
In Teyvat?

(I've based the protagonist's abilities on the Pugilist from Etrian Odyssey Nexus; if you want more specific information, you can look it up.)

Vino had lived his whole life feeling lost as he sought to become stronger. The reason? He was raised by strict parents.

His mother was a prestigious businesswoman, and his father one of the top lawyers, so they had high expectations for their son's abilities; after all, every parent wishes for their child to surpass them.

They controlled everything, from what he did in his free time to whom he associated with and where he should focus all his attention.

Vino lived his life as dictated by his parents, excelling in school, learning about his parents' business, and mastering every possible language.

He grew up without leisure time; his childhood was filled with knowledge but lacked the experience of how to relate to other people or how to live a normal childhood or youth.

He watched the lives of other children at school and envied them, seeing them full of smiles and hearing them talk about how they enjoyed various things like video games, TV series, books... He too wished to experience all of that.

There was also the issue that everyone who associated with him did so because of his parents' fame, and that greedy look disgusted him enormously.

He sincerely hated his parents, although he knew they wanted him to be better than them; that was their desire, not his. Due to his ambitions, he didn't live the life of a normal child; instead, he felt like a puppet.

The fact that disgusted him the most was that his parents never paid attention to him beyond being interested in his performance. Any proof of this? His name was Vino, VINO! WINE IN SPANISH!!!

Who in the world names their child that? Curious, he called his father, and the response infuriated him. Basically, his father said it was because he and his mother liked wine and not to bother him with such nonsense, ending the call by saying he was VERY DISAPPOINTED.

Vino couldn't take it anymore; he needed relief somehow, so he turned away from ideas like painting, music, or ceramics; at that moment, he needed something more physical.

At the age of 14, after months of receiving responses like it was a waste or nonsense, Vino managed to convince his parents that he needed some physical training.

His parents hired a former military man who was a kickboxing trainer, really? He just wanted to make some exercise.

Under his training, in four years, he received all his knowledge, but he yearned for more. He argued with his coach; he wanted to aim higher and, above all, he wanted to rid himself of his parents.

He had been discussing with his parents about entering university, but he kept giving false hopes in order to buy time.

His coach held him in esteem; he knew his student's situation, how he had grown up like a caged bird fed with goals that weren't his, so he decided to set him free from the cage.

Vino traveled with his master, leaving behind only a note explaining how much he was disgusted by them for celebrating birthdays alone, saying they were a distraction, for limiting him to only those things they deemed effective, and because they had never been there for him due to their jobs, putting their professional lives before their own son.

Marko, Vino's trainer, asked him what he aspired to, and he replied that he longed to participate in the big leagues, becoming a warrior who had freed himself from his chains.

Participating in various events, fights, and underground battles, Vino finally reached the world kickboxing tournament after two years, earning the title of 'Unchained Pugilist', shedding his name and renaming himself Mark in honor of the one he considered his true father, the one who did celebrate his birthdays, taught him how to live his youth, and shared things about himself, like his life in the army.

Unfortunately for him, his coach mentioned the use of his parents' influence to sabotage his fights in the tournament; furious, Mark decided to retire from the corrupt competition and wandered with his coach through various countries for months, facing strong fighters who were acquaintances of the coach.

In his free time, Mark finally enjoyed all the comics and video games he desired, spending most of his time on modern games but mainly on Genshin Impact; he was a Heizou main and was eagerly awaiting Wriothesley's banner, truly loving characters who punched.

But what never missed in his team, no matter what the composition, was Bennet; he loved his story, a true adventurer through and through.

His bad luck never made him lose hope but rather fueled his hunger for adventure, and that was what he truly admired, something he wanted to emulate...

After months of travel, Marko's situation changed; his ex-military life took a toll on his health, and he had to bid farewell to a tearful Mark earlier than expected, asking him to always live free and never lack happiness.

After the burial, located in Mark's hometown, the one he considered his son stood alone in front of his grave and declared to the sky amidst tears: "I PROMISE YOU, FATHER, I WILL PROTECT THE FREEDOM YOU GAVE ME, THANK YOU, ThAnK yOU so muCh *sob* *sob*."

As if the sky responded to his will, dark clouds appeared, unleashing massive purple lightning bolts that cast their violet light on Mark's face.

All he could think at that moment was, 'Beautiful.'

But moments later, a huge lightning bolt obscured his vision, plunging his surroundings into darkness.


In the middle of a wooden room lay a young man, around 16 years old, with hair nearly ash-colored, dressed in a brown shirt, a black jacket, and gray pants.

His face trembled for a moment before he opened his eyes rapidly, revealing beautiful gray eyes resembling quartz, which, combined with his expression, screamed indifference.

[IMG here]

This feeling of indifference quickly dissipated as the young man sat up with a groan and began to shake his head from side to side as if he were a child on a zoo outing.

"Where, no, what the hell happened?"

He looked at his hands, his surroundings, and finally his body.

To cut to the chase, this young man was Mark, wearing the same clothes as before. Anyone would wear formal clothes to a funeral, but Marko asked him to treat that day like any other, as he didn't want him to treat his death like the first time he wore an uncomfortable tuxedo of his own volition.

Mark thought this was silly but did nothing but comply with a smile.

He seemed about to get out of bed when a pain assaulted his head, causing him to grab his head and start rolling on the sheets as if he were a dog playing in the mud, well, in this case, the dog would be drooling like crazy as if it had rabies.

It seems Mark was having a rough time, and not a little one, hehe~.

The writhing dance of discomfort came to an end, and gritting his teeth, he had to struggle to rise, leaning against the wall beside the bed.

He held his forehead with one hand and massaged the bridge of his nose with the other; he knew he had transmigrated.

In short, the previous owner of this body was a loser. He was an orphan, but that wasn't the reason he was a loser; it was his attitude. Being a cook at an inn, he was too shy for the job. He covered his face, stuttered when talking to customers, and was paid very little.

He didn't even have his own house or a room to rent; the guy lived in one of the rooms upstairs from the restaurant and as soon as he got up, he started working until he collapsed at night.

Anyone could think he put up with it because his boss was a beautiful woman in her forties, but no, he was a skinny guy who gave off a certain sinister vibe. The only reason the guy was still here wasn't because he was a bad cook; on the contrary, he was very good and could aim higher. The real reason was that he was too shy to quit.

Crazy, right? Well, for Mark, this wasn't the worst; it was his strength. This guy was scrawny in every sense of the word; it seemed like he hadn't done a push-up in his life, and that was saying a lot.

The whole transmigration thing was cool and all, but Mark didn't seem excited; the reason?

He was ashamed as hell.

He promised his father that he would live a life protecting the freedom he gave him, and seconds later, he died from a lightning strike. He could only blush with embarrassment.

Taking a few seconds to clear his mind and calm down, he started to get excited. A somewhat drastic change, but not unwarranted; in the memories of the previous owner, he discovered that he worked at an inn located between Mondstadt and Liyue.

No, he didn't work at Wangshu Inn, but at a more humble inn near Stone's Gate. He was in Genshin Impact; well, that was it.

Without a vision, he was nobody, so he got up ready to go to work as a cook and train somewhere else.

Near the bed were some shoes for walking around the room, and he moved his feet from the bed to the floor, dragging the sheets. A sound caught his attention, and he looked down at the floor, seeing something that seemed to have fallen from the bed.

On the ground, he found a small purple orb with the Electro symbol, acting like the eye of a dragon in a golden craft the size of a fist.

Well, there was his vision, with a somewhat different design, but he wouldn't complain; it was pretty cool.

Mark got out of bed and grabbed his vision, hiding it in his pocket.

His current objective? Quitting.

Now that he had a vision, he needed to discover his abilities and start training.

Fortunately, if it can be called that, the previous body owner managed to save tens of thousands of Mora in the three years he worked here, and with that, Mark maybe will survive in Mondstadt for a few months.

He was surprised to see that he was wearing clothes from his previous life. Although he was somewhat confused about the matter, he didn't want to dwell on it too much since he had things to do and didn't want a headache from overthinking.

Since he was dressed, he headed to a closet and found a backpack with basic necessities packed inside, the saved money, and some fresh food. It seemed that the previous body owner had been planning to leave for quite some time but never had the courage.

Mark grabbed the backpack and put it on his back, then opened the door of the room to go downstairs to the lower floor, but not before knocking on the door of the innkeeper at the end of the hallway connecting all the rooms.

*knock* *knock*

There was no response, so he knocked harder



Ignoring the curses of the innkeeper, Mark kept his face serene, well, his face was covered by his hair, courtesy of the previous body owner.

"I quit."

The innkeeper, Miltef, opened his eyes wide.

"What did you say?"

"I said I quit, ciao, arrivedercci, andiamo- Oh, that wasn't it, well, goodbye."

Miltef didn't understand some words, but he understood that his only cook was leaving. The timid little idiot who paid him a pittance was rebelling? Being the fool he was, he got angry and tried to grab Mark's shoulder, only to end up spinning in the air and crashing to the ground shortly after.

'It was good to learn some aikido from Marko. With this body, if I throw a punch, I'll probably dislocate my shoulder before even touching him.'

Mark ignored the half-naked idiot on the floor and descended the stairs to leave the inn. On the ground floor, he encountered the receptionist. This bastard was just as stupid as the one upstairs and intimidated the previous owner while being trapped in this shithole himself.

"If it isn't our little cook. Remember, breakfast has to be good today, or else... Oh, and today you also have to cover for me; I'll be out having fun for a while."

Mark ignored him and passed by without giving him a glance, scratching the entrance door of the inn.

Under the receptionist's gaze, he turned and raised his middle finger, accompanied by a 'Screw you,' and left the store.

Was he in a very weak body? Yes, but he was close to being knocked over by a child if they tackled him.

Did he care? Even less. Mark's character was not a joke; he had spent years fighting in all types of environments and seeing all kinds of things.

Maybe Shiro, the previous body owner, would bow his head and say nothing, but he didn't plan to live so pitifully. By the way, Shiro, what a dog's name. It reminded Mark a lot of the isekai protagonists he read about in manga, although this guy had nothing of a protagonist except for his past.

Exiting the store and slamming the door shut, Mark found himself astonished. The landscape was beautiful, with small tables and chairs, but the most striking feature was the beautiful lake reflecting the sunlight, accompanied by imposing mountains and abundant trees.

He stopped for a second and quickly recovered, looking around.

Although he had Shiro's memories, he was somewhat disoriented, so he followed a path marked on the ground while scanning his surroundings. A few seconds later, he saw something he recognized, and this time it wasn't from the other's memories but his own.

He didn't know the name since he never paid attention to the names of places he passed through rarely, but the name came to mind thanks to the new memories.

"Stone's Gate."

Exiting the newfound astonishment, he set off towards the bridge, which didn't have much to say, a wide wooden bridge connecting Dawn Winery, the inn where Xiao lives, and that village where he farmed spicy chilis for Xiangling.

He walked across the bridge, thinking about the Vision in his pocket. He took it out and looked at it for a few seconds before putting it back. It definitely wasn't Shiro's; this guy didn't have any memories of obtaining one.

So... was it his? A while ago, he seemed to have seen a video about the types of people who got their Visions. Indeed, he wanted to see what kind of Vision he would have at that moment.

According to the video, Anemo users were those who were lost but found a purpose, Geo users were those who remained steadfast no matter the situation, Pyro users were those who had a tremendous passion for what they did, among others, and Electro users were those who wished to protect what they considered most important...

Did shouting to the sky that he would fulfill Marko's last wish cause all this?

Mark was about to blush again at the thought, but a rectangular wooden object in the middle of the bridge caught his attention completely.

A wooden chest? Seeing it excited him, but remembering a certain mimic chest from Dark Souls with a huge mouth and four long limbs, he had to step back.

"There were no Mimics in Teyvat, right?"

Mark was currently near a waterfall and had passed by some boxes before, so he retreated a bit behind the boxes and hit the ground with a stone as hard as possible.

There was no reaction, so he approached and, with his spaghetti arms, pulled it open.

When he took a look inside, he found three scattered white papers, some green badges with the Anemo symbol, a few hundred Mora, and... bandages?

Mark put the bandages on his fists and wrists, put the Mora in the Mora bag of his backpack, the badges here and there, and finally gathered the three papers, trying to remember why they seemed familiar.

"...Ah! The experience notes, umm... Wanderer's Advice?"

Mark tried to stick it to his body to absorb it or something, but seeing that it didn't work, he simply sat on a box to try to understand the scribbles while the sound of water falling through the waterfall into the lake surrounding the bridge echoed in the background.

In a short time, a golden glow emerged from the notes, transforming into strange characters that crawled across Mark's hands, arms, and shoulders until finally reaching his head.

Throughout this process, the sparkle in Mark's eyes dimmed, and he seemed to be in a trance until it ended, causing him to blink in confusion. Now, he had knowledge, as if drawn, on how to perform a parry with a sharp weapon using his forearm.

"...What the hell?"

Mark jumped off the box, which turned out to be a bad idea as it caused pain in his ankle, and attempted to replicate the new movements he had in his head.

After a few seconds of moving his forearm diagonally, horizontally, and vertically, he stopped the 'practice' and continued on his way towards Mondstadt.

Finally, he reached the coast that connected to Dawn Winery. Along the way, he stumbled upon a chest hidden behind some bushes, where he found mora and some Anemo sigils.

However, this time there was no trace of notes or anything else, so he thought it was just a matter of luck. Until now, he hadn't encountered anyone, which seemed strange to him.

If it weren't for the morning idiots, he would think he was alone in this world. But the reason turned out to be different. A band of Cryo Slimes was near the shore, so people probably decided to retreat and inform someone about them.

Mark didn't feel like turning back after walking for a while, so he decided to take a risk.

'Sneak and run.'

Surprisingly, the plan worked, as they chased him for a while before losing interest. Unfortunately, all of this drained Mark's energy, and he was really tired.

Near the coast, he found a small space where he could wash his face with the shore water and rest under the shade of a tree.

'Finally some rest.'

He took out some food he had stored, which turned out to be quite jerky, and two bamboo containers filled with Sunsettia juice. In the game, it was portrayed as sweet and revitalizing, so he wanted to try it firsthand.

He took a sip from the bamboo while biting into some jerky, feeling a surge of strength and satisfaction from his stomach, letting out a satisfied sigh.

"Phew, Shiro, you were really too good for that inn."

He continued eating and relaxing, observing the morning sky for a few minutes until a sound from nearby bushes alarmed him. Quickly, he grabbed his backpack and used it to cover himself while scanning the surroundings in a state of extreme alertness.

'It was a rather loud noise for an animal. Hilichurls? Or bandits?'

Mark's thoughts were interrupted by a head of grayish, spiky hair emerging from the bushes in front of him.

"I've said it a lot today, but what the hell?"


I wrote this fanfic because I can't play Genshin anymore, haha.

Also, I've read many Chinese stories, and in most of them, the protagonists are hidden experts or have a system. Guess what? Will mine have a system? Yes and no. Take it as a blessing.

By the way, romantic interest? Write it down.

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