

In the middle of narrow and empty streets, where the deafening silence dominated the soundtrack of a calm night. A permanent silence, where the sound of rain and wind did not overcome the silence of a single and sad night.

There was a boy, where all the clothes he wore were black. Where all the rain that was accompanied by strong winds didn't bother him. At the end of another day alone, sad and embarrassed, nothing else mattered.

Every day was the same, only getting worse... There was no more happiness, much less hope. There was no more pleasure, there were no goals. Every day was experienced by sadness, disappointment, and an overwhelming desire to end it all.

A young boy, about 16 years old, was walking under the sidewalk, in a street where the only lights that illuminated the black night were the ones from the electricity poles. Orange lights and flashing faults during the storm.

Weak old trees swayed as the young man walked. Steps taken with disgust, unwillingly. Puddles of mud and water splashed as he stepped on the young man.

Drops of dirty water flew onto his clothes, but he didn't care. After a long walk, the rain passed, the wind left, and white lights began to dominate the darkness.

The streetlamps stopped failing, and the white lights began to glow. All silence was gone, and the only silent thing, alone, and black, was its existence.

Up ahead was a bar surrounded by happy people, drunk, filled with false happiness, each of those people with their lifetime numbered. Each person enjoying their life in their own way, in their own way, doing their thing, around their friends drinking, dancing, but... no... he doesn't...

He just wanted to be alone, he just wanted to do what he liked, which was to be alone. Moving away from the bar, following in a straight line, the silence deafened the cold night again.

Darkness returned to dominate the white lights. A cold wind passed through his black mask and cooled his ear. A second, colder, stronger, colder wind stirred his coat. A third cold wind, stronger, colder, brought the rain. A shower of icy water wet his coat, thus making him walk faster.

Quickly he turned the corner, raised his head tossing his bangs to the side, he saw his house. Her heart pounded, a feeling of relief. A false feeling of happiness tried to fight the sadness that dominates his heart, but that's not enough...

He speeds up his steps, holding the right strap of his backpack, he starts looking for his house keys in his left pocket. The moment he finds them, he comes across his house, on the right side of the street.

He calmly moves towards the gate, raising his arm until he reaches his black gate. He selects the key, puts it in his gate, and turns it carefully to avoid making any noise. Finally he opens it, coming across the door of his house.

Already with the key, in a hurry it opens making a sharp and sad noise. He enters his house, closing his door and walking to his room. The steps were getting slower and quieter, ahead was the most special place in your life.

An LED formed by text, pasted on a door said - BEDROOM...

< to be continued >