
Beauty Awake

After being expelled from the elite Marine Corps for a serious mistake, he returns to urban life in a state of decadence, where fate continues to mock him. A series of misunderstandings make him a regular at the police station, where he is regarded as an extremely dangerous individual. When various urban beauties appear before him in different ways, he unwittingly finds himself in conflict and misunderstanding with them. What stories will unfold between him and these women? Starlets, wealthy heiresses, beautiful policewomen, high-level executives, flight attendants - these outstanding beauties, the dream of every man, will grace the pages of this book, inviting you to explore each one.

jojokria · Urban
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42 Chs

027 Meet enemies again

The man was handsome, the woman beautiful—together, Zhang Ziwen and Tang Shu inevitably drew every eye. According to an informal estimate, their turn-back rate reached 90.99%. Most passersby ogled the lovely Tang Shu, casting only fleeting glances at him.

After inquiring with the duty nurse, they learned that the injured officers were on the sixth floor of the inpatient department. As Zhang Ziwen and Tang Shu entered the elevator and were about to press the close button, a voice called out, "Please wait!"

The voice was melodious and pleasing, but to Zhang Ziwen, it stirred complex emotions.

Following the pleasant voice, a stunning woman stepped in. Her short hair framed a face with brows like ink strokes, eyes like limpid pools, a delicate nose, and soft lips. Her exquisite features transcended the term "beauty"; she was a peerless beauty, one who could make any man's heart race. However, for Zhang Ziwen, seeing her made his heart feel like it might stop. Who else but Wu Min, his past life nemesis, could provoke such a reaction? He lamented his misfortune at encountering this archrival.

Wu Min wore a white casual outfit that accentuated her curvaceous figure, making her look even more alluring. Her youthful and vibrant face added layers of charm, contrasting with the aura she exuded in her police uniform. Even Tang Shu, herself a beauty, was momentarily dazzled by Wu Min.

Upon seeing Zhang Ziwen, Wu Min also froze slightly, her mood mirroring his. Of all people, she had to run into this loathsome fellow. The heavens were truly unkind.

The two adversaries exchanged unfriendly glances, sparks flying. Both snorted inwardly and turned away, refusing to acknowledge each other.

As the elevator ascended slowly, the atmosphere grew tense and awkward. Tang Shu sensed the tension between Zhang Ziwen and the beautiful policewoman. She wanted to greet Wu Min but, noticing Zhang Ziwen's deliberate ignorance and Wu Min's similar stance, she decided to stay silent. The three stood like strangers, the air filled with a peculiar unease.

In the confined space, the delicate fragrances of the two beauties intertwined, impossible for Zhang Ziwen to ignore. Wu Min's familiar scent was Chanel Coco, a favorite among many women. Tang Shu's fragrance, however, was subtly sophisticated, an elusive blend he recognized from somewhere—a fragrance both elegant and intoxicating, with a hint of mystery. It was L'Heure Bleue, a globally limited edition. If Zhang Ziwen knew it cost $300 an ounce, he might have been even more astonished.

Though the sixth floor wasn't far, the three felt as if the elevator was moving at a snail's pace. Occasionally, it stopped midway, but those wishing to enter retreated upon sensing the heavy tension between Zhang Ziwen and Wu Min.

Exiting the elevator, Wu Min deliberately lagged behind, letting Zhang Ziwen and Tang Shu lead. Observing Tang Shu clinging to Zhang Ziwen's arm, she felt disapproving. This seemingly smart and beautiful girl, how could she be with such a man? Wu Min couldn't understand how Zhang Ziwen, a rogue in her eyes, managed to win over such a lovely girl. What did he have to offer? Her mind was unsettled by these thoughts.

Inside the hospital room, several people were present, including the officers' families and familiar faces from the police station like Commissioner Chen and the officer who had arrested him. Commissioner Chen nodded at Zhang Ziwen with a smile, displaying the grace of leadership, leaving a favorable impression on Zhang Ziwen.

The arresting officer, too, was polite, inviting Zhang Ziwen to sit. Zhang Ziwen, feeling uncomfortable, placed the gifts near the bed and awkwardly approached to offer his apologies.

The injured officers, recovering well after a few days, were visibly better. One had fractured ribs, a minor issue compared to the other whose shoulder bone Zhang Ziwen had shattered with a bat, requiring a longer hospital stay.

Though the fault wasn't entirely his, Zhang Ziwen felt a pang of guilt seeing the injured officers. He sincerely apologized, his words heartfelt.

The officers, with commendable magnanimity, accepted his apology. Recognizing their own initial misconduct and Zhang Ziwen's compensatory gestures, they saw no reason to hold grudges. Their forgiving words reassured Zhang Ziwen, who began to believe that most officers were indeed reasonable—Wu Min standing behind him being a notable exception, her cold gaze felt on his back.

Leaving the hospital, Zhang Ziwen sighed in relief.

Tang Shu, holding his arm, asked softly, "Brother Wen, that policewoman seemed to dislike you. Did you offend her before?"

Zhang Ziwen smiled wryly. "Who knows? She's never liked me. I can't figure her out."

Recalling the hostile look in Wu Min's eyes as they left the ward, along with her sharp-tongued remark about a weasel giving a New Year's greeting to a chicken, Zhang Ziwen thought, "Wu Min really holds a grudge. Women these days are truly unfathomable. Is it really necessary?"

"Brother Wen, I have a feeling that policewoman will still give you trouble. You better watch out," Tang Shu said playfully, her tone laced with a hint of schadenfreude.

"What am I afraid of?" Zhang Ziwen retorted nonchalantly. "I don't engage in any illegal activities. What can she do to me? After today, we're done. Zhonghai is a big city; I can't be unlucky enough to run into her again, right?"

Tang Shu tilted her head, studying Zhang Ziwen with a curious glint in her eyes.

Seeing her strange expression, Zhang Ziwen smiled and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?"

"Brother Wen, you're so strange," Tang Shu said coquettishly. "That policewoman is so beautiful. Many people would be thrilled to see her every day. But you, you avoid her like the plague. Are you really that afraid of her? She's quite the beauty, you know," she teased.

"Afraid of her?" Zhang Ziwen scoffed. "Her? Do I need to fear her? Your Brother Wen is a gentleman and doesn't stoop to arguing with women. Besides," he paused deliberately.

"Besides what?" Tang Shu asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Hehe," Zhang Ziwen chuckled slyly, "Is she beautiful? Compared to our little Shu, she's nowhere near. She's miles away from being as lovely. The true beauty is our little Shu."

Tang Shu pouted playfully, "You're so bad, Brother Wen, making fun of me." Despite her playful complaint, her heart swelled with joy hearing such praise from the man she cherished.

Tang Shu nestled closer to him, her delicate frame pressing against his, her eyes brimming with affection. She wished she could meld into him completely.

Zhang Ziwen relished the sensation of her leaning on him. Her soft, alluring body, her ample, perky bosom, her beautiful face, and her demure, dependent demeanor stirred him. He habitually wrinkled his nose, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and lit it, thinking that in a couple more years, Tang Shu would be irresistible—everyone would adore her. The smoke from his cigarette helped to quell the youthful stirrings within him.

Just as Zhang Ziwen was about to suggest finding a place for a drink, his phone rang. It was He Li calling. He distanced the phone from his ear to avoid her usual playful scolding, then brought it back to listen.

He Li demanded that he be at her store within an hour, threatening him with consequences if he was late.

After ending the call, Zhang Ziwen smiled wryly at Tang Shu, "My sister wants me at her place. She seems to need something urgently. I can't take you home."

Tang Shu replied sweetly, "You should go then. I can get back by myself."

Just then, a taxi approached. Tang Shu waved it down, signaling for Zhang Ziwen to leave first. As he got into the car, she made a gesture to call her, her eyes filled with reluctant affection. Her endearing expression almost made Zhang Ziwen invite her to He Li's, but he quickly reconsidered, knowing how his sister would react. Bringing a beauty along unannounced could only spell trouble.

As the taxi drove away, Tang Shu sighed softly, taking out her phone from her bag. "Hello, Uncle Xiong?"