

Seven hours pass when she had slept then she is abruptly woken by the table saw. Her eyes open wide and she crawls to a stand. Muffled words come from where the sound runs. She notices faces now. The moving mouth of Eddie Gluskin and the panicking face of Waylon Park. Just as she takes a step she is startled and drops her glowing stick. It rolls toward the struggling of Eddie and another mysterious disfigured patient wrestling. She looks down at them and the patient delivers a blow to Eddie's face. The patient runs off and Eddie stays hunched over taking a breath. Suddenly after he gains balance he raises his head to face the glow stick which stops rolling and stops at his foot. His eyes gleam as they stare right into Susan frozen grey eyes.

"Hurrughh!" he roars, pushes himself back with his right hand from the gated off way and dashes after the patient to his right yelling, "Get back here! You're not done dying you slut!" his voice fading she stands quick now looking toward Waylon and stare at his nakedness.

"Waylon!" she whispers a bit loud and proceeds closer to him seeing him stand up and lean down to his clothing. She comes into the light a few feet away from Waylon and stands tall waiting for a reaction from her.

"You...how…? You're a woman?" he asks first while quickly dressing, because of her medical background her emotions are unmoved by this awkwardness and nods in response.

"Waylon how are you still alive I thought...weren't you the one to fall through a roof?" she asks while looking up and down him just when he finishes.

"Yes...but none of that matters! I have raw evidence that will shut down Murkoff Corporation for good and I hope the email I sent hasn't gotten anyone killed." he whispers low and lightly limps around and grabs his camcorder.

"I'll make sure you get out alive then. I'm no use to you. I've been part of all this crap. You just so happened to rebel against it. I've tried my hardest too, yet I have gotten nowhere and not as far as you have, Mr. Park." she humbles herself and feels his hand on her shoulder.

"But you as a woman...to ever survive here. That is luck...but we both need to get out of here. You know the map layout too, correct?" he asks immediately as he steps out into the hall with her and continues into another widen opening into a crafting room.

"Most of it. Just some main buildings not of Vocational block. Definitely not this place…" she glances around and follows behind Waylon.

She smells the strong smell of sweat from him and ignores it feeling the comfort of another sane person and colleague. The light coming from his camcorder in night vision mode catches her gaze. She grasps her last glow stick and thinks about her other and rethinks of turning back to retrieve. She immediately forgets the idea and the stupidity of that decision. Waylon crouches low as they both hear a door open they both quicken their way behind a table just after they hear Eddie's voice.

"There you are, Darling. Come back to me. I'm trying to be patient darling." his voice pauses and Susan shutters at seeing his legs come into view past the spacing of the table and boxes.

Waylon grabs her left forearm and moves forward just as Eddie circles right further back towards the way they came he sneaks him and her toward the way Eddie came and successfully leads them by. They stand at a wide window and passes it. While Waylon keeps going Susan pauses facing Waylon but then slowly turns her attention toward the next wide window. Now horror screens across her face at many, almost fifty, bodies hanging by their feet and necks by ropes. Bagged heads, bloodstained and tan, covered faces of the cut up bodies that attempt to resemble a woman's structure, shook her to her core giving her an unsettled shiver.

"One man...is capable of this? Why has no one succeeded in defending him themselves?" she whispers and a voice thooms in response.

"BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL WHORES!" Eddie yells and stomps his way toward her.

"Waylon run now!" her senses return, follows after Waylon and shuts the door quickly behind them to buy time.

The air flowing around her lifting her coat up produces fluttering noises that engulfs her hearing. This gives her hope that she is fast enough to live, to survive. The door slams open giving her a leap in her run. They zigzag through the area making it by a open balcony to the horrid scene of bodies dangling. The vision of Waylon running disappears after a corner cutting right. A sudden tug slings her back and the tense fabric against her arms fade as she slams butt first onto the hard floor. 'At least he made it…' she thinks and holds her eyes close ready for some blow of pain to be placed upon her, instead of that words are spoken.

"This is what I get? You ungreatful whor…" his words are stopped and the tightened grip on her coat is soon let go and the coat flows over her face.

Her eye jolt open underneath the cloth and she sits up, leaps up and begins to run. A firm hand grasps her right ankle just before she dashes sending her straight for the floor everything goes black in her mind and unconsciousness engulfs her.