
Beauty Awake

After being expelled from the elite Marine Corps for a serious mistake, he returns to urban life in a state of decadence, where fate continues to mock him. A series of misunderstandings make him a regular at the police station, where he is regarded as an extremely dangerous individual. When various urban beauties appear before him in different ways, he unwittingly finds himself in conflict and misunderstanding with them. What stories will unfold between him and these women? Starlets, wealthy heiresses, beautiful policewomen, high-level executives, flight attendants - these outstanding beauties, the dream of every man, will grace the pages of this book, inviting you to explore each one.

jojokria · Urban
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42 Chs

005 Entangled and unclear

"Is this how you handle cases? Are you kidding me? I'm going to file a complaint!" Zhang Ziwen was getting frustrated. What major suspect? Zhang Ziwen felt utterly wronged, even more so than Du E.

"Suit yourself."

"I want to get a lawyer."


"I..." Zhang Ziwen felt disheartened by the indifferent tone of the policewoman and couldn't continue.

"Anything else? If not, just stay here and think it over. We'll come back when you're ready. That's it." The policewoman said casually, turning to leave, seemingly ready to leave Zhang Ziwen here and forget about him.

"Don't go, please. I'll talk." Zhang Ziwen felt utterly defeated by the unreasonable policewoman.

"That's more like it. Speak up. I'm all ears." The triumphant tone of the policewoman made Zhang Ziwen grind his teeth.

"Xiao Cao, keep taking notes."

After instructing Xiao Cao to continue taking notes, the policewoman said to Zhang Ziwen, "Go on. Time's running out. This is your last chance."

"Okay, but you have to listen to me until the end. Don't rush off. I think you've got it all wrong. I'm really innocent."

"Are you saying we've wronged you? You should know the policy. We don't wrong good people, but we never let bad people go. Speak up. I want to hear how you'll try to talk your way out of this."

Zhang Ziwen was completely convinced by the policewoman. She seemed to have decided he wasn't a good person from the start. They couldn't communicate at all. Even before he could speak, she had already labeled him as making excuses. This was just confusing, Zhang Ziwen felt a bit helpless.

Deciding not to entangle further, Zhang Ziwen spilled the beans, from playing cards with friends to going to "Blue Sky Spa" for a bath, and even the fact that he had never received a "European-style massage" before, it was all out of curiosity. He emphasized that he was only halfway through when the police arrested him, and that's how he ended up in the detention center.

After finishing the account, Zhang Ziwen shrugged and said, "Actually, it's very simple. In plain terms, I just went for a massage, and I only got halfway through. It's not like what you said, that I'm a member of the Black Dragon Society, completely irrelevant."

"Is that all?"

"That's all."

"Fabrication. I'll tell you, Zhang Ziwen, with your attitude, there's no need for us to waste any more time on you. You'll have to face the consequences yourself." The policewoman's tone was not only impatient but also disdainful, as if she believed Zhang Ziwen couldn't even fabricate a story, let alone this failed erotic massage tale.

Damn, why doesn't this girl believe me? The beautiful image of the policewoman was shattered in Zhang Ziwen's mind in an instant. Zhang Ziwen was furious, feeling like he couldn't breathe. How did this high-ranking inspector get her position with such an unreasonable attitude?

Seeing that the policewoman seemed to have lost interest in further questioning Zhang Ziwen, she beckoned to the policeman Xiao Cao and prepared to leave the interrogation room. Zhang Ziwen was so angry with the unreasonable policewoman that he felt like he was going to spit blood. Seeing her and the policeman about to leave, Zhang Ziwen was filled with anger.

"Stop! Both of you, stop right there!" Under the rage, Zhang Ziwen's angry roar shook the windows of the interrogation room.

The policewoman and the policeman were stunned by Zhang Ziwen's sudden outburst, standing still at the door for a moment. Clearly feeling a bit embarrassed by being shouted at by Zhang Ziwen, the policeman was about to step forward.

Zhang Ziwen stared at his contorted face, probably wanting to lay hands on him.

Zhang Ziwen smirked coldly and waited for him to come closer, feeling a bellyful of fire with nowhere to vent. If you're not happy, don't blame me for being ruthless. Zhang Ziwen decided to go all out. He thought, Since I've been so wrongly treated by these two rotten cops, I might as well make it worth my while.

"Xiao Cao, don't act rashly!" The policewoman saw Zhang Ziwen's calm expression, which seemed a bit abnormal, and hurriedly stopped him.

The policeman accompanying the policewoman evidently heeded her words, immediately halting his steps. He stood three paces away from Zhang Ziwen and fixed him with a fierce glare. The meaning behind his eyes was unmistakable, suggesting either luck was on Zhang Ziwen's side or else he was in for trouble.

Ignoring the hostile gaze, Zhang Ziwen's gaze bypassed him and coldly fixed upon the policewoman standing behind him.

The policewoman cast a few appraising glances at Zhang Ziwen with her beautiful eyes. Seeing Zhang Ziwen's unwavering stare, the air seemed to thicken momentarily. This stifling atmosphere made her slightly uneasy, and her delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Zhang Ziwen, do you have anything further to add?" The policewoman was the first to break the silence, her tone still icy.

"There's nothing more to say. I simply wish to convey that you should thoroughly investigate my case and refrain from assuming I have any affiliation with the Black Dragon Society based solely on your imagination."

"We police officers do not require your instruction." The policewoman's tone betrayed a hint of annoyance at Zhang Ziwen's demeanor.

"Heh, do you think I'd bother instructing someone like you? You're hardly worthy." Zhang Ziwen retorted with a cold laugh, suddenly feeling a surge of disdain towards her.

"Zhang Ziwen! Don't be so arrogant! Do you think I'm afraid to deal with you?" The policewoman's irritation was clearly provoked by Zhang Ziwen's arrogant tone.

Observing the policewoman's mounting anger, the accompanying policeman began to assert himself. "Inspector Wu, this guy deserves a beating. Let me handle him. If something goes wrong, I'll take responsibility." After speaking, he even rolled up his sleeves, seemingly eager for action.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. It's best if you don't provoke me. The consequences will be your own." Seeing the two policemen getting worked up, Zhang Ziwen surprisingly felt a sense of relief. His tone became nonchalant, as if he no longer cared about their actions. Having endured enough injustice, he refused to be at the mercy of others any longer.

Seeing Zhang Ziwen's sudden display of confidence, the policewoman gestured to the accompanying policeman not to act recklessly. Then, she resumed scrutinizing Zhang Ziwen, who met her gaze without flinching. At that moment, Zhang Ziwen realized he had developed an immunity to her, unlike the initial sense of bewilderment upon her entry into the interrogation room.

A beauty? Nothing more. Zhang Ziwen couldn't help but mock himself inwardly.

After a brief yet intense exchange of gazes lasting a mere ten seconds or so, the policewoman regained her composure. Seeing Zhang Ziwen's unyielding gaze, she suddenly smiled. This smile, once again, caused Zhang Ziwen's already somewhat disdainful heart to flutter. She was undeniably beautiful, and her smile, characteristic of a beautiful woman, momentarily unsettled him. Zhang Ziwen couldn't help but secretly berate his own lack of resolve.

"Zhang Ziwen, it seems you have quite a backing. To dare speak to the police in such a manner." The policewoman's tone was light, with a hint of excitement evident in her eyes, as if she had just hooked a big fish.

Goodness, is this woman a Taurus? Why does she always seem to be chasing after the impossible? Zhang Ziwen couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and frustration. His initial feelings of anger suddenly seemed absurd, as if he were encountering strange occurrences every year, but only this year seemed particularly pronounced.

Zhang Ziwen shook his head with a bitter smile and sighed. "Forget it, forget it. I no longer have any words for you. I truly don't wish to continue this conversation. It's pointless. Investigate my background thoroughly and see if I fit the profile you've imagined. I refuse to engage with you any further. Take me back to my cell; I'm tired."

After uttering these words, Zhang Ziwen felt utterly drained. He was truly exhausted.

"And furthermore, I don't want to see the two of you again. Even if the matter is resolved, there's no need for you to apologize. It's best if we never cross paths again."

Having said this, Zhang Ziwen closed his eyes and couldn't even be bothered to lift his eyelids. He truly didn't want to face the policewoman's perplexing behavior any longer, let alone the violent tendencies of the accompanying policeman.


The policewoman hesitated for a moment, unable to continue her sentence. Clearly, Zhang Ziwen's resistance had left her infuriated. Though Zhang Ziwen kept his eyes shut, one could imagine her indignant expression and the heaving of her chest in frustration. Zhang Ziwen felt a sense of satisfaction at having provoked her.

After a while, the sound of footsteps leaving the interrogation room reached his ears. The policewoman and the accompanying policeman departed. When Zhang Ziwen opened his eyes again, the two policemen who had initially brought him to the interrogation room walked in. They handed him his clothes, but didn't instruct him to put them on immediately. Zhang Ziwen remained with his hands shackled, holding onto his clothes, as he retraced his steps back to the small cell where he was being held.