"Set forth on a captivating narrative wherein an unassuming man finds himself thrust into the realm of the anime 'Listen to Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!' as he assumes the central role of Yuuta Segawa. However, this is merely the inception of their fateful encounters. As they confront the trials of inhabiting the role of the male protagonist and embracing its weighty responsibilities, brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of humor and intricate family dynamics within this far-from-ordinary world. Can they adapt to this newfound existence and authentically embody the paternal figure that the narrative demands, all while engaging with a diverse array of anime characters from various anime? Plunge headlong into this extraordinary chronicle of transmigration, everyday existence, and their unfolding tale within this unique realm." [World] [Listen To Me, Girls. I Am Your Father!] [Saekano: How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend] [Cat's Eye] [Minamoto-kun Monogatari] [And More]