
Chapter 3

Kira's pov

A set of twins! I laughed so hard when I saw the result. I'm really unfortunate. I know.

But I must survive this. My children must survive too.

I will do everything to take care of them. Myself.

I will give them the best and filled that vacancy of a father. I will be both their mother and father.

I will struggle hard.

I left the hospital with the courage that I'd make it again.

I went home straight and had my lunch. I wasn't able to finish the food cause I lost appetite immediately seeing the result I collected from the doctor.

Gosh! Why's my life such a mess?

God really knows I never wanted this. He knows that.

But I will call it my fate.

My pregnancy clocked nine months and I was due for labour. I still work with my pregnancy so I will be able to take care of my coming kids.

Tuesday morning, I was mopping the floor when I felt my water broke.

Wait! My babies.

My babies are coming!

"Help!" I called, shouting so someone could hear me.

I walked slowly in pain as I got to the hallway.

My back was badly aching.

"Ma'am, are you alright? Oh! I think the baby is coming!" A lady said and went to call some people.

I shut my eyes with tears as they helped me into their car.

I was driven to the hospital.


For hours, I have been pushing and my babies aren't coming out. I was beginning to lost it.

My eyes were gradually closing. I hardly breath.

The doctors kept shouting for me to push again but I lost all the strength.

Then, I remembered what I had told myself.

I need to survive. My children must survive.

I pushed with the last strength in me. The first baby came out. It was a boy.

Then the second came out again. A girl.

My babies were laid down on my hands. So cute and innocent.

If only they knew what their father did to me.

They can't understand.

I cried as I hear them cry too. They made me remind Daniel. How I had begged him. How I had cried to him also.

But still, he ruined my future. But I know there's still hope.

"You two will be named Ryan and Rhian. You're my joy, my hope. And the reason I will live. Am gonna protect you two. Going to be your father and mother. I will give you two the best my children." I said to the tiny babies in my hands and kisses their foreheads.

The nurses wanted to take them away but I declined. Telling them I need to be with my children for some time.


They bathe my children and was placed on their bed. Until they slept soundly before I could close my eyes. To sleep.

Five years later, it wasn't easy to take care of two troublesome kids.

Daniel had really put me into trouble.

"Mommy! Rhian said I'm a fool" Ryan came running to me In the kitchen.

I Was cooking lunch.

"First, why's your school uniform still on? Didn't I ask you to remove your school uniform?" I heaved a sigh.

"Mom, I can't remove it. You know the uniform is too tight." He winced.

"Oh dear, when I gather money again, I'm gonna buy you a new school uniform." I replied.

"Mommy! Mommy! Ryan tore my book cause I called him a fool" Rhian ran into the kitchen too.

She rolled her eyes at Ryan.

"I will pluck those eyes out. Dummy!" Ryan yelled.

"That's okay. Now, you two remove your school uniform, and get ready cause you won't eat until you take your bath." I smiled to them.

"Oh mom! I don't wanna take a bath!" Ryan whined.

"Dirty boy. Ryan is a dirty boy Oh oh!" Rhian sang as she ran to their room.

With the money i gathered, I was able to rent a house with three rooms. A sitting room and two bedrooms.

It wasn't easy to take care of these children alone but am trying my best to give them the best.

I bathed Ryan and Rhian together then, served them lunch.

"Mom, you aren't eating?" Rhian spoke with a glint of worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry, i will eat soon. Just eat first" I patted her cheek and gave her a smile.

The twins ate peacefully.

At night, I wasn't able to cook dinner but thank God my children were able to understand me.

I hardly sleep at night. Sometimes I have nightmares that made me cry in my sleep.

Things has really been hard for me.

Authoress' pov

Kira got down from the bed and quickly prepared her children for school.

She bathed the twins and wore the tight uniform the children had been complaining of.

She couldn't get another one but she knows she will still.

She prepared them breakfast and gave them their school bags.

The twins were taken to school by a cab.

"Mom, did you forget about the parents meeting i told you about? It's today." Ryan pouted.

"No i didn't. When is it?" Kira asked as her eyes caught the child's shirt. The shirt was torn on at the front

"12:00am mommy!" Ryan replied.

The bell rang which made the twins waved their hands to their mom and went their way.

Kira works as a waitress in a local restaurant.

Exactly 12:00am, she had really overworked herself. She took an excuse from the manager to visit her children.

It took a while before she could see a cab.


In school, Ryan and Rhian were holding hands as they walked to the school hall. Obviously waiting for their mother to come before going in.

"Are you sure mom is going to come?" Ryan asked Rhian.

"I'm sure. Mom never disappoint us." Rhian replied him.

"See who's waiting for their poor mother." Jenny a girl In their class said.

"How many times will I ask you to stop calling my mother poor?!" Rhian snapped at the girl.

"I will stop whenever I see you buy new shoes and new uniform. You look like a slummer." Jenny stuck her tongue out.

"We aren't slummers Jenny. " Rhian rolled her eyes.

"Where's your father? You don't have a father too right?"

"How's that your business? Yeah. I don't have a Father but am still better you. Who gives your mother those stretch marks on her body and face." Ryan chipped in.

"And she's trying cover it" Rhian laughed.

"Oh! Your father must be punching your mom like a punch bag. Even if we are fatherless, we are still better than you.

Our mother is more beautiful than you. We love our mother no matter how poor she is. Dummy!" Ryan stood in an akimbo while tears gathered in Jenny's eyes as she ran away.

She thought, how did they know her father do beat her mother.

"Mummy?" Rhian said in shocked as she saw their mother almost in tears.

"My babies! Come here" She spread her hands wide to give them a hug.

"You heard what we said right?" Ryan asked and she nodded.

"Don't talk back to people harshly again." Kira told them.

"Mama, she was insulting us. She deserve it. That her mouth running like a tap water." Ryan muttered under his breath.

"I know. It's okay. Now let's go inside."

"Mom, where's our daddy?" Rhian questioned.

The question took kira off guard.

She knew they will still ask that question one day, but she didn't expect it now.

She gulped and faced the children.

"He's dead. He died when you two are still in my womb. Sorry, you.didn't get to see your father" She released a faux smile.

"Oh! It's okay mom. At Least, we have you. I love you mommy" Rhian showed her white set of teeth.

"Hey! I love mommy too!" Ryan chipped in.

"Whatever! Dirty boy!"

"Mom, am going to hit Rhian!!" Ryan yelled as he pursued Rhian to the hall.

Kira sighed and shook his head.

Her children loves her even if she's poor. She loves them too. Forever. No one will separate them from her. No one.