
Beast Codex Manual: Interstellar Queen of Beasts

[ Who was the first beastmaster that terrorised the imperial star? ] [ What is the evolution form of wooden vine? ] [ Why do thorny rats like to live alone? ] [ Name some beasts that are going to be extinct in the upcoming century? ] What are these? Thorny rats?!Evolution and beastmaster, these questions are …strange? *** Veronica a simple young girl had a chance to live a new life in a fantasy world which was completely different from her previous world. There are beastmasters and Beast Mages and a wonderful new world to explore. Would love come in her way of experiencing this mystery ? ...

roumania · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: First Beast Pet

After coming back home, Veronica was still in the state of excitement, she could not wait to contract her first beast pet to see the extent of her beast talent.

The major trouble in her life is money. Without union currency she could not afford the beast pet, the other way was going out in the forest to tame the beast and make a contract, this is hell level difficulty for her who doesn't have any great fighting prowess.

This is the only way for her to contract a beast pet. Atleast, she is not completely without any security, after her awakening she was already level 10 as she had absorbed most of the energy from the energy capsule.

"Now I have to find a beast that is easy to raise and can earn its own milk powder."

Veronica was once again busy in her search, after surfing the starnet, she had finalised her first beast pet.

It should be a plant. There is no need to buy extra food as they are autotrophs, the sun and the soil of this planet would be good for the first pet.

This unknown star is rich in vegetation and there is a nice forest that is completely filled with gentle and nice alien plants that have not awakened their sanity. It is a kind of normal beast park where organisms are in the state of being not completely awakened.

That place is used for herbivores' pet beasts to graze and is found in many places.

This kind of park is just two hours away from her house.

This should be the site for her to become a true beastmaster. So without wasting any time, she took the keys, some nutrient solution and her resource ring which was pitifully small given by the doctor after awakening her beast talent.

The journey was smooth as she took a speed train to reach the park cum herding centre. The place was huge and calling it a forest would be better.

Veronica entered the park after paying the security fees of 200 union currency for the duration of 2 hours. The price was cheap because she was the only one and had no beast pet for her to accompany, otherwise the price would have gone up to 2000 union currency for 2 hours.

She had only 420 union currency in her pocket and had to last the remaining ten days of this month.

It was a pitifully small amount.

As soon as she entered the park, she activated her beast talent and her assumption was right she could see each and every data of the alien plant that was present in the park and as far as her eyes could see.

Be it a simple inanimate plant, a plant about to awaken its wisdom, newborn seedlings, everything was crystal clear to her.

Veronica was surprised to see the beast Codex Manual that appeared in her beast space, before she didn't see this clearly but this golden scroll is showing every detail more clearly.

[ Slimy Thorn]

Status: Inanimate

Evolution: 200gm slime, wooden spirit liquid, 50 gm nature soil

[Green grass]

Status: Fodder, inanimate

Evolution: wooden spirit liquid, natural soil essence 300gm


Status: late zero( about to generate wisdom)

Evolution: 12 gm fiery seeds, wooden essence 20ml, ray of sun 50 strings

This flower has different detail and Veronica was able to analyse everything clearly after activating her talent.

Her guess was true: she could clearly see the way these plants are going to evolve.

This was great, now she would choose the pet beast suitable for her by just a glance. Moreover, it can be solved within 200 union currency.

What a big bargain!

She could earn more money by using this ability but too much attention was not good for a newcomer beastmaster and a powerless person like her.

She has to find a plant that is suitable for self growth and would not need too much attention and also has a good prospect of evolution.

Veronica had enough time to search in this park. She was patient and thoroughly checked each and every plant that came into her view.

Every detail was clearly analysed by the beast codex manual and her final choice was a wooden vine.

[Name: Wooden Vine]

Status: Level 0 (In progress) {99.8% wisdom generation}

Attributes: Wood

Vitality: 100%

Compatibility: Excellent

Wooden vine was her final choice due to the fact that it would soon become level 1 beast and would be sold to be beast breeding centres.

This was a regular rule in the park. Any plant that has generated wisdom would be supplied to the beast breeding centre for it to be resold again.

The wooden vine was growing in a corner, it was pitifully weak and did not attract any attention.

According to the beast codex manual, this plant is suitable and most compatible with her and she would have no problem in evolving it in a great direction due to her talent.

She remembered the technique that was taught in the school while contracting pet beasts.

Veronica focused on the beast codex manual and made hand seals to make an equality contract between her and the wooden vine.

There were two types of contracts that were taught in the school.

First one was the master-servant contract and the other one was the equality-contract.

In a master servant contract one party is superior and another party has to follow the will unconditionally. Veronica did not want something like that in her life. Beast pets would become her partner so having their thoughts and desire in consideration was normal for her. Since a partner without a soul is a puppet she did not need something like that, so her final choice is an equality contract.

Initially the wooden vine was resisting her even though it had not generated wisdom but as soon as beast codex manual started acting it agreed without hesitation and the contract was complete.

It was easy as pie. As soon as the contract was completed the wooden wine also reached the threshold of Level 1 and became a plant with wisdom. The newborn plant cannot speak but can tell its thoughts to the beastmaster through the contract.

After contracting her first pet beast, Veronica was satisfied,she was finally on the path of becoming a beastmaster.

She took the wooden vine back in her beast codex space and went back to her house without disturbing anyone in the area.

After an exciting journey Veronica was a little tired but sleeping was not in her priority list. She opened the beast codex manual and saw the changes inside the scroll.

[Name: Wooden Vine]

Status: Level 1( Beginner)

Attributes: Wood

Potential: Unknown

Skills: Photosynthesis, Entangling

Points: 0

It was different from before and Veronica had expected it. Everything was easy to understand. It was similar to the games she played in previous life but what about the point.

What role does this play in evolution?

Well, she would look at this later when there is new change in it. Now the most important thing was to figure out the direction of evolution of her pet beast.

Her talent has already started working and there were options for her to choose, it was great that she didn't need to do some deep research and wasting her time. Her talent came in handy.

Next she needs to visit another park where nourishing grass and flowers are in abundance. She would also need to find some devouring insects so that her wooden vine would have a dual aspect of nourishment and devour.

This kind of park is farther away from her house. Veronica needs to travel to the northern region for the devouring insects.

She took out her first beast pet,the wooden vine from the beast codex manual and was pleasantly surprised to see the changes in the plant.

[Name: Wooden Vine]

Status: Level 1( Beginner)

Attributes: Wood

Potential: Unknown

Skills: Photosynthesis (Upgradable) , Entangling (Upgradable) , Absorption (Upgradable)

Points: 2

Evolution direction: Pure soil, wooden essence and lots of sunlight.

There was a change in points. Veronica was confused.

How come the points changed after putting the wooden vine in the beast space. She had read about that pet beast like the beast space but has never heard anything about their growth inside it.

She wanted to ask someone but had doubts about trusting strangers. If there was a family member that would have been great but she is all alone.

"Forget it. Everything will be clear with time." Veronica sighed.

It was a tough day and she needed rest. Before she was planning to plant the seedling in the lawn but changed her mind.

Wooden essence was quite expensive and she could not afford it now. The only thing that could be done was leaving the beast pet in the beast codex manual.

Before sleeping Veronica planned to ask Suzy if she could loan her some money to visit the northern region.

She texted her and asked for 20,000 union currency. It was her subsidy for two months.

For now she could not think of anything else and had to ask for help.

With that in mind, Veronica slept completely without noticing the change in her pet beast inside the beast codex manual.

In her dream, she could see her fighting hoards of star beast with her pet beast and was living the cool life of the protagonist of sci-fi.

The wooden vine was shining and absorbing the energy from the scroll and the words beast codex manual written in golden colour were slightly dim.