
Beast World Portal

Liss took her mother place as she was pulled into a world that she thought was a daydream of her mentally ill mother. Her mother wasn't delusional, she was telling the truth. Now she is alone in a new world where nothing makes sense and the only thing she can do is adapt. TW{Dead dove}

Mctunado · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Calm before the storm

At dawn we usually sit outside to prepare to start the day, Levi left to find fruits as that is what I usually eat for breakfast.

Ishid went to grab water leaving me alone with Semion. Semion is the only with long hair and I enjoy combing his hair and braiding it to make training easier.

"Sit here, Semion." I said pointing at the stool.

He happily came, he is the youngest of us, being 17. At my world, if I was to have a relationship with him it would be illegal so since I've discovered his age I treated him like a younger brother.

When I first met him he acted dignified and mature, but after some time he showed his true colors and became a kitten.

I started combing his ginger hair, he said that females prefer males with long hair but the reason he didn't cut it short like Ishid or Levi was because he admires the tiger king and how dignified he appears with long hair.

"How are you going to tie it today, Liss?"

"Hmmm how about braiding only the front part and letting the rest down?"

As a child he started swaying his legs in anticipation.


As I started to braid his hair I heard a loud flapping sound making me look up.

It was Feng Huang, the upper part of his hanfu was dropped at the ends of his arms and a huge pair of silver wings on his back.

"My heavens..."

How can he half transform? Not even Levi could do it and he is the strongest beast I know.

Feng Huangs arms didn't show any rings, he isn't a soul beast? What is going on.

Landing on my side he placed his hand on my chin and closed my mouth, just then I realized that it was agape.

"Hello little female."

Blinking a couple of time I came back to my senses.

"Good morning, Feng Huang."

Semion stood up with a half braided hair and bowed to the men.

"Levi will be back soon." Semion said, his eyes sparkling at the men in front of him.

It was pure admiration.

"Very well, you can go back to what you were doing."

"Yes!" With this Semion sat back and looked up waiting for me to continue braiding his hair.

I chuckled at the situation, he really is a sweetheart. Gently I continue to braid his hair under Feng Huang gaze.

"What are you doing with his hair, little female?"

"Semion has long hair and it get in the way when he is cultivating his strength, so before he do so I braid his hair to keep it out of his face."

Feng Huang let out a "hmm" with his hand on his chin.

After it was done I tapped Semion shoulder saying "Done." and as always he got up, hugged my side planting a quick kiss on my cheek making me chuckle.


He let go and went to cater the fire and roast the meat leaving me with a surprised Feng Huang.

Feng Huang stick out like a sore thumb here. His eastern name, his clothes that resemble a chinese hanfu clearly made of cotton and not pelt, his almost knee long silver hair. I may have called others a mirage but only him deserve to be called that.

"What's the problem, little female?"

"Your clothes are pretty."

He laughed at my words and went to sit on the stool in front of me.

"Little female, how about you play with my hair while we wait for that hatchling?"

'Don't mind me if I do.'

"Thank you."

If I try to braid his hair my arms will be useless for at least two days. It is way too long and heavy, so I think that just combing it will be ok.




Levi saw in the distance that his bunny was still playing with Semions hair. For some time he even thought about growing his hair for her to play but discarded the idea.

After telling her Semion age, she changed the way that she treated him.

Levi, sharp as he is, saw that she didn't see him as a man anymore and that playing with his hair was in reality a way to raise the child and help him with his training.

Levi landed behind his bunny and made his way to her but then froze. It wasn't Semion, it was his master.

"Bunny, come."

Hearing this his bunny jumped scared because of the sudden sound but nonetheless turned and went in his direction.

Up until now Levi was sure that he would be the one she would chose, but if it is between him and his master, the once great hunter turned into a ant.

The difference in power was way to grand to even compare.

His master isn't interested in females and in some way having a mate is detrimental to him and his kind, so yesterday when he heard the news he was unfazed but seeing him let her touch him was enough to show that he should be scared.

"Little female"

Levi master called his bunny making her look back, at this he took a step forward and wrapped his arms on her shoulders.

He bowed to his master making her bow too.

"Master is great to see you."

His master came forward laying a hand on the vulture shoulder patting it lightly.

"You look well, how long has it been, that cub is already a two ring soul beast."

"Yes, Semion is advancing fast."

"Where is the wolf cub? I saw him yesterday and he humored me greatly."

Levi let out a sigh, his master is a sly proud beast, saying this is the same as calling him insolent.

"I apologize on his behalf." Levi bowed again making the female bow too again.

Seeing this his master laughed and patted her head.

"Let her go, hatchling." He went and sat on the stool again " That has to do with the reason I came."

Levi reluctant lowered his arms and dropped his head.

'Haa it's coming'