
Baby life

Before long, Tom, or Bell, BellTom?... Whathever. Let's restart, before long Bell was in a comfortable liquid, surely the amniotic liquid...

"So this is the sensation of comfort that only baby can feel... If I can think like that then it mean that the reincarnation went well. Looking at the development of the fœtus I can safely say that I will be born in 4 months... And 4 months without talking in enough to become insane... Let's hope that I will be able to sleep, or more like hibernate otherwise I will be one of the most insane baby ever. An over intelligent baby who just passed 4 months alone is surely not the easiest one to raise. I a thought about the possibility of an hibernation a sudden drowsiness came upon me. And I sodd off....

And wake up months later, I think I will need approximately 2 weeks before my body is ready to be on the way. But suddenly I feel a sort of spasm. So it means that I will be prematurely born. Not a big problem as long as I'm probably taken care of.

The sensation is not very pleasant, it's like going into a pipe, but the pipe is too thin. It's very weird and quite long. I feel like it's been hours since the contractions began. After some time I start to leave my mother uterus. The first thing I see is a fog.

Yes I forgot that baby can't see well when they are born!!!

I coff a bit and expluse the last bit of amniotic liquid from my lunge and cry. I feel like someone is holding me and cleaning too.

I quickly sod off, the birth was tiring.

The next few days were a mix between sleeping and eating, I learned that my name is juste Belland Cranel, I don't know what the god was thinking when she said something about Uchiha maybe it's to put this particular bloodline in my soul?

As I don't know the language my parents are talking I didn't learn anything useful, that means learning this language will be my priority. But I'm pretty sure that my mother name is Anya and my father's is Pyrolo. My father's one is not very good but he didn't choose it so...

Months passed and before long I can walk a bit and perfectly understand there language. So apparently I live with my parents and my grandpa in a little village. My mother is a mage and my father a warrior. My grandpa is a bit strange, sometimes my parents talk to him like he is a god, I even heard my father saying "my god" to him. I need to investigate even more.

If I understood well, my mother is now a housewife but she helps my father sometimes with his work. As for him he is slaying beasts and monsters in the forest nearby. He even saved the village once when a huge beast came and attacked us. It was a silver ape apparently.

I really want to learn about magic, it seems so cool! Maybe my mother will be able to teach me. But before that I need to be able to talk, indeed she always chant something before doing magic, it means magic need incantations.

I now nearly one and I can talk fairly well, I want to learn magic but mother said that my body need to be ready before that. I apparently need to be blessed by a god otherwise learning magic will be very long with no real result. But when she said that my body need to be ready I remembered about my new bloodline and the need to have a strong body. And so I need to exercise now without damaging my grow. As a baby I'm really flexible so I will work on that and reflexes, it's always good to have quick ones.

My training continued till I'm 2 and half when suddenly the ground began to shake.

My father quickly picked up his favorite weapon and my mother followed him with her scepter. Meanwhile my grandpa took me in his arms and ran in the forest in the opposite direction of the sound. When we were fleeing, I heard cries of pain and the noise of people dieing. It's the first time of my life that I heard people dieing violently. After what it seems like hours, my grandpa stopped running and hide me in a hollow tree. He told me that I need to stay here and that he will pick me up later. He only came long after, when it was already night, he explained me that my parents went to a better place and that I can't see them anymore...

Yes, this is the definition of abandoning your son and go elsewhere where you can restart your life... But no, my parents were dead, it's the second time that I have to go through this.

My parents in this world were the perfect parents, they really loved me and died protecting me. I cried all night, and I swore to myself that it will be the last time that someone will hurt himself protecting me, and that I will be like my parents, a true hero.

My grandpa visibly aged ten years in the month following their death, and I think that I woke up from my dream of a happy and peaceful life. I also decided to stop hiding my intelligence. Grandpa think that I matured due to my parents death. We settled in the forest near a pond, he quickly build a little cosy house with his own hands. It tools only two weeks and he confesses that his aim is to be completely independent from any village near, the nearest being approximately a 6 days run from here. His objective was completed after 4 months. We had fish in the pond, fruits and vegetable at the back of the house and game was abundant. It's in that environment that he taught me a lot about the gods and Familia, adventurers, the dungeon and the way to find a girl by saving her... Yes,and I was not 3 yet. Then I promised him that I will be the strongest adventurer the world have seen.

I was four when I asked him to train me to fight. He didn't accept. He told me that I was too young and that he didn't know how to fight so he couldn't train me. I know that he lied because sometimes he comes home with cristals in his purse, from his stories I deducted that it was cristals from monsters. So the same night I decided to take his daguer, his bow and some arrows to hunt some monsters too. If he think that I'm too young then I will kill monsters to prove that I'm a grown up boy.

I would have died if not for my fast thinking,reflexes and a lot of luck as I was ambushed by two goblins. I was walking on a path not very far from my house and suddenly on goblin came from a bush nearby and hit me with a big and heavy stick, the first hit made me lose my bow and the second sent me flying on 2 meters. I was successful with my block by as I was so light I only stopped my non anticipate flight because of a tree. I hit the tree so hard that a second goblin sleeping on one of the branch of that tree fell on me. The two of us were confused and still groogy from the shock but I recuperated faster and I took my daguer and stab him just above the groin. A lot of blood fell on my hands and tainted my trousers and shirt but as the goblin exploded in black dust the first one was coming and hit my arm with his stick. I lost my daguer but I was lucky as the goblin also hit the tree, the shock snapped his stick and some splinters badly hurt one of his hands. But he didn't even look at his hand and quickly came upon me and begin to strangle me. I couldn't do anything and I was beginning to see blach spots in my vision when I finally found one of my arrows. I took it and slammed it blindly in his head. I was lucky another time because I hit his neck and cut open his carotide. He also exploded in black dust but after I was completely bloody.

After I caught my breath, I searched for my daguer and took the two little gems left behind by the goblins.

I quickly managed to find my intact bow and made my way back home. I hoped that I would have the time to take a bath before telling my grandpa that I killed monsters. I didn't have the opportunity as he was frantically searching me and calling my name. As I run into the clearing where my house is, he saw me, came upon me in thre quick steps and before I even have the time to tell him anything he slapped me. I went flying for the second time today. Then he hugged me and cried with me in his arms. I cried too, as I was shaken from my near death experience. He then brought me to the house to talk.

After my bath I joined him at the table.

The first thing he asked is :


"Because I wanted to prove that I'm old enough to be trained to fight." Then I took the gems from my pocket and gave them to him.

"You proved nothing! You just nearly died and that's all!"

"But why don't you train me? Because I want to be able to kill monsters and not after I'm 20. Because then it's will to late!"

"You are not ready and mature enough for that! Why do even want to kill monsters? It's to avenge your parents? I will nto train some one who just want to kill for revenge, I will not let you take that sort of bloody path."

"Not its because I don't want to feel so helpless before them and I never again want to see someone being hurt for me. I want to protect myself from harm, protect others and leave my mark on the world!!!"

"Is that true Bell?"


You are so much like your parents you know, they were less ambitious but had the same fire in there eyes when they wanted something. And they always had what they wanted. Fine then I will train you, but it will be very hard, so go to bed, you will have a long day tomorrow. "

" Thanks grandpa! "

" Don't thank me Bell, you still haven't been punished for what you did, and you will not like your punishment, I promise you. " He then grin at me, but not his habitual kind grin, it's was a creepy and bloodthirsty grin, I started to regret asking him to train me.

Sorry for the delay, some family came visit me and I didn't have the time to write. This chapter is quite long(1860 words) and I hope you will like it. Please tell me what you think about the little fight scene. Don't hesitate to comment if you see mistakes, thanks for reading and commenting, I will try to write two chapters for tomorrow as an apology. Bye!

And also HAPPY NEW YEAR I hope that everything is going well in your life, family, friends.... Hope that this year will be good for you! Bye

pierreleloupcreators' thoughts
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