
Atmora ( 1 )

Slowly waking up, Miraak saw the person that called him.

An extremely handsome man that represented every part of being a Nord, with short blonde hair, blue eyes, light-skinned, extremely muscular, and a nice smile. Aron Dragonflame, Miraak's biological father.

"I'm going to wait for you outside," Aron said as he left his son's tent.

Looking at his own hands, Miraak saw small hands, clearly of a child.

'... The shout was way too powerful... It sent me way too back in time...' He thought cutely frowning on his child's face.

Suddenly, he felt an uncontrollable pain,

Groaning loudly as he knelt on the floor, he waited. Soon, the pain vanished, as if it was never there.

Standing up, he was surprised again, because he felt as if he knew exactly how much Magicka, Health and Stamina he had.

'Health? Stamina? Aren't they the same?' He thought confused. Testing out, he slowly penetrated his left index finger with a nearby iron dagger.

As he saw blood coming out, he felt the earlier 100 health points going to 99 and 98 soon after. While stamina stayed the same.

Testing again, he started to do push-ups.

After doing 50 push-ups, he felt his Stamina points going more and more down.

'... So... Stamina is the energy used by the body to move... While Health... Looks like it's my life in numbers... I certainly don't want to find out what happens when it goes to 0...' Miraak thought bitterly.

Since he didn't know how much is 100 points of Magicka, he tested by secretly casting flames on a rock. Since there were only rocks around it, it didn't spread the fire to the tent.

'... What...' He thought almost yelling in rage as he felt his Magicka going from 100 to 1 in almost only 2 seconds of Flames, the damn weakest Destruction spell.

Feeling almost no Magicka inside him, Miraak almost smashed his right hand at the floor.

'... You have to be kidding me...' Miraak continued to stare in disbelieve at his hands. '... 2 seconds?... Only 2 seconds!?!?...' He continued thinking as he suppressed his overwhelming rage.

As he concentrated, he felt like he could see what exactly he was good at, like swordsmanship divided in two-handed and one-handed... Or Magic, divided in Illusion, Alteration, Destruction, Conjuration, Restoration, Mysticism, and Enchanting.

There were other things like Sneak and Armor types, but Miraak just focused on what he needed right now.

Since he was still training as an Atmorian child, he will be under training for physical damage weapons, such as Swords, Maces, Axes, and bows. ( Since it's still the Merethic Era, it doesn't exist crossbows )

He felt that he was around, level 26 in two-handed weapons, Level 21 in one-handed, and finally 16 in Archery.

Knowing where you're good makes the job half done already. After all, someone that knows exactly how much good they are and where they won't overestimate their own skills.

'... Looks like I'm quite good at two-handed weapons...' Miraak thought as he left the tent.

"You're finally out! I was starting to get irritated." Aron said slightly irritated as he leads the way to the nearby training camp.

"... Father... You know I was selected as a Dragon Priest from Lord Alduin, right?" Miraak said to his father as they walked.

"Of course! I'm very proud of you. Being a Dragon Priest is an extremely noble job, son. Don't screw up." Aron said rudely but nicely.

'... As if I will let some pitiful flying lizards control me...' Miraak thought seriously as the duo finally arrived at the training camp.

Since the news about Miraak's new position was still not published, other Atmorian's families still didn't know about it.

Suddenly a little girl 'wrongly' shot her arrow toward Miraak.

As if he knew where, when, and how, he grabbed the arrow mid-air as he glared at the girl.

'... What a nostalgic face... Asa Stormcloak... My childhood 'Frienemy'...' Miraak thought as he broke the arrow in half.

"... Good reflexes, as always. Si-... Oh right, It's 'Miraak' now, huh." Asa said as she walked over.

"I thought everyone didn't know?" Miraak asked curiously. Although he already lived this through, it was still way too in the past to remember everything.

"... Did you forgot that my mother is your Father's best friend?..." Asa said glaring weirdly at Miraak as if he was a new zoo animal.

Clicking his tongue, Miraak ignored her and walked over to a two-handed greatsword, it was double his height.

"Son, I don't think you-" Aron said but suddenly stopped talking, surprised.

Earlier, in the test, Miraak found out that he couldn't find limits on how much strength he can exhibit but only for how much time.

Taking the greatsword with his two hands, Miraak felt his stamina descending like a waterfall.

Counting how much time he can stay like that, he found out that he can use the greatsword for about 20 seconds, before collapsing.

Although very surprised, Aron said, "... Looks like you became strong, son."

Counting how much time he needs to recover all his stamina, Miraak found out that he needed about 1 minute to recover all his stamina.

Soon, he felt his stamina increase of 1, to 101.

'... So I can increase it with regular training, huh...' Miraak said standing up.

Staring at Miraak, Asa said, "... Strong."

'... Let's try it...' Miraak suddenly thought about a possibility.

Walking over to the greatsword, he grabbed it with one hand.

Hello, I hope you're enjoying it.

I'm gonna explore some possibilities with the system.

Thank you and good day.

AppleLovercreators' thoughts
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