to tell her the truth before Whistledown revealed it to the world.

"For me to take her back." He told her softly. "To set her up as my mistress once more."

Kate was quiet as she absorbed this information and Anthony waited to see which direction she would break.

"What did you tell her?" she asked softly.

He took her chin in his hand and made her look at him.

"I told her no, Kathani." His hand moved until he was cupping her cheek. "I told her that I was marrying you and I would never disrespect you like that. I set her away."

Kate considered him for a few, long moments before relaxing in his arms again.

"You are not the only one who is possessive." She told him softly. "I accept and understand that I must share you with your work and family, although I hope that I might have a place in both, but I will not share you with another woman. You told me you were mine. I will accept nothing less."

He saw that she was playing with a thin, gold chain he had never seen her wear before and he gently took it from her hand, pulling it from beneath her dress to reveal his ring hanging from it.

"I cannot wear it openly yet, but I find myself wanting it near when I need strength." She told him. "A piece of you to comfort me when we are apart."

Anthony didn't hesitate to kiss her.

"I am only yours." He told her a little while later as he rested his forehead against hers. "Just as that ring is only yours. I want no secrets between us."

Kate took his hand in hers, playing with his fingers.

"Then there is something I need to tell you." She took a breath. "The argument Eloise and I had the other day wasn't as…theoretical as I implied."

"What do you mean?" he asked warily.

"You must keep in mind that she told me this in confidence and if you fly off the handle, I will lose the trust she has placed in me." She said seriously. "You must promise to keep your temper."

"I promise." He took a deep breath. "What did you and my sister argue about?"

Kate hesitated a moment long before signing.

"Apparently, the Queen recruited Eloise last Season in an effort to unmask Lady Whistledown. The Queen seems to have abandoned this pursuit, but Eloise has not. She believes she has found the printer and even went so far as to go there herself and speak to an apprentice."

Kate was certain that the only thing that kept Anthony seated was her presence in his lap.

"Eloise went to a print shop and spoke to an apprentice unchaperoned?" he demanded; his voice angry. "What could she have possibly been thinking?"

"She wasn't thinking." Kate soothed. "She took a footman, but she was caught up in the chase, of proving she is smarter than anyone else. She wanted to prove herself."

"I am going to lock her in her room."

She sighed.

"No, you will not." He glared at her and she glared right back. "If you lock her up, it will only make her desire to rebel stronger. She promised me she would not go back; I believe we should trust her until she gives us reason not to." She reached up to run her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. "You do not want to drive her away, Anthony. Trust her, for the moment."

Anthony relaxed at her touch and nodded finally.

"If I find out she's going out unchaperoned again…"

"Then you may lock her in her room for as long as you like." Kate agreed. "But I'd be prepared for attempted jail breaks."

"She'd probably climb out the window." He agreed with a sigh.

They sat in silence for a time, simply holding each other.

"Do you think our lives will ever be boring?" she asked.

"I hope not." Anthony replied. "Calmer, maybe, but never boring."

Kate nodded and closed her eyes, just letting him hold her as she clutched his ring in her hand.

Kate made it back to Danbury House with enough time to change for breakfast, which was just the lady of the house and Mary that morning. After a pleasant meal, she went to see Edwina, who was still abed against her will.

"How are you feeling, Bon?" she asked, smoothing the blanket as she sat.

"I am fine, Didi." Edwina huffed. "Mama is forbidding me from attending the ball tonight. You must speak to her."

"I agree you with mama that you should rest." Kate replied. "You had quite a scare yesterday. We are very lucky it was not worse. Caution never hurt anyone."

"But I was to see Lord Morrison tonight!" her younger sister complained. "Mr. Dorset has ruined everything!"

"Why did you go out with Mr. Dorset?" Kate asked curiously. "I did not think you two had even spoken."

"He wanted to speak of you." Edwina replied breezily. "I did not think it would hurt to give him a bit of encouragement. You two looked so well together!"

Kate stared at her sister.

"Edwina, I have an understanding with Lord Bridgerton." She said slowly. "It would be unkind to encourage another suitor knowing I could not accept him."

"But the Viscount has not actually proposed, Didi." She told her older sister with the air of someone explaining a complex subject to a luddite. "You know his reputation as well as I do. You cannot trust him to stand by his word to propose 'someday'! You must have other options."

Her older sister was quiet for a moment as she reigned in her temper.

"For the sake of our future familial harmony, I will never tell Lord Bridgerton what you just said or how you questioned his honor." Kate told her, anger slipping into her voice despite her best efforts. "I cannot believe you would say such things about the man who saved you from drowning just yesterday!"

"I am grateful to Lord Bridgerton, of course I am." Edwina placated her. "I do not doubt he is a gentleman, but I worry about you, Didi! I do not wish to see you hurt."

Kate softened at the earnest expression on her sister's face.

"I do not wish to see you hurt, either, Bon." She said gently. "Which is why I must tell you what I have learned of Lord Morrison. He is not what he seems."

It was Edwina's turn to grow angry.

"What ever could you mean by that?"

Kate took a deep breath.

"I have received some information regarding the true state of his estate. He is near ruin, Bon. He needs a wife with a dowry to save it."

"So?" Edwina replied frostily. "As long as he is my husband, I shall have a dowry."

"But how could he know that?" Kate pushed. "As far as the ton is concerned, you have no dowry. The only way he could know is if he is aware of the agreement between us and your grandparents."

"And if he is?" her sister demanded. "What does it matter?"

"It matters because it means he wants your dowry, not you, Bon." Kate said, surprised by Edwina's reaction. "That is not a marriage you want."

"I wish everyone would stop telling me what I want." She shot back. Kate opened her mouth to respond, but her sister held up a hand to stop her. "I will speak with Lord Morrison and get the truth of the matter. Leave me, Kate. You and mama are correct, I should rest."

Kate sighed, but stood from the bed.

"Very well, Bon." She walked to the door, but hesitated. "You know I just want you to be happy, do you not?"

Edwina softened once more.

"I do, Didi. I do."

Kate nodded and left her sister to rest.

The ball that night was smaller than others of the Season, more selective. Consequently, Kate felt supremely out of place until Anthony appeared next to her, taking her arm and threading it through his.

"How are you tonight, my darling?" he asked as he led her to the floor.

"Tired." She admitted, but she smiled at him softly. "Better now that you are here."

"Miss Edwina stayed at home?" he asked, spinning her away before pulling her back.

"After throwing a tantrum that would have put Hyacinth to shame." Kate replied, twisting under his arm as he pulled her close. "Lady Danbury threatened to forbid her from the rest of the Season is she did not behave." She sighed. "Her behavior lately confuses me."

"I am sure it is just the stress of the Season." He comforted her.

"You are right, I'm sure." She agreed, relaxing as his arms wrapped around her. "She is under a lot of stress. I am sure everything will be fine."

He tugged her closer than the dance required, making her smile.

"Behave, Lord Bridgerton."

The dance continued and the next one found her dancing with Colin, who was followed by Benedict, who led her back to Anthony.

"Do you give your brothers a specific order to dance with me every night or do you allow them to choose as the dances dictate?" she asked as they began the steps of the new dance.

"No, I allow them to decide." He replied with a grin.

"You are ridiculous." She said, shaking her head.

He spun her, making her laugh. When the set was done, he led her to the refreshment table.

"Miss Sharma."

The couple exchanged a look before turning to face Mr. Dorset as he approached.

"Good evening, Mr. Dorset." She greeted, curtsying as he bowed.

"I just wanted to inquire as to your sister's health and to offer my most sincere apology for what happened." He told her seriously. "I do not see her tonight, so I hope she has not been injured by my foolishness."

"My sister is well." She assured him. "She remains home only due to an overabundance of caution. And what happened was an accident, so, please, do not trouble yourself needlessly."

"He could trouble himself a little." Anthony muttered and Kate subtly elbowed him.

"Perhaps you would allow me to escort you to the floor to continue my apology?" he asked, holding his hand out to her.

Kate resigned herself to the next half hour of her life, seeing no way to turn him down and still be able to dance later. Before she took his hand, though, she turned to Anthony.

"Could you tell the Duchess that I would appreciate a respite from the ballroom after this set?" she asked him. "Perhaps she could accompany me to the ladies sitting room?"

"I shall inform my sister of your desire for her company posthaste." He said, taking her hand a pressing a kiss to it.

Kate smiled softly before taking Dorset's hand and letting him lead her away.

Daphne watched as Anthony approached, looking supremely put out.

"Where is Kate?" she asked.

"Dancing with Dorset." He ground out.

She searched the floor and spotted Kate smiling politely at the other man.

"You must know that your plan to keep her from dancing with any man outside of our family was not entirely feasible, yes?" she asked with a laugh.

"I had hope." He grumbled.

"I think you must finally learn to share your toys, Anthony." Daphne said smugly, sipping her drink.

"Refer to her as my toy in front of her, I dare you." Her brother shot back with a smirk.

"Oh, hush." She said, swatting him. "You know what I mean. You must at least pretend to be secure in her affection for you. You must trust her."

"I do trust her. It is everyone else who is the problem."

Daphne just shook her head, turning back to the dancers.

"Where is your husband?" Anthony asked his sister as took a sip of his own drink.

"At home with Auggie." She replied with a sigh. "He still colicky and we couldn't bear to leave him alone."

"I will come see him tomorrow." He told her. "Perhaps he just needs a respite from his parents with his uncle."

He glanced at his sister to find her smiling brightly at him.

"You are a very good uncle." She said, wrapping her arm around his.

"Daphne." He practically whined, but she just held him tighter.

"You are."

They stood there in silence for a few moments, Anthony's eyes never straying from Kate.

"You know you cannot keep her locked away in a tower?" Daphne asked him softly. "A woman like Kate would never stand for it. She's far too independent for that."

"I know." He agreed with a sigh. "And frankly, I don't want to lock her away. I want the whole ton to see her for the amazing, beautiful, strong woman she is. I just want to be at her side when they do."

"You will be." His sister assured him. "The Season is only a few more months and then you'll be married."

"What if she changes her mind?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. "What if she decides I'm not worth the trouble?"

Daphne stared at him.

"The two of you are so alike, it is frankly frightening." She said finally. "So, I suppose I should tell you the same thing I told her. She loves you, Anthony. Maybe she hasn't told you, but it is plain as the nose on your face how much you love each other. Beyond all the fear and nerves is a love like Simon and I share, like mama and papa shared. It's scary and nerve wracking, but it is true. All this Season is a delay before a happy life together. So, trust her and trust yourself. Everything will be fine."

Anthony sighed and pressed a kiss to the top of his sister's head.

"I am very glad you decided to join us for the Season, your Grace."

"You are very welcome, your Lordship."

Anthony playfully knocked his shoulder into hers as they returned their attention to the dancers.

Kate had already stepped on Mr. Dorset twice and the dance had barely begun.

"I really thought I was getting better." She told him with a self-deprecating smile. "I'm surprised you hadn't already heard about my poor dancing. I know Lady Whistledown has written about at least one wounded gentleman."

"I'm willing to risk it." He told her with a charming smile. "Besides, it is fair payment for my sins. I really must apologize once more for the incident with your sister."

"I assure you she is fine." Kate told him. "Please, do not trouble yourself so!" She paused for a moment. "I would be interested in knowing how you came to be in that boat, though."

She was surprised to see the man blush.

"I confess, that while your sister is lovely, I wanted advice regarding you."

Kate stumbled and took a moment to gather herself.

"Me? Whatever for?"

Mr. Dorset seemed confused by her confusion.

"It is well known that you and Lord Bridgerton have formed an attachment, but since there has been no engagement announced, I dared to hope." He explained.

"Mr. Dorset – "

"I think you are amazing, Miss Sharma." He told her bluntly. "The little time we have spent together has only reinforced that opinion. I know Bridgerton has more to recommend him then a second son such as me, but I beg of you, don't dismiss me out of hand."

"Mr. Dorset, you seem like a good and kind man, but I have no desire to give you hope where there is none." Kate told him softly. "Lord Bridgerton and I do have an understanding and only my desire to see my sister settled before seeing to my own situation has delayed the reading of the banns. I have no desire to hurt you, therefore I must tell you that my heart belongs to him. I am sorry." She smiled at him sadly. "I have enjoyed our conversations and I hope I can continue to count you among my friends."

The music came to an end and she returned his bow with a curtsy.

"I thank you for your forthright honesty." He told her. "It is my hope that you may count me among your truest of friends. I wish only for your happiness, Miss Sharma."

"Thank you, Mr. Dorset."

Kate took his arm and let him lead her back to where Anthony was waiting with Daphne. With one last smile, he handed her off to the Viscount.



He gave the other man a nod as Kate tucked her arm into Anthony's before disappearing into the crowd.

"Everything alright?" Anthony asked softly.

"Perfect." She replied with a smile. "But I was not exaggerating my desire for a respite. Go. Bother your brothers and leave your sister and I to our conversations."

Anthony shook his head fondly before kissing her hand and setting off to find Benedict. The moment he was gone, Daphne linked her arm with Kate's and began dragging her off.

"Tell me everything."

"You turned down Mr. Dorset's attentions?!"

Kate came to consciousness with a start. She looked around blearily and spotted her sister at the foot of her bed.


"A new development in the Viscount's courtship of the Ruby," Edwina read from the pamphlet in her hand, "it seems the exotic Miss Sharma was overheard telling a potential alternative to Lord Bridgerton that the former rake (for he must be considered former now, surely) has her heart! All that remains to be seen now is whether she has his."

Edwina threw the pamphlet down as Kate flopped back into her pillows.

"Bon, it is far too early for this." She complained.

"How could you be so foolish, Didi?" her sister demanded. "Until he proposes, you must keep your options open! And what is this ruby business about?"

"I am Indian." Kate said dryly. "India produces rubies. Ergo."

"That is besides the point." Edwina replied dismissively. "You cannot drive every suitor away because you hope Lord Bridgerton will propose!"

"We have already had this argument, Edwina." Kate sighed, reaching up to finger the chain around her neck. "Despite what you seem to believe of him, Lord Bridgerton is a man of honor. He has declared his intentions to marry me. I will not disrespect that by entertaining the attentions of other men."

"Even if he is 'entertaining attentions' of other women?" Edwina shot back. She snatched the pamphlet back up, holding it out to read from. "But does his heart belong to her? A young woman was seen leaving Lord Bridgerton's private apartments late on the same night a certain Miss Russo made her triumphant return to the London stage. Perhaps the rake is not so former after all!"

Kate flushed as Edwina lowered the pamphlet triumphantly.

"I already knew she was there." Kate said softly.

Edwina stared at her.


"He told me she had come to see him." She sighed, sitting back up. "I knew of her relationship with him weeks ago. He has never hidden it from me."

"And you are alright with him having a mistress while courting you?!" her sister demanded. "The title and money mean that much to you? That you would open us to this level of scandal?"

"Of course not!" Kate exclaimed, growing angry. "How could you think that? There is no scandal! She was his mistress but is no longer! Anthony's money and title mean nothing to me. It is him I want."

That drew Edwina up short.

"He has asked you to call him by his name?" she hissed.

Kate flushed once more, resisting the urge to clutch at the ring.

"When we were leaving Aubrey Hall." She confirmed. "Why does all this matter? I trust him. All will be well, Bon. Trust me."

"Humph." Edwina threw the pamphlet down once more. "I suppose we shall see."

With that, she strode out of the room, breezing past Mary without a word.

"What is wrong with your sister?" she asked as she sat next to Kate on the bed.

"I honestly have no idea anymore." Kate replied, flopping back once more.

Mary shook her head, picking up Whistledown's latest to peruse.

"A note has arrived, inviting you to paint with Mr. Benedict Bridgerton this afternoon." She told her eldest.

"I told him I would paint with him this week." Kate confirmed, her arm thrown over her face. "Apparently he is taking matters into his own hands."

She lifted her arm and saw her stepmother completely absorbed by what she was reading. Kate quickly sat up and plucked the pamphlet from her hands.


"It is not what she is implying." She assured her. "Lord Bridgerton has been completely forthright about Miss Russo. I have no reason to doubt him. Trust me, mama."

"If you are sure." Mary replied warily.

"I am." She assured her once more.

The door swung open and Lady Danbury strode in.

"Am I to be allowed to dress before the whole of London enters my bedroom?" Kate asked.

"You and Lord Bridgerton must attend the opera once more." She announced, ignoring Kate's sarcasm. "Preferably a night this Miss Russo will be performing. You must show the ton that you do not fear your future husband's former mistress."

"Fine." Kate agreed with a sigh. "I will attend, but without Lord Bridgerton. If he attends, it could seem like he is going to see her. If I go without him, it shows that I do not feel awkward around her."

Lady Danbury considered her for a moment, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Very good, Miss Sharma. Very good indeed."

She swept out of the room and Mary reached over to pat Kate's hand comfortingly.

"Get dressed, dearest." She said, standing. "I fear you have a long day ahead of you."

She left as well and Kate let out a groan, pulling a pillow over her face.

Edwina perused the wares at the market, her fingers slowly running through the hanging ribbons as she let her mind wander. Her mother stood nearby, chatting with other ladies. That was fine with her.

She needed to think.

Her sister had confused her exceedingly that morning. She was so quick to jump to conclusions about Lord Morrison, but she refused to see the truth about Lord Bridgerton when it was right in front of her face! Lady Whistledown reveals his mistress to the world and Kate goes to paint with his brother. And Edwina was here…


She was often alone now. Back in India, Kate never went anywhere without her, but now, every time she turned around, there was a Bridgerton pulling her sister away and leaving her behind. They filled her world until Kate forgot all about her.

It didn't make sense. Not any of it. Yes, her sister was wonderful, and, in India, she could have been the Raja's second or third wife, given her connections, but this was England. This was where she was supposed to shine, the diamond returned to her true home. And yet…

Kate could have been happy with Mr. Dorset; Edwina was sure of it. He was kind and intelligent, even if he couldn't handle a boat expertly. Best of all, he was normal. But no, Anthony had filled her head with dreams of being a Viscountess, of the fairytale of a grand romance. Why was she the only one who could see how hurt Kate would be when it all came crashing down. Someone needed to protect Kate, she just didn't know how. They had no father, no head of house to forbid Kate from marrying the rake. Even if they did, Kate was of age; she could marry without permission. Perhaps, if she had a sizable dowry, she would realize she had other options.

"Miss Edwina?"

She spun around to find Lord Morrison smiling behind her.

"Good day, your Lordship! What a surprise to see you here!"

He took her hand, bowing as he pressed a kiss to the back of her glove.

"I felt the need to get out of the house and found myself here." He smiled brighter. "Perhaps it was you, drawing me here."

Edwina blushed.

"I would like to think so." She told him. "We have missed your presence."

"I still find myself uneasy in company." He admitted. "But perhaps you would allow me to escort you for a time?"

"Let me tell my mama."

He took her arm and led her over to where Mary was standing with the other mamas.

"Mama, Lord Morrison has offered to escort me around the market, if it is alright with you."

"Of course, dear." Mary told her, smiling brightly, before turning back to the other women. "Yes, they are just the definition of smitten. It is rather adorable."

Edwina resisted the urge to grind her teeth as Morrison led her away. She relaxed as they moved from stall to stall, chatting amicable. There was a lull in the conversation and Edwina took a breath.

"My Lord, I have a question I was hoping you might be able to clear up."

"If it is within my power, Miss Edwina, it is yours." He replied easily.

She took another deep breath.

"It has been brought to my attention that your estate is in such a way that you must marry a lady with a considerable dowry." She told him, keeping her voice light but firm. Everything was riding on his answer. "So, I must ask why you are paying your attentions to me. I have no such dowry."

"Now, I believe that is not quite true." He replied with a smile before ducking his head. "I confess, I have not been entirely forthright with you. When we met, I knew who you were, not because the Queen had declared you flawless, but because your grandparents had told me of you. Your family and my own have been close for generations. They told me they were planning on providing you with a dowry and suggested that we might suit. I am sorry I didn't tell you when we met at Aubrey Hall, but I came there with the expressed purpose of meeting you. I wanted to see for myself if we might do well together."

"And what did you find?"

Morrison stopped them, turning to face her and taking both her hands in his.

"I found a beautiful, delightful young lady whom I believe I would like to get to know better." He gave her a small smile. "If you are amenable, that is."

Edwina considered him for a moment before returning his smile with a shy one of her own.

"I am."

He squeezed her hands.

"I am glad." He tucked her arm into his once more and moved to continue their walk. "I look forward to many future conversations."

Edwina's smile grew.

"As do I, my Lord."

"I will kill you, Benedict Bridgerton."

The Bridgerton in question stifled a laugh as Kate tried to clean paint from her dress.

"How is this possibly my fault?" he demanded.

"It was your paint." She told him.

"That you were using." He shot back.

The two had spent the afternoon painting in a small parlor of Bridgerton House. They had been enjoying themselves thoroughly when Kate's pallet had tipped, splashing her with paint.

"That is immaterial." She replied primly. "I am still going to blame you."

"That's what I always do."


Kate smiled brightly as he entered the room, crossing to press a kiss to her cheek while doing his best to avoid the paint.

"You two are just precious." Benedict cooed.

"I could have him taken out and whipped, if you like." He offered, ignoring his brother's protests.

"Maybe another time." She replied, also ignoring Benedict. "I think the smock caught most of it."

"The offer remains open." Anthony told her, sitting in a nearby chair as they returned to painting.

"I am going to stop spending time with you two." The second born told them. "I do not deserve this level of abuse."

"Do not make promises you cannot keep, brother dear." The first born replied, making his brother sneer at him.

"How was your day?" Kate asked him, breaking up the fight.

"Boring." Anthony replied. "Filled with far too many numbers. And yours?"

Kate could tell from his tone that he was concerned about her reaction to Lady Whistledown's latest missive.

"Perfectly pleasant, despite Benedict's presence."


Anthony relaxed in his seat. He felt confident in his ability at this point to discern her moods and was fairly sure that she was not upset. It surprised him how well he could read her, better than almost anyone he knew. He watched as she teased his brother, relaxed and happy, and knew he had made the right choice to tell her.

"I need to return home for dinner." She announced, bringing him out of his thoughts as she flicked paint onto Benedict's face.

"Fine, leave me with all the cleanup, I see how it is." He grumbled good-naturedly.

"I will, thank you." She replied happily, stripping off her smock and setting it aside. She walked over to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for today. I had a lovely time."

"It's not too late, you know." He told her playfully. "If we leave now, we can make it to Gretna Green in only four days and spend our days painting in the countryside."

"And how are you planning on paying for this idyllic life when I cut you off?" Anthony asked dryly.

"You would cut off your beloved brother?" Benedict asked with false shock.

"When he runs off with my intended?" he shot back. "I think I might, yes."

"Well, I supposed I will have to stick with him, then." Kate told Benedict, laughing. "I couldn't bear to be the cause of your loss of fortune."

"Oh, very well." Benedict sighed. "But he shall have to live knowing our love is true and only money kept us apart!"

"Of course." Kate replied, playfully placating him. "I'm sure it will torture him for the rest of his days."

Anthony shook his head at their antics, taking Kate's arm and linking it with his own.

"If you two are quite finished, I will see you out."

"I think I am done." Kate said, looking at Benedict. "You?"


"Why did I introduce you two?" Anthony asked of no one in particular.

"Because you were afraid Kate would dance with someone else and realize she could do better than you." Benedict replied, nonetheless.

Anthony picked up a brush and chucked it at his brother's head.


The couple ignored him as they left the room.

"I am sorry about Whistledown." He said softly as they walked. "It seems I've hurt you once again."

"The only way I could have been hurt is if I had been blindsided." She told him. "I trust you, Anthony. Whistledown can write whatever she likes about us. We know the truth."

"So, is there any truth to her report that I 'have your heart'?" he asked with a roguish grin as they stopped at the door.

"Do I have yours?" she shot back.

He took her hand and pressed a kiss to it.

"It has only ever been yours."

She smiled and reached up to caress his cheek.

"Then I suppose reciprocity is only fair." She smiled as he nuzzled her palm. "Until later, Lord Bridgerton."

"Until later, Miss Sharma."

He let her go, watching as she walked down the stairs and climbed into the carriage. With one last wave of her hand, she was gone.