

This is frustrating, at first I thought 'why not stuff strong demon beasts into my shadow' but then I realized, how am I going to control them. Even worse I can't add anymore to it.

Not only do I have a little over two weeks left but I've also been getting this feeling that something terrible is about to happen. Everytime I get this feeling I can only think of hiding, like I feel the furs on my body rise up, even Derek feels it too. Besides all this I still have a hunting party chasing me and I don't know how they keep finding me.

I also get this feeling that I'm being watched, and I still can't find out what was watching me after using God's eye to chec- "F**k!!" Yeap it's official, I'm an idiot. Quickly using God's eye to check the sky and behold five large falcons watching me, like how did I miss that.

[Because you are stupid]

I nearly tripped on hearing that"Why would you say that when you are not helping?"

[I've told you, I am not-]

"Yeah yeah I get it, you don't have to repeat it." sometimes I just wonder what her existence is for.

Well ignoring that, how am I going to escape under the eyes of these pests. Any ideas Derek? No? None? What about you Char? Don't tilt your head in confusion!! Useless, you are all useless, even the ant queen has been lying still for the past three days. I'm doomed.

[Time is ticking, you can't spend all day depressed. You need to stop and think things through. For example you've not finished going through the info in your head. Even Derek went through everything.]

"Wow, I haven't heard you speak that much in one go." I said feeling surprised, sigh, weird things keep happening lately.

[Hey, if you die I'll also seize to exist and besides you still have tasks to complete]

To which Derek said "She's right you know."

Sigh, well there's nothing else I can do so why not

Let's see, I've gone through info on this world then the continent, the strength system, the big bosses, their territory, the treaty... oh here we go. So the big five so as to prevent clashes and battles between themselves decided to make a pact whereby they and their descendants can not leave the center of their regions unless there is a major threat or are invited to another's territory. They also do not have the right to interfere in the happenings of another's territory. Now within the region apart from it being divided into four layers there are also safe.... zones within. There's a rule that within five miles from the safe zone battles....most.. not.. take.. place.

Hahaha that's it, the answer is right here. I don't care if I'll be branded as a coward but my life is on the line, I just have to bide my time and grow stronger through Derek. It won't be too late to duke it out later. There's also a chance that my opponent doesn't have this info or if it does didn't go through all of it like me. Besides, with this my pursuers won't be able to do anything to me. Perfect.

With this new drive I decided to set out to find a safe zone.