
Being a Vampire In Another World

A 30 year old hikikomori was suddenly transported to a white room. There he meets a self-proclaimed god who says he has been chosen to be transferred to another world.

Alpha_09 · Anime und Comics
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A Fantasy World

When I opened my eyes again, I was in a run-down building that looked like it had been abandoned for centuries.

'Wait! Where am I? More importantly, what am I reborn as?'

I looked down and was instantly relieved that I still had two arms and two legs.

"But what about my appearance?" - Haruto

Oh it seems my voice is also different from before.

'I remember that God said that this world is run by a system. What if I try saying that?'

A simple word that I really want to say if I get a system. "Status!"

Following my command, a red screen appears in front of me.

[ Status ]

Name: Lucius / Sakamaki Haruto (Past name)

Level: 1

Race: Original Vampire(tap to view description)

Age: 1 Day

HP: 100/100

MP: 365/365

[ Attributes ]

Strength: 109

Dexterity: 142

Resistance: 92

Intelligence: 178

Wisdom: 162

[ Skills ]

• Blood Manipulation (★★★★★)

• Charm (★)

• Stealth (★)

[ Racial Abilities ]

• Night Vision: Grant the ability to see clearly in darkness

• Regeneration: Allows for accelerated healing, especially when consuming blood.

• Mystification: Transform into a blood mist and immune to physical attacks.

• Familiar: Can summon and control beings from your shadow.

• Shapeshift: You can turn into a wolf or a bat.

[ Abilities ]

• Potion Creation: Allows you to create virtually any kind of potions with any kind of effect without needing raw materials and the likes.

• Container Creation: Can conjure up any kind of container to contain you potions. (Even if the intended purpose of the "container" is not strictly to contain your potions, it can be created.)

• Immortality (Type 1)

• Item Box: A separate dimension for keeping things. (Can teleport anything inside with just a thought)

• Omni-Lingual Proficiency: Able to converse and communicate in any possible language. Even with animals freely.

'Wow, that is a lot of information, And it looks like I was reborn into something really awesome.'

Intrigued, I tapped for information about race, and a new screen popped up.

[ Original Vampire: The race that is the founder of all vampire breeds. Has a life spanning almost eternity and is a master of blood magic. Has no weakness against the sun. ]

'At this rate, my immortal is in vain. If I had a lifespan even close to eternity, then my type 1 immortal would be of little use.'

I stood up and started looking around me. Around me looks like a room. There was a large bed that was broken, and other pieces of furniture.

I started walking around this big house. Along the way, there were a few photos that looked like they belonged to the previous owner.

'This is a strange place to spawn.'

I'm also confused why I'm alone in this mansion with no parents or anyone. If you think about it, do I really have parents? I don't know how vampires are born or made.

'Did they breed like humans, or what?'

After walking for a few minutes because the mansion is so big, I finally arrived outside.

I was greeted with a cool breeze and soft light from the moon.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to try out my abilities." - Lucius

'How should I do this... I want a red potion with strawberry flavor and the effect of making me five centimeter taller, in a plastic bottle.'

Instantly, a plastic bottle filled with red liquid appeared out of nowhere. I took it and immediately drank it.

The effect worked immediately with my eyesight suddenly being at a higher point.

I used my ability again, but this time I made a large mirror appear in front of me. In the mirror there is a child who is about 8 years old with short white hair and red eyes. His face was also very smooth, and white like a corpse.

'Cute!' Was the only word that came to my mind after seeing my face.


A roar sounded in the distance, and a green dragon passed right above me blocking the moonlight.

I am very excited about my adventure in this new world.

[To be Continued]