
Benefits with stranger

(completed) Minal slept with a stranger after finding her fiance were cheating her. She got angry. But later, she realised that it's her fault. She can't go back that's why she stops to think about her future. The stranger takes care her without her expections. She decided to not to involve emotional with that man. But she started to like him. Does she fall in love?

kanman · Fantasie
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14 Chs

chapter 5

She was tired that's why she slept into his car. When he noticed, he turned his car towards his house. After parking his car, he didn't make her wake while he took into his arms like bride style and came into his room. He carefully put her on his bed. He was staring at her sleeping face. After few seconds, he sighed and kissed on her forehead. He changed his clothes and slept with taking her into his arms.

The following morning, she woke up by her alarm. She knew it's time for office that's why she streched her body and sat up with rubbing her eyes from her hands. As she opened her eyes, she looked her surroundings. What was she doing into his house? Is she dreaming? But she recalled last night, she slept into his car. She shrugged her shoulders. And texted to Payal to bring her official clothes into office. Sometimes, Minal also did for Payal that's why it was not big deal. She did shopping last evening that's why there were her shopping bags. She took out a floral dress from it and went to bathroom.

After taking the bath, she came out and combed her hairs into ponytail. She put kajal into her eyes and put light lipstick on her lips.

She went to downstairs where Sid was reading newspaper with serious expression. She never looked him like that. And one man was swiping while the lady was cooking. She went to near him and said with cheerful, "good morning"

Sid looked at her and smiled, "good morning" while others were looking like they saw a ghost. Sid never took any girl at his house. They were doing works for him for many years. They knew him very well.

Minal smiled, "I have to leave now for office otherwise I will be late. See you later."

Sid asked with concern, "what about breakfast? Sit here and eat your breakfast first.  I will drop you."

She thought for a second and smiled, "ok... You can drop me outside road of my office."

She sat and Sid gave her smile. She looked his servants who were glaring her. She asked sid, "Do they work here?"

Sid looked at them and smiled, "Yeah" he pointed towards the male and said, "He is shinu." And he pointed towards female, "she is kamla. They are husband and wife."

Minal gave them smiled and said, "hey"

They smiled and nodded.

Sid said kamla, "She is getting late. Where is the breakfast?"

Kamla nodded and served the stuff parantha with curd for them. When Minal looked at the plate, sid told her, "you are vegetarian that's why I told her to cook for you."

She said with excitement, "thank you." He nodded with smile. They started to eat. When she ate a bite from the parantha, she moaned, "it's so tasty. Kamla... Where is your hand? I want to kiss on your hand."

Sid complained like a child, "why? I mostly cook for you. You never give me kiss."

She blushed but she covered quickly and said, "because you don't deserve it but she deserves it."

Everyone laughed including her.

Sid said with making his face, "eat fastly. You are getting late."

She nodded and put left parantha into her mouth. It's hard to chew for her and tried to speak, "let's go." She stood up and ready to go. Sid looked at her with amusement and said, "you know you are really crazy."

She nodded with smile. He shook her head at her and took her keys while she chewed what was into her mouth. As he went to outside, she rushed towards him with waving her hand to them, "bye guys... Have a nice day."

They smiled and nodded. It was the first time when they saw him smile otherwise Sid was always serious in front of them.

Kamla looked at her husband and asked with wondering, "don't you think she is perfect for him?"

He sighed, "we can't say anything. We know him very well that's why we can only pray for him."

She nodded and got busy into her work.

Sid stopped the car outside the road of her office. She kissed on his cheek and said with cheerful, "bye... See you later"

He nodded with smile and she got out from his car. As she was dress up for office, he understood she is on lower post. It means her paid off would be minimum. Last night, she arranged some how but she can't stand in front of him any more. And he was waiting for his winning.

Minal went inside her office. Payal was waiting for her that's why as Payal looked at her. She gave her bag with her stuffs, patted on her shoulders and went to her department. Payal works into project and development department. She was assistant manager. Minal and Payal joined office almost together but Minal was intelligent and sincere for her work. That's why she got promoted and she is manager of her department. Other side, Payal was average. While her payment increased every year but she is on same post. After that, Payal never jealous with her. They are best friends and supports to each other. Even, other colleagues jealous with their friendship but they don't care about it.

During the coffee time, Payal and Minal were drinking their coffee and Minal was telling her about Sid. When  they heard someone voice from distance, "you know Minal broke her engagement with her fiance."

Other girl said with shocked, "really? I heard they were  childhood friend."

First girl said, "yeah... But don't you notice? Minal is fine. It's look like she doesn't care about her relationship."

Other girl said, "yeah. You are saying right. By the way, why did she break her engagement?"

Minal couldn't tolerate anymore that's why she took steps towards that girls but Payal stopped her and whispered, "it's ok Minal. Control yourself. And don't lose your temper on them."

She knew Payal was right. There is no use to create any scene otherwise everyone blamed on her. That's why she nodded and went to her cabin.

Since last two week, Sid was taking her either shopping or fancy restaurant or groceries stores. She got tired to play with him. She knew why he was doing it. That's why it's better that they would talk about it. It's not like she was not enjoying but she almost waste her savings on these useless things for her pride. She decided to talk him directly.

As her expections, Sid called her, "Minal, get ready. We are going to shopping today."

She took a deep breath and said causally, "sid, I think we need to talk."

She heard his chuckle, "Fine."

They were sitting into car a far from her office. Sid was glad from inside because he was going to hear what he wanted to hear. Other side, Minal was controlling her temper because she didn't want to scare him. She thought everything into her mind but she was not confident that it would be happen what she thought.

She took a deep breath and opened her mouth, "Sid"

Sid looked at her with serious expression while he was happy inside. She continued, "I can't go shopping with you."

He smirked but covered quickly and asked, "why?"

She glared to him and said, "because I am going shopping with you last one week. I have enough dresses. I don't need any more. Even my wardrobe has no space a single piece of cloth." he replied nonchalantly, "then you can use my closet. There is lot of space."

She looked at him with confusion, "why do I use your?"

"Sometimes, you sleep into my house. You need to clothes there. That's why it's necessary to have your clothes there."

She made her face, "but I don't need any more."

Sid changed the topic, "do you remember last time we saw a peach colour dress. You like it but there was not available your size dress. Let's go. May be, there would be available now."

She sighed, "I don't need it. I have enough."

He smirked, "then take it as my gift."

She smiled and looked at him, "I know why are you doing it. But listen carefully I won't let you pay for me anything."

"Why?" He asked her with irritation.

"Because I am independent. I never let pay anyone for me. It's final." She said with putting her hands in front of me.

"But I want to buy you something." He  said with disappointment.

After thinking something, She said with excitement, "I have an idea to solve this problem."

Sid looked at her confusion, "what?"

She opened her mouth, "I give you a chance to buy me a thing which I can wear beyond my limit. But remember if you fail in that task, you won't insist any more."

Sid thought for a second and said, "Fine... But you have to pay from  your card only. You can't borrow money from others."

She nodded, "deal?"

He said with wild smile, "deal" She was excited that what was in his mind. And Sid was sure that she couldn't afford that what he was thinking.

After few minutes, Sid stopped the car in front of jewellery shop. Minal likes to wear jewellery. She mostly uses unique design. She has many collection which she bought from her salary. Maybe, Sid also noticed it that's why he took her here. She was impressed for his choice but she wanted to know what's going on his mind.

Sid took her hand into his hand and said with excitement, "let's go."

She raised her eyebrows but smiled and followed him.

It was brand jewellery shop. When they entered, the owner came towards them. It means he was regular customer of this shop. Sid nodded his head to him and the shopkeeper put brand new design in front of them. They were unique collection. She saw that brand collection into website and she loves its. Sid said to her with excitement, "here is it. Now select from it."

She looked at him and said with making her face, "I am confused."

The shopkeeper said, "madam, why don't you try one by one? Because it's best collection of the store."

She gave him smile and took a necklace which was attracted her more. As she put on her neck, she felt Sid's finger on her neck. After locking the lock, Sid whispered into her ear, "it's looking beautiful on you."

She was looking the necklace around her neck. It was really beautiful. She smiled and turned towards him. Sid nodded and helped her to unlock it.

Sid ordered shopkeeper to pack it. Shopkeeper nodded and asked, "would you like to try something else?"

She shook her head with no. And took out her card and raised towards him for payment. When he looked the card, he looked behind her. She heard Sid's irritating voice, "what's it now?"

She turned towards him and said with raising her eyebrows, "what? Do you forget our deal so soon?"

He looked at her with confusion and asked, "do you know it's price?"

She giggled and nodded, "I saw that design on website. I wanted to buy it but I never thought that I will buy it so soon. Thank you for taking me here."  Sid was stunned and she was enjoying the situation.

It's true that necklace cost was her six month salary. But it was like investment that's why she was not regretted to buy it. She saved her salary for her future. She rarely wasted her money. And she was earning since last four years. That's why she has a good sum money into her account.

She turned back towards shopkeeper and raised her card, "don't you want to sell it?" While shopkeeper was looking Sid for his approval.

Sid came into her senses and said with bitterness, "we don't want to buy it." He held her arm and pushed towards exit. She was shocked with his sudden changing behaviour but she didn't say anything and followed him.

They sat inside the car. She was glad because she won. But sid was gritting his teeth with anger. When she noticed, he is anger. She controlled herself and put her hand on his hands, "Sid, I am sorry. I didn't mean to insult you. Please don't be angry. it was bet for me that's why I was only considering to win it. I didn't know that you got angry. If you want to buy it for me, I won't refuse anything." 

After few minutes, Sid looked at her and raised his eyebrows that she is serious or not.

She made her face and nodded, "but try to understand me. I never accepted any valuable thing from anyone except than my family. It's my pride. It's hard for me to accept it. But if you want to give me, I won't say anything."

He sighed and tried to read her expression. She was really beyond his limit. He was angry some minutes ago. But looking at her sad face, he was not more angry. He shook his head and said, "come here. You are really crazy."

She smiled and hugged him, "I know."

He smiled and hugged her back. He understood that he could win her heart from emotions, not his money. 

After few minutes, she looked at him and asked innocently, "we are buying it or not?"

He laughed, "no way" and he turned his car back.

"But I really like it. It's my favorite." She said making her face.

He said nonchalantly, "next time"

She didn't say anything but got disappointment. But she was also happy same time because she didn't have give explaination to her parents why she bought so expensive necklace when she had many.