
Bell Cranel of Loki Familia

What if Bell Cranel was part of Loki Familia? Will he be even stronger? who knows...unless you read this story. This is not your typical Danmachi boring story but actually a good story with based plot and Bell gaining new harem members.

Jumbo_Ignir · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5


Minotaur's blood was dripping and dripping from Bell's body as he was passing through streets of Orario.

He was running towards the 'Adveturer's Guild' all the way like a bull seeing red colour.

People watching him were nearly laughing.

"Pffft! Look at him!"

"Hahaha,I bet it's level one newbie!"

"Ahahahah, Tomato boy!"

People were coming up with new nicknames such as 'Tomato Hero' or 'Captain Red Juice.' but Bell could care less about them.

Just in that time Eina was organising documents which were in her table. Strangely but her thoughts were filled with a picture of a young white haired boy.

"I wonder is he okay?" She said under her breath.

She remembered how she scolded him yesterday and was sure that she left a bad impression on him.

Sighing deeply she hoped that the boy will come back with his cheerful smile.

"Oh Bell—!?"


Just as she thought of him,Bell entered in while being soaked in blood from head to toe.

"Eina-san, I am back!"

He screamed fully enthusiastic and cheerful.

"Huh? Bell...wait! Bell!?"

Seeing him waving his hand covered with blood she was about to choke with her own saliva.

                      × × ×

Now, finally clean from blood Bell was sitting next to Eina in consulting room facing her face to face.

"I'm sorry for being impatient,Miss Eina."

Lowering his head in a half bow Bell said realising what he did.

Well... anyone would be surprised to see someone enter in being soaked in blood.

"No need to....so... tell me."

"T-Tell you?"

"Yep. Tell me,how was your first experience in dungeon."

"Hahaha! It was so fun and exciting!"

"Oh really? And whom did you encountered first?"

"A Goblin."

Upon hearing the monster name Eina sighed in relief.

Goblins were considered as weakest type of monsters whom newbie adventurers might encounter.

"Oh? And how many of them did you managed to kill?"

As if mother asking her child how did there day passed Eina was curious.... something inside her wanted to keep Bell away from dangers as far as possible.

"30 Goblins,10 slimes and 5 war shadows!"

Eina's skin got pale for a moment.

"B-Bell... doesn't war shadows and slimes appear on 5th floor?"

"Huh? Yes....?"

"So,you are telling me that you crawled all the way towards 5th floor on your first try?"

"Y-Yes....why does your face seems so pale?"

Shadow covered Eina's eyes.

She seemed scary....Bell could swear that he saw one of her eyes lit up in red glow.

"Do you realise how dangerous that was!?"

Placing both of her hands on documents nearly slamming the table Eina stood up from her place.

"Level one novice rookie adventurer going up the 5th floor on his first try...it takes at least 2 weeks for adventurers like you to crawl up the 3rd floor!"

"Hiii... I am s-sorry,Eina-san!"

He lowered his head. He was sweating bullets seeing angry Eina.

But he wasn't really scared of her...he was rather thankful that she was worried bout him.

"No no forget....I too was acting a bit too harsh with you." She also apologized as quickly decided to change topic. "...So,Bell,why were you soaked in blood?"


Sudden question made Bell to choke a bit.

"....I...was chased by Minotaur."

"Come again?"

"I was nearly killed by Minotaur...."

Eina snapped again.

"Mister Cranel."

She didn't said 'Bell' or 'Cranel' she added Mister instead....it was a sign that heads were about to go flying.

"B-B-But I'm alright now! Y-You see... I was saved by kind adventurers who were passing by."

"Huh? Can you tell me more about it?"

Suddenly rage was replaced with a curiousity...Bell sweat dropped seeing how Eina's mood can vary time by time.

Slowly taking a sip of water he proceeded to explain what and how he was saved.

Eina listened to whole story calm and cold blooded.....but this expression didn't lasted long.

"Hahahahaha! Bell...you....ahahaha!"

"Wh-Why are you laughing,Miss Eina? Y-You know those two Amazonian girls and a blond haired girl?"

"Hahahaha! Of course I know them....but you know....ask your goddess about them...she will tell you about them better than anyone else...fufufu,haha...."

Bell seemed confused....it was strange to see Eina laugh so much....but it made Bell to feel easier around.

He was still being eaten by himself running away like a pathetic guy.

"W-Well than...I think I will head home now."

"Alright. Be careful."

"I will surely be! Thanks Eina-san,I love you!"

Waving his hands he said the last part loud enough to everyone to hear.

"Haha so cute."

One of female receptionist of the guild said smirkingly looking towards Eina.

Eina smiled softly.

"He is really... cute."

                         × × ×


I told everything to goddess just like Eina-san told me and....I got exactly same reaction.

"Wh-Why are everyone laughing...?"

"Haha Bell oh Bell....I didn't laughed like this in a while but..."

She got closer towards me.

"Ya know that having an answer is best when you can see it."

Huh? What does she meant by that? I wondered under my breath.

Feeling that I won't get an answer in near future I asked her to update my status.

"Eh~? Already? Isn't it to early?"


"Well it doesn't really matter but a human cannot get too strong only after killing bunch of monsters."

I can understand her reasoning...after all excelia was hard to obtain in an instant but despite all of that.... something inside of me wanted me to update my status.

"Still...can you update my status, Goddess?"

"Welp....as you say."

She said getting two of her hands out from her head and jumping on bed.

I took off my shirt as sat on nearby table.

"Hmm... let's see."

She took a needle as pierced her finger enough to make the blood spill out from it.

Using somekind of movement she made my back lit up in glowing shine.

"As I say there is no change in your statu—...Guheee!? What!?"

She suddenly yelp from surprise as I look at her worried.

"I-Is something wrong, Goddess?"

She was sweating...a lot.

"Hahaha no n-nothing at all! Hahaha."

Hm? That seemed to be a rather strange answer.

Despite that she placed the paper on my back and started to copy info which she got from my status.


Bell Cranel Lv.1

Strength: I 82 —> H 120

Defense: I 13 —> I 43

Utility: I 92 —> H 139

Agility: H 172 —> G 225

Magic: 0




What the hell...?

No really....what!?

All of my stats went up by more than 160?

"K-Kami-sama this stats are....."

"I am shocked myself."

Goddess really didn't know what was the reason behind my sudden growth.

I myself wondered....why?

"And what about this dot in skill slot?"

"That's just my finger...it slipped."

                        × × ×

Bell was now in main hall of the Loki Familia....he was reading books.

Meanwhile Loki seemed concerned about something.

"Liaris Freese."

She said under her breath.

In reality his stats were a bit different from what Loki had showed him.


Bell Cranel Lv.1

Strength: I 82 —> H 120

Defense: I 13 —> I 43

Utility: I 92 —> H 139

Agility: H 172 —> G 225

Magic: 0


<<Skills>> Learis Freese (As long as owner has a strong ambition and goal he will grow stronger according to his feelings)


It was unexpected.

To think that he would possess such a skill.

It was already surprise to see that someone who just started to explore dungeon became that strong.

It mean only one thing....His skill makes him stronger according to his will.

"Hahaha...It is already considered as cheating...."

She already saw it...the boy's future.

Even her most talented child in Familia had it rough getting stronger....she could see how he will make the whole Orario stand on its twos.

She intentionally cleaned the skill spot...as to her analysis Bell was easy to deceive. Basically if even one random god would discover this skill of his...Bell would be in trouble.

Gods are greedy beings....once they have a strong motivation, nothing can change them and there thoughts.

"Hahaha....this guy doesn't stop to surprise me."

She said chuckling...with red cheeks and a bit sneaky smile.

Even for such a god as herself it was a surprise and....she liked that.