
Night Full of Encounters

Today, I found myself at the Hikawa Residence, invited for dinner with the Hikawa sisters. Sayo-san's intense gaze made me a bit uneasy while Hina took a step closer, attempting to feed me.

"Kyo! Ahh~" Hina's voice chimed, spoon in hand, aiming for my mouth.

Caught off guard, I obliged, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down my cheek.

"Hm? Kyo? You look pale. Are you feeling unwell?" Hina's concerned voice rang out as she noticed my discomfort.

"I-I'm fine..." I managed to stutter, trying to suppress my unease.

It's just that Sayo-san's gaze is piercing my soul.

"I've been curious, but... what is Nakasone-san and Hina's relationship?" Hikawa Sayo pondered to herself, her gaze fixed on me.

After the delightful dinner, Hina excused herself to get some dessert. Sayo glanced at me, her expression slightly probing. "Nakasone-san, thank you for joining us tonight."

Hm? Her expression changed...

Her gaze shifted to me with a subtle curiosity. "You and Hina seem to have a good rapport."

"Yes, she's very approachable and easy to work with," I said, my tone aiming for nonchalance.

"Working together?" Sayo's eyebrows lifted slightly. "Hina has taken on a job?"

"Oh, Sorry for not mentioning it earlier. I've taken up a temporary role as the producer for Pastel*Palletes."

"I-I see..."

The air felt a bit tense, as if there was more Sayo wanted to say.

"You know," she continued, her eyes considering, "Hina tends to be quite spirited, but she seems comfortable around you."

"It's mostly our professional collaboration," I offered, hoping to steer away from any misconceptions.

"True, work can create unexpected bonds," Sayo nodded, her smile small yet thoughtful.

Hina appeared beside me, holding a spoon with a pudding. "Kyo! Want a bite?" She offered the spoonful with a playful grin.

"Um, I can handle it myself," I replied, trying to reach for the spoon, but Hina quickly pulled back.

"Nope! Let me help you!"

"Why though? I can eat on my own just fine."

"Ehh? But it's more fun this way! You look cute, like a little baby," Hina teased with a playful pout.

"Like a baby..." I felt my cheeks flush. Trying to mask my discomfort, I insisted, "I really don't need to be fed like that."

Hina seemed genuinely puzzled by my reaction. "What's the matter?"

"I don't need to be treated like a child," I muttered, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"But it's so much fun!" Hina persisted, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

Reluctantly, I gave in, feeling a bit flustered. "Alright, just this once."

Hina, with a playful grin, attempted to pretend the spoon was an airplane. "Say ahh~"

My embarrassment soared as I stammered, "U-uhm, no, seriously!?"

Just then, Sayo stood up, taking a spoonful of pudding. "Ahh~" She smiled, directing it at me.


"Okay, enough, you two," I interjected, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

I found myself sitting alone in the living room, fiddling with my phone after the two sisters had persistently, yet gently, fed me the pudding until it was all gone. They eventually excused themselves and headed to their room, leaving me to my thoughts and my phone.


 I'm full... I should go back to the production room.

I rise from the sofa and quietly exit the house, ensuring the door is securely closed. "It's time to head back," I mumble to myself."

As I walked back to the agency, my attention was drawn to the familiar sounds coming from the arcade nearby. Through the glass window, I spotted Maya fully immersed in playing the Taiko drums. Her rhythmic drumming echoed in the arcade, capturing the attention of passersby.

A soft chuckle escaped me as I observed her enthusiastic performance. Maya was always passionate about music, and it showed in moments like these. I decided to step inside, quietly making my way closer.

"Maya-san looks like you're having fun," I said, causing her to startle a bit before turning towards me.

"Kyo! Just warming up, want to join in?" she asked, offering me the drumsticks with a bright grin.

"Sure thing!" I took the taiko drumsticks from Maya's hand. "Which level are we diving into?"

Maya scrolled through the beat maps and selected one. "This one," she said, hitting the play button.

"Oh, this seems a bit speedy," I remarked as the rhythm began.

"Hehe, I've been practicing," Maya replied with a playful smile.

Maya and I continued playing the taiko drums for a while, taking turns and challenging each other with different beatmaps. The rhythmic sounds filled the arcade, creating a lively atmosphere. Maya's enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself getting more into the groove.

After our intense drumming session, Maya suggested, "How about a break? There's a cool café nearby. We can grab a drink and chat."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed, following her out of the arcade.

The transition from the energetic sounds of the drums to the calm ambiance of the café was refreshing.

We settled into a cozy corner, sipping our drinks. Maya's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she asked, "So, Kyo, what made you decide to become a producer for Pastel*Palettes?"

As I leaned back, mulling over her question, I started, "Well, honestly, the primary reason was money. I realized I've been working non-stop on CirCLE, yet somehow I didn't feel like saving. This opportunity, working with such talented individuals like you all, felt like a good way to put my skills to use and, well, earn."

Except he knows where all his money goes to... 

Maya nodded thoughtfully. "That's understandable. It must be exciting to have a hand in shaping the group's musical direction."

I chuckled, "It is, indeed. But what about you, Maya? What drew you to drumming?"

"I was inspired."

I leaned in, intrigued. "Inspired? That's quite intriguing. I'd love to know who inspired you."

Maya chuckled softly, scratching her head. "It's a long story, but Kana-chan was a huge part of it."

"Kana-chan, huh? That's interesting. I'd like to hear about her sometime." A playful smile crept onto my face as I teased her, "By the way, what brings you to the arcade at this time of night?"

Maya's eyes darted away for a moment before she chuckled nervously, "Ah, just, you know, having some fun, hehe."

I chuckled lightly, shaking my head. "Fair enough."

Maya chuckled, her eyes bright with curiosity. "What about you? Why are you out and about at this hour? I thought you were hitting the books with Hina-chan."

"Ah, well, we were studying, but then Hina had to rush home. So, here I am," I said with a slight shrug.

"Oh, dragged into a late-night food adventure, huh?" Maya grinned.

"Yeah, exactly that! Wait no?!"

Maya leaned in with a curious expression. "By the way, Nakasone-san, what do you thi-" Her phone interrupted, and she glanced at the screen. "Excuse me." Checking the notification, she sighed, "Oh... I have to go home."

"Already?" I asked, a bit surprised.

"Hahaha~ It is indeed unfortunate," Maya said, standing up.

"By the way, you didn't finish your sentence."

"Oh? Really?" She tapped her chin, looking thoughtful. "I wonder what I was about to say... Oh well, it's fine. I'm heading home now!" With that, Maya left before I could get a complete answer. A waitress approached our table.

"Sir, are you going to pay for hers too?"

My eyes widened. She didn't pay?

Sighing, I took out my wallet. "Yes..."

The waitress grinned. "My, what a reliable boyfriend."

"Ma'am, please don't create misunderstandings..." I muttered as I paid for both of our drinks. After settling the bill, I left the cafe, making my way back to the production room. This night turned out to be one of the most tiring, and my social battery was almost empty.

A good rest was well-deserved.

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