1 Kidnapped

The wind softly brushed against Will's face as he rode through the various neighborhoods. Will currently lives in Florida off the Gulf of Mexico, his family tends to move a lot because of his parents' jobs. Will arrived at the beach at high noon and locked up his bike. Laying out his towel on the snow-white sand, Will looked out at the ocean. The only unfortunate thing about the beach was the people. One, in particular, had parked a spot next to him. This male human was a large one, all lathered up in suntan lotion, sporting short, red swim trunks, sunglasses, and a floppy fishing hat. With a hotdog in his hand, he sat down on his towel, ate his hotdog in two bites, and laid down with his hairy chest pointed at the sky.

No longer being able to stand this particular view, Will stood up and moved to another spot, but no matter what he did, the beach was no longer satisfying. Will decided to come back later when there were fewer people.

Will arrived home bored as ever.

"How was the beach?" His mother asked.

"Boring, kinda gross."


Will's mother appeared from around the corner wearing a light blue apron with red cherries, and her curly brown hair was pinned to the back of her head.

"I know what you could do." She said.

Will raised an eyebrow in reply.

"You could clean your room!"

Will rolled his eyes and started to walk away.

"No, I'm serious!" She said, trying to convince him.

"We always move from place to place, so what's the point of unpacking?"

Will's mother narrowed her eyes at him, he knew she'd hound him about this later. Will went to his room anyways and laid on his bed.


A little while later, when the sun was starting to set, Will came out of his room and started to move towards the garage door. Will's father stopped him, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Out." He promptly replied before shutting the garage door.

Instead of biking to the beach, Will decided to bike towards the docks. He rested his bike against a bench and sat down, watching the sun sink beneath the ocean. Will stayed long after the sunset, looking up at the stars, and slowly, but surely he found himself drifting into slumber.


Will woke up to the sound of humming, and light clanking. Will groggily lifted his head and looked around. A plane was coming in. Someone was waiting, with totes beside them, on an empty dock. The plane pulled up beside the figure and they started to load the totes when a black van squealed to a stop on the hill above the docks. Will lied still as the doors of the van slid open and six guys with guns got out. Three guys jogged ahead onto the dock where the plane was, and the other three calmly strolled after them.

Will slowly sat up and stayed on the bench, silently watching until someone from behind firmly placed their hands on his shoulders...

There were seven guys.

"It's a little past your bedtime don't ya think?" He said in a gruff voice, and then roughly shoved Will forward so that he would stand up. Will tried to run, but the guy already had Will around the neck with his big, thick, meaty arm. He dragged Will to where the others were on the dock, "I found this little weasel spyin' from over there on that bench. What should I do with 'em?"

A Latino man at the front of the group turned around, and with a slight flick of his head he simply said, "Drown him."

"W- wait now, is that really necessary?" Said a thirty-year-old man with his hands up.

"He's just a kid." The old man next to him added while gesturing in my direction.

"Shut up!" The Latino man snapped, "Well?!"

The man choking Will restrained his hands with some rope, kicked the back of his knees, and plunged Wills head into the gloomy, salty water. Will struggled, but it was no use, he was held fast. Will stopped struggling to conserve energy, and he went limp to seem as though he was out of breath. When the idiot thought Will was as good as dead, he kicked Will into the water, and he slowly drifted under the dock. Will lifted his head out of the water and took slow and even breaths as he listened to the people above, "You're really fucked up aren't you?" asked the old man.

"Piss off! Now, where's the map?!" The main leader of the sketchy group asked.

"You know as well as I do that there is no map."

A gun cocked, "Then tell us what you know... Or I shoot the closest thing you've ever had to a son."

Will crept over to where his voice was, quickly grabbed his ankle and pulled, so that the Latino man lost his balance. The man who had the gun at his face disarmed the Latino man and kicked him on the side of his head so he'd fall over. The deafening sound of full automatics ripped through the air. A couple of the men pointed their guns at Will. Will ducked underwater, swam down a ways, and headed for the end of the dock for more coverage.

"Start the plane!"

A head popped over the edge of the dock, it was the younger man, "Are you coming, or are you gonna wait for them to kill you?"

Will quickly hopped up the ladder and dove into the plane. They shut the door right before the plane started to take off.

"So are we just gonna circle back in a while so I can go home?" Will asked once they were in the air.

The old man looked back at him, "There is no goin back kid, you're just gonna have to sit back until morning."

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