
Beast Cultivator: Divine Evolution

Lin Yuan died fighting against the Abyss but was sent back in time by his Spring Autumn Cicada. Now, he has to escape from Green Nightmare Island to finish what he had started. With his future knowledge, he rushes to the top of the Beastmaster world!

Marcus_Black_3584 · Anime und Comics
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The River of Time

There were many verdant islands dotting the boundless ocean, but under a certain raincloud lay a more special one, an island of about forty kilometers wide.

It was a somewhat rhombus shaped island, with a perfectly straight peak at its center. From far away, the vast island looked as if a sword was lodged into it.

This island was entirely surrounded by massive cliffs, without a single beach.

With this structure around the fringes of the island, it meant that it was a sealed off island upon which no ship could berth!

Lin Yuan stared off the edge of the protruding cliff, looking into the stormy sea with complex feelings, his eyes filled with traces of grief.

"Green Nightmare Island? Looks like the [Spring Autumn Cicada] really worked..." Lin Yuan quietly whispered, as the chaotic waves battered the cliff, the water hitting his body as the cold wind bit into his thin clothes.

The use of the [Spring Autumn Cicada] is to reverse time. In the top ten Bug Spiritual Beast rankings, the Spring Autumn Cicada ranked third.

In short, it was the ability to be reborn.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand, his sight fixated on his own young and soft palms, then slowly clenched them, embracing the truth of this reality with all his might.

With the sound of the piercing raindrops filling his ear, he slowly closed his eyes, opening them after a long while. He sighed, "To think so much time has passed from this moment, it really feels like a dream."

But Lin Yuan knew it clearly: This was definitely not a dream.

His thoughts were interrupted as a horn sounded out from the depths of the forest.

Hearing the horn, Lin Yuan showed an expression of loathing, but quickly suppressed it and stood up before walking towards the sound.

His body was thin, but his movements were agile, dashing through the intricate forest like a breeze. He had soon arrived at an open area within the forest.

The open area was circular, with a radius of about 100 meters. Around the open area was a wall made up of thirty-meter-high wooden pikes, creating a village-like campground.

The campground only had one entrance. At the entrance were four men in green clothes. Next to them, four fierce wolves stood by, growling at him with bony white teeth.

"Get your ass in here! Coming here this slowly, do you want to die? Humph, your body isn't even fit to be my wolf's snack!"

Lin Yuan stayed out of the wolves' reach and ran inside the base. The difference between the foremen and him might has well been heaven and earth.

This was the world of Spiritual beasts. Those with talent could become Beast-masters.

Beast-masters could sign soul pacts with Spiritual beasts, making the Spiritual beast fight for them.

But on this completely isolated Green Nightmare Island, things were a bit different.

Every once in a while, there were many kids like Lin Yuan who were sent to this isolated island and subjected to these immoral experiments.

Many of them were kidnapped from new worlds that lacked origin qi. Lin Yuan was originally from a low tier world called Earth, before he and a few others were kidnapped during a Halloween party.

The kidnappers, Nightmare Palace, were filled with evil Beast-masters who had no scruples using evil methods, such as using them as food for their signature beasts, Nightmares.

The nightmares they speak of are evil Spiritual beasts. Evil Spiritual beasts were very unique within the beast system. They could also sign soul pacts with humans and fight for them.

However, they had the ability to devour their master's souls!

The kids, trapped within this place on their first day here, would all be forced to sign soul pacts with Nightmares.

At one point in time, the parasitic Nightmare would eat their master's soul as food, and humans without souls will soon perish.

In the campground, there were hundred teens in stood in the harsh weather. Their clothes were all flimsy, but their faces showed a numbing resolve, their blank eyes showing sharpness like that of a beast.

A hundred of them lined up in squads of ten, standing neatly together.

Near the wooden gate, three men in dark clothes stood with very apathetic expressions.

The burly, middle-aged man standing in the middle took a few steps forward, swept his gaze through the kids, and smiled cruelly.

"Today is the fitness training. You have to face your own Spiritual beasts."

"I can tell you right now, I will only allow fifty of you to continue on training here. That means that half of you will die today in this test!"

"Haha, enjoy the sweetness of death! Only people who frequent the edge of life and death are worthy of entering the Nightmare Palace."

Hearing this, the hundred kids all showed signs of panic, eyeing the ten foremen restlessly.

Suddenly, wolf howls sounded out from around them. The smell of blood engulfed the not-so open campground, buffeting the lean children.

Bone white claws dug into the dirt below, with grey hair spiking up. Razor sharp teeth peeked out of their mouths, shining malevolently.

When the ten foremen finished their summoning, ten predators appeared in the campground —-Hunting Wolfs! The savage beasts known for their sharp and terrifying teeth!

Seeing the ten threatening wolves howling right at them, the children all became pale. A few of the girls even bit their lips, tears dripping down their face.

Only Lin Yuan looked calm among the sea of panic, a cold clarity coming upon him as he remembered all the information he knew about the opponent,

Hunting Wolves were Beast type and were part of the Wolf clan. According to the color of their fur and the build of the Hunting Wolves in front of him, they had most likely reached the Eighth Stage.

Hunting Wolves are very scary creatures. For food, they would attack without the slightest hesitation with all their might until their prey dies.

So, he knew right of the bat that he couldn't beat them. Rather, he just needed to dodge until 50 of the kids had died!

Subsequent to the command of those cruel men, ten hungry Hunting Wolves immediately launched themselves onto the group of unarmed and defenseless children. The sound of crying and wolves howling immediately became one!

The originally orderly formation instantly collapsed, and the children on the edges frantically rushed towards the center of the group. This was in order to prevent themselves from being eaten by the wolves first.

However, the field was only so big, and with a total of 100 people, no matter how much one pushed or shoved, those who had the weakest physical constitutions were ultimately pushed out into the edges.

Lin Yuan was one of the kids with a physical disadvantage but relied on experience to push past the people flooding towards the center, reaching there first.

Screams echoed as children were cut down wantonly, until even the center wasn't safe anymore. One Hunting Wolf had set their sight on the area where Lin Yuan was located, and immediately pounced.

Zhou Sheng, who was next to Lin Yuan, panicked and immediately looked next to him. Seeing, Lin Yuan, he reached out his hand, intending to grab him and throw him to the wolves!

Lin Yuan, however, dodged easily, pushing himself backwards and out of harm's way. Meanwhile, Zhou Sheng grasped onto thin air, which caught the wolf's attention as its mouth bit into his arm.

Lin Yuan watched Zhou Sheng being eaten with a cold look, not bothered by his death at all. He didn't have sympathy for people who wanted to kill him.

Running away as the wolf was feasting, he realized that the trial was coming to an end once he saw how many people were remaining.

As if on cue, a few sounds of clapping rang through the bloody camp; signifying that the terrifying nightmare had finally come to an end!