
Being adopted by Mei Mei in JJK

I am simply allowing my imagination to flow freely, without any constraints of logic. Meet Sai, an orphan who was taken in by Meimei. What could possibly go wrong? Discover how he harnesses his extraordinary powers to delve into the lives of those around him, altering their destinies. Please note this is just a Fanfic and my first time writing so "GO EASY ON ME"!!! Naturally, I do not own Jujutsu Kaisen. If you haven't had the pleasure of watching the anime yet, I highly recommend it. Trust me, it's absolutely amazing!

Moody_Passerby · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Travelling Back

After we had rested enough, we started traveling back. I wanted to go further, but we were already late and Mei Mei would be worried. So, without any further ado, we headed back to Japan.

After arriving in Japan, I headed straight to our apartment. Mei Mei was nowhere to be found, probably off on a mission. I considered meeting up with Kokichi right away, but decided to rest instead. Phoebe, Bima, and I were all exhausted from the journey, so I took a quick nap. When I woke up, I freshened up and saw that Phoebe and Bima were still asleep. I decided to visit Kokichi's place. The mansion was empty when I arrived, but as I checked out Kokichi's room, a suit flew in. It looked like Iron Man's Mark II suit, but with a cool matte black finish and dark green accents. The suit's face opened up and Kokichi spoke,

Hey there, long time no see! How have you been? How was your journey? We caught up for a bit, and Kokichi Grandpa was away on business. This guy here was practicing his skills while I was gone. He's been making different types of puppets and can even change curse energy into threads to manipulate things around him. He doesn't need to manage puppets, but he can use the threads in close combat to mess with and control his opponents' movements. He tried on most of the Iron Man suits I showed him and really liked the Mark II. After chatting for a while, he told me he finished his studies and started studying AI. I hope he builds his own AI assistant soon!

I also asked if he could build a retractable suit for me and Bima, even though it may not be very convenient for me. Flying with it would look really cool! After that, I introduced him to Bima and Phoebe. They hit it off right away when they saw the iron suit and started discussing all the amazing things the suit can do.

After that, we chatted, snacked, and waited to see if Mei Mei would show up soon. In the evening, Mei Mei arrived and she seemed worried about me. She asked what had happened, but I didn't mention my adventures. Instead, I made up a story about meeting Bima and Phoebe. I shared the incident but changed the location.

Then, Bima and Phoebe demonstrated their curse techniques. Mei Mei and Kokichi were amazed by their skills. Mei Mei was so intrigued that she wanted to take Bima to a casino, but she managed to control her impulses.

After discussing for a few minutes, we decided to call it a night. Bima and Phoebe would stay at Kokichi's place since there wasn't much room in the apartment. They were close friends, so it was easy to convince them. I didn't want Bima to accidentally spill the beans, so it was better for them to stay a bit further away.

The next morning, Mei Mei and I discussed our plans for Bima and Phoebe. We decided it would be best for Bima to focus on his education while Phoebe accompanies Mei Mei on her missions to gain more combat experience. We thought about asking Kokichi to help Bima with his education, whether through home tutoring or attending school.

Mei Mei also asked me to train both Bima and Kokichi to improve their physical attributes. Later on, Mei Mei will start teaching me basic curse techniques like barriers and anti-domain techniques. I was really excited about this opportunity. I even wondered if I could learn the shikigami technique and teach it to Bima and Kokichi to expand their collection of skills and make their fighting style more versatile.

I started thinking about whose skills I could copy. Right now, I'm a pretty awesome druid in this world. I can transform into animals and control nature, which is a perfect combo for a druid. But I know I need to add a couple more techniques to my arsenal to really round out my skills. I considered copying Geto's skills, but it would take too long and be a watered-down version. So, I decided to check out some skills from grade 1 sorcerers instead. They seem like they could be really useful for me. Right now, I've got control skills using roots, healing with my idle technique, defense with my roots and transfiguration technique, endurance with my natural energy, and attack with both. But what I'm missing is speed and luck. I need to work on those to become a well-rounded sorcerer.

I hope to find the right technique soon. Starting tomorrow, I will train hard and work with both Kokichi and Bima.